Package pointer-address.plt contributed by synx 
To load: (require (planet synx/pointer-address:1:1))
Old style:(require (planet "" ("synx" "pointer-address.plt" 1 1)))
Package description:
The address of a C pointer
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Total downloads: 66
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 Current version
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 1)
To load: (require (planet synx/pointer-address:1:1))
Available in repositories: 4.x, 3xx

The address of a C pointer

This module exposes the address of a C pointer as an integer. plt does not normally do this for some reason, so a C extension was necessary. You can use this integer to hash pointers perhaps, such that no two pointers with the same address will have that hash. Or you could display the pointer's address to debug whether or not you are freeing the right one. It's useful for uniquely and completely differentiating C pointers, even if the _cpointer structures that contain them are not eq?. Incidentally if two addresses are equal, then ptr-equal? should always return #t.

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 Old versions
PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 0)
To load: (require (planet "" ("synx" "pointer-address.plt" 1 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 4.x, 3xx

The address of a C pointer

This module exposes the address of a C pointer as an integer. plt does not normally do this for some reason, so a C extension was necessary. You can use this integer to hash pointers perhaps, such that no two pointers with the same address will have that hash. Or you could display the pointer's address to debug whether or not you are freeing the right one. It's useful for uniquely and completely differentiating C pointers, even if the _cpointer structures that contain them are not eq?. Incidentally if two addresses are equal, then ptr-equal? should always return #t.