1 Introduction
This manual is only partially useful, because many functions are auto-generated by macros. The beginner user should find the instructions in the form of a slide presentation here, and also study the sample file slides-manual.scrbl, which is in the samples directory. This sample file can be used as a template for creating new presentations.
As a general rule, those functions whose name starts with bystro-, are either for internal use or for use in the header. They are not meant to be used in slides by themselves, or at least not to be used frequently. (But this rule is not very strict.)
2 Functions for manipulating slides
(require (planet amkhlv/bystroTeX/slides)) |
(bystro-titlepage-init) → element?
(slide x [#:tag tg #:showtitle sttl] #:rest xs) → part?
x : content? tg : (or/c symbol? string? #f) = #f sttl : boolean? = #f xs : (listof pre-flow?)
(after-pause [#:tag tg] #:rest xs) → part?
tg : (or/c symbol? string? #f) = #f xs : (listof pre-flow?)
(remove-slide) → void?
(bystro-command-to-typeset-formula comm tex n fn) → string? comm : path-string? tex : string? n : number? fn : string?
(bystro-formula #:database x #:formulas-in-dir y [ #:shell-command z] #:size n #:align m #:use-depth ud #:aa-adjust aa-adj #:rest tex) → element? x : db? y : string? z : path? = #f n : natural-number/c m : (or/c (integer-in (- 99) 99) #f) ud : boolean? aa-adj : (integer-in (- 99) 99) tex : (listof string?)
(bystro-equation tex #:size n [#:label l]) → nested-flow?
tex : (listof string?) n : natural-number/c l : (or/c string? #f) = #f
(bystro-toc) → delayed-block?
3 Miscellaneous functions
(require (planet amkhlv/bystroTeX/common)) |
@span[attn]{remember to pay the phone bill!}.
.attn { |
color: red; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
<div class="someword">content</div>
The difference is that div can extend over several paragraphs.
@tg[ol]{ |
@tg[li]{The union of open sets is an open set.} |
@tg[li]{The finite intersection of open sets is an open set.} |
@tg[li]{@f{X} and the empty set @f{\emptyset} are open sets.} |
} |
(tbl rows #:orient dirn) → table?
rows : bystro-rectangular-table? dirn : (or/c 'hor 'vert #f)
(verb x #:indent i #:rest xs) → block?
x : string? i : exact-nonnegative-integer? xs : (listof string?)
(clr colorname #:rest xs) → element?
colorname : string? xs : (listof pre-content?)
(longtbl bss #:styless stylepropsss #:width w) → nested-flow? bss : (listof (listof block?)) stylepropsss : (listof (listof (listof (or/c 'left 'right 'center 'top 'baseline 'bottom 'vcenter)))) w : (integer-in 1 100)
(boldred #:rest x) → element?
x : (listof pre-content?)
(bystro-js x) → traverse-element?
x : string?
(bystro-js-url url) → traverse-element?
url : string?
(bystro-elemstyle x #:rest otherprops) → style?
x : (or/c #f string?) otherprops : (listof any/c)
(element (bystro-elemstyle "vertical-align:middle") (image "flowers-on-the-wall.png"))
The otherprops are as described in the manual of element
(bystro-list-scrbls p [ #:exclude-same-name x]) → (listof path?) p : path? x : boolean? = #t
(bystro-list-scrbls-in-dir p [ #:background-color clr]) → element? p : path? clr : (listof integer?) = '(251 206 177)
(bystro-www-ribbon) → table?
4 Legal
Copyright 2012,2013 Andrei Mikhailov
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.