#lang setup/infotab (define name "bzlib/file: Utilities for managing files and paths") (define blurb '((p "bzlib/file provides utilities for manipulating files and paths, with focus on atomic file manipulations, " "simpler path manipulations, and simpler system call semantics."))) (define release-notes '((p "0.3 (1 2) - added temp file manipulation, refactored atomic.ss, and other bug fixes") (p "0.2 (1 1) - fix the flush-output bug that returns void - now returns 0 instead") (p "0.1 (1 0) - first release"))) (define categories '(devtools net misc)) (define homepage "http://weblambda.blogspot.com") (define required-core-version "4.0") (define version "0.3") (define repositories '("4.x")) (define primary-file "main.ss")