Implement some of the boolean & conditional forms.  
if and cond are currently in (file "acl2-prims-scheme.scm").
(module conditionals mzscheme
  (require (file "constants.scm")
           (file "nil-macros.scm"))
  (provide (rename acl2-and and)
           (rename acl2-or or)
           (rename acl2-if if)
           (rename acl2-cond cond)
           (rename acl2-case case)
  (define (false->nil x)
    (if x
  (define-syntax (acl2-and stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_) #'T]
      [(_ expr) #'(false->nil expr)]
      [(_ expr exprs ...)
       #'(let ([temp expr])
           (acl2-if temp
                    (acl2-and exprs ...)
  (define-syntax (acl2-or stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_) #'nil]
      [(_ expr) #'(false->nil expr)]
      [(_ expr exprs ...)
       #'(let ([temp expr])
           (acl2-if temp
                    (acl2-or exprs ...)))]))
  (define (void->nil x)
    (if (void? x) nil x))
  (define-for-syntax (literal-identifier=? i j)
    (and (identifier? i) (identifier? j)
         (eq? (syntax-e i) (syntax-e j))))
  ;; ACL2 allows a question to be a datum or a list of data, but
  ;; Scheme only allows the latter.
  (define-for-syntax (xform-question q)
    (syntax-case* q (t otherwise) literal-identifier=?
      [(x ...) q]
      [t (datum->syntax-object (quote-syntax here) 'else)]
      [otherwise (datum->syntax-object (quote-syntax here) 'else)]
      [x #`(#,q)]))

  (define-for-syntax (transform-clause cl)
    (syntax-case cl (t)
      [(t body) #'(#t body)]
      [(q a) #'((not-nil q) a)]))
  (define-syntax (acl2-cond stx)
    (syntax-case stx (acl2:not t)
      [(_ [(acl2:not x) body] others ...)
       #'(acl2-if x (acl2-cond others ...) body)]
      [(_) #'nil]
      [(_ (question answer) others ...)
       #'(acl2-if question
                  (acl2-cond others ...))]))
  (define-syntax (acl2-if stx)
    (syntax-case stx (acl2:not)
      [(_ (acl2:not x) y z) #'(acl2-if x z y)]
      [(_ test conseq)
        "missing an alternative expression:  if requires a test, a consequent, and an alternative."
      [(_ test conseq alt)
       #'(if (nil? test) alt conseq)]))
  (define-syntax (acl2-case stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ expr (question answer) ...)
       (with-syntax ([(new-question ...) 
                      (map xform-question (syntax->list #'(question ...)))])
         #'(void->nil (case expr
                        (new-question answer) ...)))]))