(module acl2-proof-window mzscheme
(require (lib "tool.ss" "drscheme")
(lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(lib "framework.ss" "framework")
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "unit.ss"))
(require (file "proof-tree-editor.scm"))
(provide acl2-proof-window%)
(define *size-pref-key* 'acl2-proof-window-size)
(frame:setup-size-pref *size-pref-key* 600 500)
(define acl2-proof-window%
(class* (frame:size-pref-mixin frame:searchable%) ()
(inherit get-editor)
(init-field notify-controller-of-close)
(field [proof-tree-canvas #f])
(field [previous-checkpoint #f])
(field [next-checkpoint #f])
(define/public (get-write-port)
(send (get-editor) get-out-port))
(define/public (shutdown-console)
(parameterize ([current-output-port (get-write-port)])
(display ">>> This ACL2 session has been shut down. <<<")
(define/public (set-proof-tree str)
(send prooftree-editor set-proof-tree str))
(define/override (make-root-area-container % parent)
(let* ([vp (new vertical-pane% [parent parent] [stretchable-height #f])]
[acl2-button-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent vp]
[stretchable-height #f]
[stretchable-width #f]
[alignment '(center center)])]
[vp2 (new panel:vertical-dragable%
[parent parent]
[stretchable-height #f])]
[canvas (new canvas:basic% [parent vp2]
[editor #f])])
(set! proof-tree-canvas canvas)
(new button% (label "Interrupt ACL2") (parent acl2-button-panel)
(callback (lambda (b e) (send (get-acl2-controller)
(new button% (label "Kill ACL2") (parent acl2-button-panel)
(callback (lambda (b e) (kill-thunk))))
(set! previous-checkpoint
(new button%
[label "< Previous Checkpoint"]
[parent acl2-button-panel]
(lambda (b e) (void)
(send prooftree-editor
(send previous-checkpoint enable #f)
(set! next-checkpoint
(new button%
[label "Next Checkpoint >"]
[parent acl2-button-panel]
(lambda (b e) (void)
(send prooftree-editor
(send previous-checkpoint enable #f)
(super make-root-area-container % vp2)))
(define/public (clear-console)
(send (get-editor) clear))
(define/override (get-editor%)
(class* (text:ports-mixin
(define/augment (can-load-file?) #f)
(define/override (allow-close-with-no-filename?) #t)
(define/augment (can-close?) #f)
(define/augment (on-close)
(define/override (help-menu:about-string)
"About Master ACL2")
(define/override (help-menu:about-callback item evt)
(message-box "About Master ACL2"
"Master ACL2 is a language level for DrScheme and an interface to ACL2."))
(super-new [size-preferences-key *size-pref-key*]
(filename (build-path (find-system-path 'temp-dir)
(number->string (current-seconds))
(field [prooftree-editor (new proof-tree-editor%
[console-editor (get-editor)]
[previous-button previous-checkpoint]
[next-button next-checkpoint])])
(send proof-tree-canvas set-editor prooftree-editor)
(send prooftree-editor insert "(This is the proof-tree window.)")
(send (get-editor) lock #t) (send (get-editor) hide-caret #t)