Major Section: ACL2-TUTORIAL
Beginning users may find these examples at least as useful as the extensive documentation on particular topics. We suggest that you read these in the following order:
Tutorial1-Towers-of-Hanoi Tutorial2-Eights-Problem Tutorial3-Phonebook-Example Tutorial4-Defun-Sk-Example Tutorial5-Miscellaneous-ExamplesYou may also wish to visit the other introductory sections, startup and tidbits. These contain further information related to the use of ACL2.
Next, define the notion of a ``leaf'' of a tree, i.e., a predicateACL2 !>(fringe '((a . b) c . d)) (A B C D)
that is true of an atom if and only if that atom appears
at the tip of the tree. Define this notion without referencing the
function fringe
. Finally, prove the following theorem, whose
proof may well be automatic (i.e., not require any lemmas).
For a solution, see solution-to-simple-example.(defthm leaf-p-iff-member-fringe (iff (leaf-p atm x) (member-equal atm (fringe x))))