(module checks mzscheme
(require "syntax-errors.scm"
(lib "etc.ss")
(lib "list.ss")
(lib "function.ss" "scheme"))
(provide check-identifiers!
(define (check-identifiers! ids)
(for-each check-identifier! (syntax->list ids)))
(define (check-identifier! id)
(unless (identifier? id)
(syntax-error id "expected an identifier")))
(define (check-unique-identifiers! ids)
(let* ([dup (check-duplicate-identifier (syntax->list ids))])
(when dup (syntax-error dup "duplicate name"))))
(define (check-same-identifiers! ones twos)
(for-each check-same-identifier!
(syntax->list ones)
(syntax->list twos)))
(define (check-same-identifier! one two)
(unless (eq? (syntax-e one) (syntax-e two))
(syntax-error two "expected same name as ~s" (syntax-e one))))
(define (check-interface-identifiers! ids)
(for-each check-interface-identifier! (syntax->list ids)))
(define (check-interface-identifier! id)
(unless (ifc-meta? (read-syntax-indirection id))
(syntax-error id "expected an interface name")))
(define (check-assigned-identifiers! tags ifcs externals)
(for-each check-assigned-interface!
(syntax->list ifcs)
(syntax->list externals)))
(define (check-assigned-interface! ifc externals)
(let* ([imeta (read-syntax-indirection ifc)]
[actuals (syntax->list externals)]
[formals (ifc-funs imeta)])
(for-each check-same-identifier! formals actuals)))
(define (check-module-identifiers! ids)
(for-each check-module-identifier! (syntax->list ids)))
(define (check-module-identifier! id)
(unless (mod-meta? (read-syntax-indirection id))
(syntax-error id "expected a module name")))
(define (check-identifier-subset! subs supers)
(let* ([super-ids (syntax->list supers)]
[alist (map (lambda (id) (cons id #t)) super-ids)]
[set (alist->idmap alist)])
(lambda (id)
(unless (idmap-member? set id)
(syntax-error id "definition not found")))
(syntax->list subs))))
(define (check-linked-interfaces! itags ifaces
mods args ltags
etags efaces)
(let* ([ifcs (map read-syntax-indirection (syntax->list ifaces))]
[efcs (map read-syntax-indirection (syntax->list efaces))]
[tags (alist->idmap (map cons (syntax->list itags) ifcs))])
(for-each (curry check-linked-module! tags)
(syntax->list mods)
(syntax->list args)
(syntax->list ltags))
(for-each (curry check-linked-interface! tags)
(syntax->list etags) efcs)))
(define (check-linked-module! tags mod args ltags)
(let* ([meta (read-syntax-indirection mod)]
[ifaces (map (curry mod-ifc meta) (mod-imports meta))]
[efaces (map (curry mod-ifc meta) (mod-exports meta))])
(for-each (curry check-linked-interface! tags) (syntax->list args) ifaces)
(for-each (curry idmap-put-unique! tags) (syntax->list ltags) efaces)))
(define (check-linked-interface! tags id ifc)
(let* ([src (idmap-get tags id (lambda () (tag-not-found! id)))])
(unless (eq? src ifc)
(syntax-error id "interface ~s does not match ~s"
(syntax-e (ifc-name ifc)) (syntax-e (ifc-name src))))))
(define (tag-not-found! id)
(syntax-error id "cannot find interface with tag ~s" (syntax-e id)))
(define (check-sharing! tags ids clauses)
(let* ([tags (syntax->list tags)]
[ids (syntax->list ids)]
[ifcs (map read-syntax-indirection ids)]
[clauses (syntax->list clauses)]
[shared (map syntax->list clauses)]
[idset (empty-idset)])
(for-each (curry add-tagged-names! idset) tags ifcs)
(for-each (curry check-shared-name! idset) (apply append shared))))
(define (add-tagged-names! idset tag ifc)
(for-each (curry add-tagged-name! idset tag) (ifc-funs ifc)))
(define (add-tagged-name! idset tag id)
(idset-add-unique! idset (tag-id tag id)))
(define (check-shared-name! idset id) (void))
(define (check-primitive-sharing! meta defs tags externals internals)
(let* ([import-sharing (mod-import-sharing meta)]
[export-sharing (mod-export-sharing meta)]
(map (lambda (tag ids) (map (curry tag-id tag) ids))
tags externals)]
(map list (apply append tagged-externals) (apply append internals))]
(sharing-add-clauses assign-clauses #f import-sharing)])
(unless (sharing-subset? export-sharing total-sharing)
(syntax-error (mod-original meta)
"export sharing on module ~s unsatifsied"
(syntax-e (mod-name meta))))))
(define (check-compound-sharing! meta mods args tags)
(let* ([initial (mod-import-sharing meta)]
[cumulative (foldl (curry check-link-sharing! meta)
initial mods args tags)]
[goal (mod-export-sharing meta)])
(unless (sharing-subset? goal cumulative)
(syntax-error (mod-original meta)
"export sharing on module ~s unsatisfied"
(syntax-e (mod-name meta))))))
(define (check-link-sharing! main mod args tags sharing)
(let* ([meta (read-syntax-indirection mod)]
[imports (mod-imports meta)]
[exports (mod-exports meta)]
[itag-alist (map cons imports args)]
[etag-alist (map cons exports tags)]
[before (mod-import-sharing meta)]
[after (mod-export-sharing meta)]
[before/tag (sharing-retag itag-alist before)]
[after/tag (sharing-retag (append itag-alist etag-alist) after)])
(unless (sharing-subset? before/tag sharing)
(syntax-error mod
"link sharing in tags ~s of module ~s unsatisfied"
(map syntax-e tags)
(syntax-e (mod-name main))))
(sharing-union sharing after/tag)))