print the command block described by a command descriptor
Major Section:  HISTORY

:pcb :max ; print the most recent command block
:pcb :x   ; print the most recent command block
:pcb fn   ; print the command block that introduced fn
:pcb 5    ; print the fifth command block
See command-descriptor.

Pcb takes one argument, a command descriptor, and prints the command block of the command described. See command-descriptor for details of command descriptors. See pc for description of the format in which commands are displayed. The command block of a command consists of the command itself and all of the events it created. If the command created a single event and that event is in fact the command (i.e., if the command typed was just an event such as a defun or defthm rather than a macro that expanded to some event forms), then pcb just prints the command. Pcb sketches command and all of the events it created, rather than printing them fully. If you wish to see just the command, in its entirety, use pc. If you wish to see one of the events within the block, in its entirety, use pe. If you wish to see the command sketched and all of the events it created, in their entirety, use pcb!.