#lang racket/base (require "../private/planet.rkt" (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse (cce syntax) "static-rep.rkt" "syntax-meta.rkt" "list-set.rkt") "dynamic-rep.rkt" "keywords.rkt") (provide link-macro) (define-for-syntax (restrict-module/static name stx mod imp-ids exp-ids) (make-module/static name (module/static-dynamic mod) stx (append (for/list ([imp-id (in-list imp-ids)]) (make-import/static imp-id (syntax->meta #:message "not an interface" imp-id) null null)) (for/list ([exp-id (in-list exp-ids)]) (make-export/static exp-id (syntax->meta #:message "not an interface" exp-id) null null))))) (define-syntax (restrict stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_ name full (import i ...) (export e ...)) #'(define-syntax name (make-syntax-meta (restrict-module/static #'name #'original (syntax->meta #:message "not a module" #'full) (list #'i ...) (list #'e ...)) (expand-keyword "cannot be used as an expression")))])) (define-for-syntax (expand-link stx) (parameterize ([current-syntax stx]) (syntax-parse stx #:literals (import export) [(form name (import i ...) (export e ...) (mod ...)) (with-syntax ([original stx]) #'(begin (form full (mod ...)) (restrict name full (import i ...) (export e ...))))] [(_ name ()) (syntax-error stx "must link at least one module")] [(_ name (mod)) (syntax/loc stx (define-syntax name (syntax-local-value #'mod)))] [(form name (one two . mods)) (with-syntax ([original stx]) (syntax/loc stx (begin (define-syntaxes (one-two one/impl two/impl) (let* ([one/static (syntax->meta #:message "not a module" #'one)] [one/dynamic (module/static-dynamic one/static)] [one/imports (module/static-imports one/static)] [one/exports (module/static-exports one/static)] [two/static (syntax->meta #:message "not a module" #'two)] [two/dynamic (module/static-dynamic two/static)] [two/imports (module/static-imports two/static)] [two/exports (module/static-exports two/static)] [one-two/exports (list-union #:compare port/static-external=? one/exports two/exports)] [one-two/imports (list-union #:compare port/static-external=? one/imports (list-minus #:compare port/static-external=? two/imports one/exports))]) (values (make-syntax-meta (make-module/static #'one-two #'dynamic #'original (append one-two/imports one-two/exports)) (expand-keyword "cannot be used as an expression")) (make-rename-transformer one/dynamic) (make-rename-transformer two/dynamic)))) (define dynamic (make-module/dynamic (lambda (imp/dynamic) (let* ([one/func (module/dynamic-implementation one/impl)] [exp-one/dynamic (one/func imp/dynamic)] [imp-two/dynamic (interface/dynamic-join imp/dynamic exp-one/dynamic)] [two/func (module/dynamic-implementation two/impl)] [exp-two/dynamic (two/func imp-two/dynamic)] [exp/dynamic (interface/dynamic-join imp-two/dynamic exp-two/dynamic)]) exp/dynamic)))) (form name (one-two . mods)))))] [_ (syntax-error stx "expected a name followed by a parenthesized list of one or more module names")]))) (define-syntax link-macro expand-link)