#lang planet chongkai/sml
(* Auxiliary functions for test cases *)
infix 1 seq
fun e1 seq e2 = e2fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG"fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") handle _ => "EXN"
fun range (from, to) p =
let open Int
(from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p)
fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds
fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n")fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b)fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f)
fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds
(* test/bytechar.sml -- test cases for Byte and Char, suitable for ASCII
PS 1994-12-10, 1995-05-11, 1995-11-10, 1996-09-30 *)
(*KILL 05/11/1997 10:55. tho.:
use "auxil.sml"*)
val _ = print "\nFile bytechar.sml: Testing structures Byte and Char...\n"
val test1 = tstrange "test1" (0,255) (fn i =>
(Word8.toInt o Byte.charToByte o Byte.byteToChar o Word8.fromInt) i = i)
val test2 = tstrange "test2" (0,Char.maxOrd) (fn i =>
(Word8.toInt o Byte.charToByte o Char.chr) i = i)
val test3 = tstrange "test3" (0,255)
(fn i => (Char.ord o Byte.byteToChar o Word8.fromInt) i = i)
val test4 = tstrange "test4" (0, Char.maxOrd)
(fn i => (Char.ord o Char.chr) i = i)
val test5 = tst0 "test5" ((Char.chr ~1 seq "WRONG") handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
val test6 = tst0 "test6" ((Char.chr (Char.maxOrd+1) seq "WRONG")
handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
val test7 = tst "test7" ("" = Byte.bytesToString (Word8Vector.fromList []))val test7a = tst "test7a" (ord (CharVector.sub("\230",0)) = 230)val test7b = tst "test7b" (ord (CharVector.sub("\255",0)) = 255)
val test8 =
tst "test8" ("ABDC" =
(Byte.bytesToString o Word8Vector.fromList o map Word8.fromInt)
[65, 66, 68, 67])
val test18 = tst "test18" (not (Char.contains "" (Char.chr 65))
andalso not (Char.contains "aBCDE" (Char.chr 65))
andalso (Char.contains "ABCD" (Char.chr 67))
andalso not (Char.contains "" #"\000")
andalso not (Char.contains "" #"\255")
andalso not (Char.contains "azAZ09" #"\000")
andalso not (Char.contains "azAZ09" #"\255"))
val test19 = tst "test19" (Char.notContains "" (Char.chr 65)
andalso Char.notContains "aBCDE" (Char.chr 65)
andalso not (Char.notContains "ABCD" (Char.chr 67))
andalso Char.notContains "" #"\000"
andalso Char.notContains "" #"\255"
andalso Char.notContains "azAZ09" #"\000"
andalso Char.notContains "azAZ09" #"\255")
val test20 = tst "test20" (Char.ord Char.maxChar = Char.maxOrd)
fun mycontains s c =
let val stop = String.size s
fun h i = i < stop andalso (c = String.sub(s, i) orelse h(i+1))
in h 0 end
(* Check that p(c) = (mycontains s c) for all characters: *)
fun equivalent p s =
let fun h n =
if n > 255 then true
else let val chr_n = chr n
val b1 = p (chr_n)
val b2 = mycontains s (chr_n)
val b = b1 = b2
val _ = if not(b) then print ("** Error with n=" ^ Int.toString n ^ ", size(s)=" ^
Int.toString(String.size s) ^ ", chr(n)='" ^
Char.toString chr_n ^ "', b1=" ^ Bool.toString b1 ^
", b2=" ^ Bool.toString b2 ^ "\n") else ()
val b_rest = h(n+1)
in b andalso b_rest
in h 0 end
fun checkset p s = tst' "checkset" (fn _ => equivalent p s)
val graphchars = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\
val ascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
\ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
val lowerascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
\ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
val upperascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
\ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
val allchars =
let fun h 0 res = chr 0 :: res
| h n res = h (n-1) (chr n :: res)
in h 255 [] end
open Char
val test21 =
checkset isLower "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"val test22 =
checkset isUpper "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"val test23 =
checkset isDigit "0123456789"val test24 =
checkset isAlpha "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"val test25 =
checkset isHexDigit "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"val test26 =
checkset isAlphaNum
"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"val test27 =
checkset isPrint (" " ^ graphchars)
val test28 =
checkset isSpace " \009\010\011\012\013"val test29 =
checkset isGraph graphchars
val test30 =
checkset isAscii ascii
val test31 =
tst' "test31" (fn _ => map toLower (explode ascii) = explode lowerascii)
val test32 =
tst' "test32" (fn _ => map toUpper (explode ascii) = explode upperascii)
val test33 =
tst' "test33" (fn _ =>
map toUpper (explode graphchars)
seq map toLower (explode graphchars)
seq true)
val test34a =
tst' "test34a" (fn _ =>
map pred (List.drop(allchars, 1)) = List.take(allchars, 255))val test34b = tst0 "test34b" ((pred minChar seq "WRONG")
handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
val test35a =
tst' "test35a" (fn _ =>
map succ (List.take(allchars, 255)) = List.drop(allchars, 1))val test35b = tst0 "test35b" ((succ maxChar seq "WRONG")
handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
(* Test cases for SML character escape functions. *)
val test36 =
let fun chk (arg, res) = Char.toString arg = res
in tst' "test36" (fn _ => List.all chk
[(#"\000", "\\^@"),
(#"\001", "\\^A"),
(#"\006", "\\^F"),
(#"\007", "\\a"),
(#"\008", "\\b"),
(#"\009", "\\t"),
(#"\010", "\\n"),
(#"\011", "\\v"),
(#"\012", "\\f"),
(#"\013", "\\r"),
(#"\014", "\\^N"),
(#"\031", "\\^_"),
(#"\032", " "),
(#"\126", "~"),
(#"\\", "\\\\"),
(#"\"", "\\\""),
(#"A", "A"),
(#"\127", "\\127"),
(#"\128", "\\128"),
(#"\255", "\\255")])
val test37 =
let val chars = List.tabulate(256, chr)
fun chk c = Char.fromString(Char.toString c) = SOME c
in tst' "test37" (fn _ => List.all chk chars) end
val test38 =
let fun chkFromString (arg, res) = Char.fromString arg = SOME res
val argResList =
[("A", #"A"),
("z", #"z"),
("@", #"@"),
("~", #"~"),
("\\a", #"\007"),
("\\b", #"\008"),
("\\t", #"\009"),
("\\n", #"\010"),
("\\v", #"\011"),
("\\f", #"\012"),
("\\r", #"\013"),
("\\\\", #"\\"),
("\\\"", #"\""),
("\\^@", #"\000"),
("\\^A", #"\001"),
("\\^Z", #"\026"),
("\\^_", #"\031"),
("\\000", #"\000"),
("\\097", #"a"),
("\\255", #"\255"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\A", #"A"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\z", #"z"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\@", #"@"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\~", #"~"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\n", #"\n"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\t", #"\t"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\\", #"\\"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\"", #"\""),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^@", #"\000"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^A", #"\001"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^Z", #"\026"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^_", #"\031"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\000", #"\000"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\097", #"a"),
("\\ \t\n\n \\\\255", #"\255")]
tst' "test38" (fn _ => List.all chkFromString argResList)
val test39 =
tst' "test39" (fn _ => List.all (fn arg => Char.fromString arg = NONE)
"\\ a",
"\\ a\\B",
"\\ \\"])
(* Test cases for C string escape functions *)
val test40 =
let val chars = List.tabulate(256, chr)
in tst' "test40" (fn _ =>
List.map SOME chars
= List.map Char.fromCString (List.map Char.toCString chars))
val test41 =
let val argResList =
[(#"\010", "\\n"),
(#"\009", "\\t"),
(#"\011", "\\v"),
(#"\008", "\\b"),
(#"\013", "\\r"),
(#"\012", "\\f"),
(#"\007", "\\a"),
(#"\\", "\\\\"),
(#"?", "\\?"),
(#"'", "\\'"),
(#"\"", "\\\"")]
tst' "test41" (fn _ =>
List.all (fn (arg, res) => Char.toCString arg = res) argResList)
val test42 =
let fun checkFromCStringSucc (arg, res) =
str (valOf (Char.fromCString arg)) = res
val argResList =
[("\\n", "\010"),
("\\t", "\009"),
("\\v", "\011"),
("\\b", "\008"),
("\\r", "\013"),
("\\f", "\012"),
("\\a", "\007"),
("\\\\", "\\"),
("\\?", "?"),
("\\'", "'"),
("\\\"", "\""),
("\\1", "\001"),
("\\11", "\009"),
("\\111", "\073"),
("\\1007", "\064"),
("\\100A", "\064"),
("\\0", "\000"),
("\\377", "\255"),
("\\18", "\001"),
("\\178", "\015"),
("\\1C", "\001"),
("\\17C", "\015"),
("\\x0", "\000"),
("\\xff", "\255"),
("\\xFF", "\255"),
("\\x1", "\001"),
("\\x11", "\017"),
("\\xag", "\010"),
("\\xAAg", "\170"),
("\\x0000000a", "\010"),
("\\x0000000a2", "\162"),
("\\x0000000ag", "\010"),
("\\x0000000A", "\010"),
("\\x0000000A2", "\162"),
("\\x0000000Ag", "\010"),
tst' "test42" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringSucc argResList)
val test43 =
let fun checkFromCStringFail arg = Char.fromCString arg = NONE
tst' "test43" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringFail