#lang racket
(require "../s16vec-play.rkt"
(define channels 2)
(test-suite "s16vec-play"
(let ()
(define v (make-s16vector (* channels 22055)))
(for ([i (in-range 10000)])
(define sample (inexact->exact (round (* 32767 (* 0.2 (sin (* (/ 1 44100) pi 2 i 302)))))))
(s16vector-set! v (* i channels) sample)
(s16vector-set! v (add1 (* i channels)) sample))
(for ([i (in-range 10000 22055)])
(define sample (inexact->exact (round (* 32767 (* 0.2 (sin (* (/ 1 44100) pi 2 i 500)))))))
(s16vector-set! v (* i channels) sample)
(s16vector-set! v (add1 (* i channels)) sample))
(printf "1/2-second tone at 302/500 Hz\n")
(sleep 2)
(printf "start...\n")
(check-not-exn (lambda () (s16vec-play v 0 #f 44100)))
(sleep 0.5)
(printf "...stop.\n")
(sleep 1)
(printf "1/2-second tone at 302/500 Hz using explicit boundaries\n")
(sleep 2)
(printf "start...\n")
(check-not-exn (lambda () (s16vec-play v 0 22055 44100)))
(sleep 0.5)
(printf "...stop.\n")
(sleep 1)
(printf "1/4-second tone at 302/500 Hz using offsets\n")
(sleep 2)
(printf "start...\n")
(check-not-exn (lambda () (s16vec-play v 7500 20000 44100)))
(sleep 0.5)
(printf "...stop.\n")
(sleep 1)
(check-exn exn:fail?
(lambda ()
(s16vec-play v -3 20000 44100)))
(check-exn exn:fail?
(lambda ()
(s16vec-play v 0 40000 44100)))
(check-exn exn:fail?
(lambda ()
(s16vec-play v 10000 0 44100)))
(printf "10 near-simultaneous copies of the sound")
(sleep 2)
(printf "start...\n")
(for ([i (in-range 10)])
(check-not-exn (lambda () (s16vec-play v 0 #f 44100)))
(sleep 0.03))
(sleep 0.5)
(printf "...stop.\n")