#lang racket
(require ffi/vector)
[read-sound/s16vector (-> path-string? integer? (or/c integer? false?)
(list/c s16vector? integer?))]
[read-sound/formatting (-> path-string?
(list/c integer? integer?))])
(define (read-sound/s16vector p begin-frame end-frame)
(call-with-input-file* p
(lambda (port)
(parse-main-chunk port begin-frame end-frame))))
(define (read-sound/formatting p)
(call-with-input-file* p
(lambda (port)
(parse-main-chunk/info port))))
(define global-channels 2)
(define global-bitspersample 16)
(define global-bytespersample (* global-bitspersample 1/8))
(define global-samplemax (exact->inexact #x8000))
(struct chunk (id len body-offset))
(struct formatchunk (id len body-offset channels samplerate))
(define (parse-main-chunk/info port)
(match-define (list next-chunk-offset channels samplerate) (read-formatting-info port 0))
(match-define (list data-chunk-len data-offset) (scan-for-data-chunk port next-chunk-offset))
(define frames-in-file (/ data-chunk-len (* channels global-bitspersample 1/8)))
(list frames-in-file samplerate))
(define (parse-main-chunk port begin-frame end-frame)
(match-let* ([(list next-chunk-offset channels samplerate) (read-formatting-info port 0)]
[(list data-chunk-len data-offset) (scan-for-data-chunk port next-chunk-offset)])
(match-let ([(list data frames) (parse-data-chunk port data-chunk-len data-offset channels begin-frame end-frame)])
(list data samplerate))))
(define (read-formatting-info port offset)
(match-let* ([(struct chunk (main-id main-len main-offset)) (bytes->chunk port offset)]
[_1 (unless (equal? main-id #"RIFF")
(error 'read-wav "not a WAV file, didn't start with #\"RIFF\""))]
[format-bytes (bytes-from-posn port main-offset 4)]
[_2 (unless (equal? format-bytes #"WAVE")
(error 'read-wav "not a WAV file, didn't contain the format string #\"WAVE\""))]
[(struct formatchunk (dc1 format-len dc3 channels samplerate)) (parse-format-chunk port (+ main-offset 4))]
[format-chunk-len (+ 8 format-len)]
[next-chunk-offset (+ main-offset 4 format-chunk-len)])
(list next-chunk-offset channels samplerate)))
(define (scan-for-data-chunk port offset)
(let search-for-data-loop ([search-offset offset])
(match-let ([(struct chunk (id len chunk-offset)) (bytes->chunk port search-offset)])
(match id
[(or #"PAD " #"LIST") (search-for-data-loop (+ search-offset 4 4 len))]
[#"data" (list len chunk-offset)]
[other (fprintf (current-error-port) "ignoring unknown chunk with id ~s" other)
(search-for-data-loop (+ search-offset 4 4 len))]))))
(define (parse-format-chunk port offset)
(match-let* ([(struct chunk (id len format-offset)) (bytes->chunk port offset)])
(unless (equal? id #"fmt ")
(error 'parse-format-chunk "expected #\"fmt \" chunk here, got ~v" id))
(unless (>= len 16)
(error 'parse-format-chunk "format chunk was only ~v bytes long. I expected at least 16 bytes" len))
(match-let ([(list dc audioformat/b numchannels/b samplerate/b byterate/b blockalign/b bitspersample/b)
(regexp-match #rx#"^(..)(..)(....)(....)(..)(..)" (bytes-from-posn port format-offset 16))])
(let ([audioformat (integer-bytes->integer audioformat/b #f #f)]
[numchannels (integer-bytes->integer numchannels/b #f #f)]
[samplerate (integer-bytes->integer samplerate/b #f #f)]
[byterate (integer-bytes->integer byterate/b #f #f)]
[blockalign (integer-bytes->integer blockalign/b #f #f)]
[bitspersample (integer-bytes->integer bitspersample/b #f #f)])
(unless (= audioformat 1)
(error 'parse-format-chunk "audio format is ~v rather than 1, indicating a non-PCM file. I give up."
(unless (member numchannels '(1 2))
(error 'parse-format-chunk "this file contains ~v channels, rather than 1 or 2. I give up."
(unless (= bitspersample global-bitspersample)
(error 'parse-format-chunk "this file contains ~v-bit samples, rather than ~v. I give up."
bitspersample global-bitspersample))
(unless (= byterate (* samplerate numchannels bitspersample 1/8))
(error 'parse-format-chunk "byte rate ~v doesn't match expected ~v"
byterate (* samplerate numchannels bitspersample 1/8)))
(unless (= blockalign (* numchannels bitspersample 1/8))
(error 'parse-format-chunk "blockalign ~v doesn't match expected ~v"
blockalign (* numchannels bitspersample 1/8)))
(formatchunk #"fmt " len format-offset numchannels samplerate)))))
(define (parse-data-chunk port data-len data-offset channels begin-frame end-frame)
(match-let* ([frames-in-file (/ data-len (* channels global-bitspersample 1/8))]
[end-frame/real (or end-frame frames-in-file)])
(unless (integer? frames-in-file)
(error 'parse-data-chunk "data chunk contains a non-integer number of frames: ~s" frames-in-file))
(unless (<= 0 begin-frame frames-in-file)
(error 'parse-data-chunk "requested begin frame ~v is not between 0 and ~v, the number of frames in the file"
begin-frame frames-in-file))
(unless (<= begin-frame end-frame/real)
(error 'parse-data-chunk "requested begin frame ~v is not before requested end frame ~v"
begin-frame end-frame/real))
(unless (<= end-frame/real frames-in-file)
(error 'parse-data-chunk "requested end frame ~v is larger than ~v, the number of frames in the file"
end-frame/real frames-in-file))
(let* ([frames-to-read (- end-frame/real begin-frame)]
[samples-to-read (* frames-to-read channels)]
[cblock (make-s16vector (* global-channels frames-to-read))]
[in-bytes (bytes-from-posn port
(+ data-offset (* global-bytespersample channels begin-frame))
(* global-bytespersample channels frames-to-read))])
(cond [(= channels 2)
(for ([j (in-range samples-to-read)]
[i (in-range 0 (* global-bytespersample samples-to-read) 2)])
(s16vector-set! cblock j (integer-bytes->integer (subbytes in-bytes i (+ i 2)) #t #f)))]
[(= channels 1)
(for ([j (in-range 0 (* 2 frames-to-read) 2)]
[i (in-range 0 (* global-bytespersample samples-to-read) 2)])
(let ([sample (integer-bytes->integer (subbytes in-bytes i (+ i 2)) #t #f)])
(s16vector-set! cblock j sample)
(s16vector-set! cblock (+ j 1) sample)))]
[else (error 'parse-data-chunk "internal error 201009271918")])
(list cblock frames-to-read))))
(define (bytes->chunk port offset)
(let* ([bytes-in (bytes-from-posn port offset 8)]
[id (subbytes bytes-in 0 4)]
[len (integer-bytes->integer (subbytes bytes-in 4 8) #f #f)])
(chunk id len (+ offset 8))))
(define (bytes-from-posn port offset len)
(file-position port offset)
(read-bytes len port))