(cerr nl "Verifying increment/decrement operators: inc, inc! etc..." nl)
((x 0))
(assert (= (inc x) 1))
(assert (= (dec x) -1))
(assert (begin (inc! x) (= x 1)))
(assert (begin (dec! x) (dec! x) (zero? (inc x))))
(cerr nl "Verifying begin0..." nl)
((x 0))
(assert (= x (begin0 x)))
(assert (= 0 (begin0 x 1)))
(assert (= 1 (begin x 1)))
(assert (= 0 (begin0 x (inc! x) x)))
(assert (= 2 (begin x (inc! x) x)))
(cerr nl "Verifying extended branching instructions..." nl)
((x 0))
(assert (= 2 (begin (when (zero? x) (inc! x)) (inc x))))
(assert (begin (when (zero? x) (inc! x)) (= x 1)))
(whennot (zero? x) (dec! x))
(assert (zero? x))
(assert (zero? (begin (whennot (positive? x) (dec! x)) (inc x))))
(assert (= -1 (begin (whennot (negative? x) (inc! x)) x)))
(cerr nl "Verifying assert..." nl)
((x 1))
(assert (eq? (positive? x) (assert (positive? x))))
(assert (eq? x (assert x report: x)))
(assert (eq? x (assert 0 x)))
(assert (failed? (assert (zero? x))))
(assert (failed? (assert (zero? x) report: "failure")))
(assert (failed? (assert (zero? x) report: "failure" x (+ x 1) "!")))
(assert (failed?
(let ((y 2))
(assert (let ((z x)) (positive? z)) (positive? y) (zero? x)
report: "failure" x (+ x 1)))))
(assert (failed?
(let ((y 2))
(assert (zero? x) (positive? (+ y x))))))
(assert (failed?
(let ((y 2))
(assert (let ((z x)) (positive? z)) (positive? y) (zero? x)
(positive? (+ y x))
(cerr nl "Verifying values and let*-values" nl)
(assert (= 5
(call-with-values (lambda () (values 4 5))
(lambda (a b) b))))
(assert (= 4
(call-with-values (lambda () (values 4))
(lambda (b) b))))
(assert (= 7
(call-with-values (lambda () (values))
(lambda () 7))))
(assert (= 140
(call-with-values (lambda () (values 4 5 7)) *)))
(assert (= -1
(call-with-values (lambda () (values (*))) -)))
(lambda () (let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2)) (+ a b))))
(assert (= 3
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2)) (+ a b))))
(lambda ()
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2) ((c d) (values 3 4))) (+ a b (* c d)))))
(assert (= 15
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2) ((c d) (values 3 4))) (+ a b (* c d)))))
(lambda ()
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2) ((c d e)
(values 1 2 3))) (+ a b (* c d e)))))
(assert (= 63
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((b) 2) ((c d e)
(values 3 4 5))) (+ a b (* c d e)))))
(lambda ()
(let*-values (((a) (values 1)) ((c d e) (values 3 4 5))
((b) d)) (+ a b (* c d e)))))
(assert (= 65
(let*-values (((a) 1) ((c d e) (values 3 4 5))
((b) d)) (+ a b (* c d e)))))
(let ((x 0))
(assert (= 5
(let*-values (((x) 5) ((y) x)) y))))
(let ((x 0))
(assert (= 0
(let*-values (((x y) (values 5 x))) y))))
(let ((result (let*-values (((a b . c) (values 1 2 3 4)))
(list a b c))))
(equal? result '(1 2 (3 4)))))
(let ((result (let*-values (((a . b) (values 1 2 3 4)))
(list a b))))
(equal? result '(1 (2 3 4)))))
(let ((result (let*-values ((a (values 1 2 3 4)))
(list a))))
(equal? result '((1 2 3 4)))))
(let ((result
(let ((a 'a) (b 'b) (x 'x) (y 'y))
(let*-values (((a b) (values x y))
((x y) (values a b)))
(list a b x y)))))
(assert (equal? result '(x y x y))))
((not gambit)
(let ((result
(let*-values ((a (values)) (b (values 1)) (c 2)
(d (values 3 4)))
(list a b c d))))
(assert (equal? result '(() (1) (2) (3 4)))))
(else #f))
(cerr nl "Verifying cond-expand: SRFI-0" nl)
(gambit (cout "Expanded in Gambit" nl))
(else #f))
(scm (cout "Expanded in SCM" nl))
(else #f))
(mit-scheme (cout "Expanded in MIT Scheme" nl))
(else #f))
(petite-chez (cout "Expanded in Petite Chez Scheme" nl))
(else #f))
(bigloo (cout "Expanded in Bigloo" nl))
(else #f))
(assert (cond-expand (xxx (/ 1 0)) (else #t)))
(assert (cond-expand ((not xxx) #t)))
(assert (cond-expand ((or xxx (not xxx)) #t)))
(assert (cond-expand ((and (not xxx) xxx) (/ 1 0)) (else #t)))
((or gambit scm mit-scheme bigloo petite-chez)
(assert (= 1
(cond-expand (gambit 1) (else 0))
(cond-expand (scm 1) (else 0))
(cond-expand (mit-scheme 1) (else 0))
(cond-expand (bigloo 1) (else 0))
(cond-expand (petite-chez 1) (else 0)))))
(gambit (assert (failed? (cond-expand ((not gambit) #t)))))
(else #t))
(assert (memv
(gambit 0 1)
(scm 0 2)
(bigloo 0 3)
(mit-scheme 0 4)
(petite-chez 0 5)
(else 0))
'(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert (memv
((and bigloo srfi-0) 0 3)
((and gambit srfi-0) 0 1)
((and scm srfi-0) 0 2)
((and mit-scheme srfi-0) 0 4)
((and petite-chez srfi-0) 0 5)
(else 0))
'(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert (memv
((or xxx gambit zzz) 0 1)
((or xxx scm zzz) 0 2)
((or xxx bigloo zzz) 0 3)
((or xxx mit-scheme zzz) 0 4)
((or xxx petite-chez zzz) 0 5)
(else 0))
'(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert (memv
((not gambit) 0 1)
((not scm) 0 2)
((not mit-scheme) 0 4)
((not bigloo) 0 3)
(else 0))
'(1 2)))
(assert (memv
((or (not gambit) (and gambit gambit)) 0 1)
((or (not scm) (and scm scm)) 0 2)
((or (not mit-scheme) (and mit-scheme mit-scheme)) 0 4)
((or (not petite-chez) (and petite-chez petite-chez)) 0 5)
((or (not bigloo) (and bigloo bigloo)) 0 3)
(else 0))
'(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert (cond-expand ((not (and gambit scm mit-scheme petite-chez)) #t)))
(gambit (positive? +inf.)) (scm (procedure? try-load)) (bigloo (<fx 1 2)) (mit-scheme (fix:+ 1 2)) (petite-chez (procedure? compile)) (else #f)))
((or gambit scm bigloo mit-scheme)
(char=? #\newline (string-ref "\n" 0)))
((or scm mit-scheme petite-chez) (eq? 'a 'A))
(else #f)))
(cerr nl "Cond-expand test skipped: platform is not known to the test"
(cerr nl "Verifying define-opt..." nl)
(let ()
(define-opt (foo x (optional (y 3) (z 5))) (+ x y z))
(assert (= (foo 1) 9))
(assert (= (foo 1 2) 8))
(assert (= (foo 1 2 3) 6))
(cond-expand ((not (or gambit bigloo))
(assert (failed? (foo 1 2 3 4)))) (else #f))
(let ((i 1)) (define-opt (cnt (optional (x i))) (set! x (max x i))
(set! i (+ 1 x))
(assert (= 1 (cnt)))
(assert (= 2 (cnt)))
(assert (= 5 (cnt 5)))
(assert (= 6 (cnt 4)))
(let () (define-opt (f (optional)) 1) (define-opt (g x (optional)) x)
(assert (equal? (f) 1))
(cond-expand ((not (or gambit bigloo))
(assert (failed? (f 1)))) (else #f))
(assert (equal? (g 2) 2))
(cond-expand ((not (or gambit bigloo))
(assert (failed? (g 1 2)))) (else #f))
(let () (define-opt (f . rest) rest)
(define-opt g 1)
(define-opt (h x . rest) (list x rest))
(assert (equal? (f) '()))
(assert (equal? (f 1) '(1)))
(assert (equal? (f 1 2) '(1 2)))
(assert (equal? g 1))
(assert (equal? (h 1) '(1 ())))
(assert (equal? (h 1 2) '(1 (2))))
(assert (equal? (h 1 2 3) '(1 (2 3))))
(let ()
(define-opt (f a (optional b)) (list a b))
(assert (equal? (f 1) '(1 #f)))
(assert (equal? (f 1 2) '(1 2)))
(cond-expand ((not (or gambit bigloo))
(assert (failed? (f 1 2 3)))) (else #f))
(let ()
(define-opt (g a (optional (b a) c (d (list a b c)))) (list a b c d))
(assert (equal? (g 3) '(3 3 #f (3 3 #f))))
(assert (equal? (g 3 4) '(3 4 #f (3 4 #f))))
(assert (equal? (g 3 4 5) '(3 4 5 (3 4 5))))
(assert (equal? (g 3 4 5 6) '(3 4 5 6)))
(cond-expand ((not (or gambit bigloo))
(assert (failed? (g 3 4 5 6 7)))) (else #f))
(cerr nl "Verifying cons*..." nl)
(let ()
(assert (equal? '(1 2 3 . 4) (cons* 1 2 3 4)))
(assert (equal? '(1 2 3 4) (cons* 1 2 3 '(4))))
(assert (equal? '(1 2 3 4) (cons* 1 2 '(3 4))))
(assert (equal? '(1 2 3 4) (cons* 1 '(2 3 4))))
(assert (equal? '(1 2 3 4) (cons* '(1 2 3 4))))
(assert (equal? 1 (cons* 1)))
(cerr nl "Verifying assoc-functions with a default clause..." nl)
((alist1 '((a 1) (b 2)))
(alist2 '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
(alist3 '((a (1)) (b 2 3) (c 3 . 4))))
(assert (= 1 (lookup-def 'a alist1)))
(assert (= 1 (lookup-def 'a alist2)))
(assert (equal? '(1) (lookup-def 'a alist3)))
(assert (= 2 (lookup-def 'b alist1 #f)))
(assert (= 2 (lookup-def 'b alist2 warn: (/ 1 0))))
(assert (equal? '(2 3) (lookup-def 'b alist3 warn: (/ 1 0))))
(assert (failed? (lookup-def 'c alist1))) (assert (not (lookup-def 'c alist1 #f)))
(assert (= 10 (lookup-def 'c alist1 warn: 10)))
(lookup-def 'c alist1 (lambda () (cerr "message: key not found" nl)))
(let* ((i 0)
(r (lookup-def
(begin (inc! i) 'c)
(begin (inc! i) alist3))))
(assert (= i 2) (equal? r '(3 . 4))))
(let* ((i 0)
(r (lookup-def
(begin (inc! i) 'd)
(begin (inc! i) alist3)
(assert (= i 2) (equal? r 'done)))
(cerr nl "Verifying list-intersperse and list-intersperse! ..." nl)
(let ((test-l '(4 5 "7" (9)))
(clone-list (lambda (lst) (append lst '()))))
(assert (equal? '() (list-intersperse '() 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4) (list-intersperse '(4) 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4 1 5) (list-intersperse '(4 5) 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4 #\, 5 #\, "7" #\, #\9)
(list-intersperse '(4 5 "7" #\9) #\,)))
(let ((test-clone (clone-list test-l)))
(assert (equal? '(4 () 5 () "7" () (9))
(list-intersperse test-clone '())))
(assert (equal? test-l test-clone)))
(assert (equal? '() (list-intersperse! '() 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4) (list-intersperse! '(4) 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4 1 5) (list-intersperse! (clone-list '(4 5)) 1)))
(assert (equal? '(4 #\, 5 #\, "7" #\, #\9)
(list-intersperse! (clone-list '(4 5 "7" #\9)) #\,)))
(let ((test-clone (clone-list test-l))
(test-result '(4 () 5 () "7" () (9))))
(assert (equal? test-result
(list-intersperse! test-clone '())))
(assert (not (equal? test-l test-clone)))
(assert (equal? test-clone test-result)))
(cerr nl "Verifying list-tail-diff ..." nl)
(let ((test-l '(4 5 "7" (9))))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l '()) test-l))
(assert (not (eq? (list-tail-diff test-l '()) test-l)))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l (append test-l '())) test-l))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l test-l) '()))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l (cdr test-l)) (list (car test-l))))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l (cddr test-l)) (list (car test-l) (cadr test-l))))
(assert (equal? (list-tail-diff test-l (cdddr test-l))
(list (car test-l) (cadr test-l) (caddr test-l))))
(let ((test-l-copy (append test-l '())))
(assert (equal? test-l-copy test-l))
(assert (not (eq? test-l-copy test-l)))
(set-car! (list-tail-diff test-l-copy (cdr test-l-copy)) "***")
(assert (equal? test-l-copy test-l))
(cerr nl "Verifying any? ..." nl)
(let ()
(define (test-driver pred? coll expected-result)
(let ((res (any? pred? coll)))
(if (not (eqv? res expected-result))
(error "computed result " res "differs from the expected one "
(define (eq-a? x) (if (char=? x #\a) x #f))
(define (gt1? x) (if (> x 1) x #f))
(cerr " finding an element in a list" nl)
(test-driver gt1? '(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
(test-driver gt1? '(1 1 1 1 1) #f)
(test-driver gt1? '(4 1 1 1 1) 4)
(test-driver gt1? '(4 5 6 1 9) 4)
(test-driver gt1? '(-4 -5 -6 1 9) 9)
(test-driver eq-a? '(#\b #\c #\a #\k) #\a)
(cerr " finding an element in a vector" nl)
(test-driver gt1? '#(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
(test-driver gt1? '#(1 1 1 1 1) #f)
(test-driver gt1? '#(4 1 1 1 1) 4)
(test-driver gt1? '#(4 5 6 1 9) 4)
(test-driver gt1? '#(-4 -5 -6 1 9) 9)
(test-driver eq-a? '#(#\b #\c #\a #\k) #\a)
(cerr nl "Verifying our environments..." nl)
(cerr nl nl "verifying environments")
(env.print "Initial environment")
(cerr "adding a few bindings..." nl)
(%%env.bind 'a 1)
(%%env.bind 'b-1 'c)
(%%env.bind 'cc "c c")
(%%env.bind 'dd '(1 3 5 (6) ()))
(cerr nl "The resulting environment. Now trying to get the stuff back..." nl)
(assert (= 1 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (not (%%env.find 'b)))
(assert (failed? (%%env.demand 'b)))
(assert (eq? 'c (%%env.demand 'b-1)))
(assert (string=? "c c" (%%env.demand 'cc)))
(assert (equal? '(1 3 5 (6) ()) (%%env.find 'dd)))
(let ((alist (env.->alist)))
(cerr "\nThe environment exported as an assoc-list\n")
(pp alist)
(assert (equal? alist '((dd 1 3 5 (6) ()) (cc . "c c") (b-1 . c) (a . 1))))
((mark (env.mark)) (capture #f))
(cerr "placing mark " mark nl)
(env.bind* '((a . 3) (b . #(1 2 1/4))))
(assert (= 3 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (equal? '#(1 2 1/4) (%%env.demand 'b)))
(env.print "after adding the mark")
(let ((another-mark (env.mark)))
(%%env.bind 'a 4)
(env.print "after adding another mark " another-mark)
(assert (= 4 (%%env.find 'a)))
(cerr "capturing the env" nl)
(set! capture (env.capture! another-mark "Captured Env"))
(assert (= 3 (%%env.demand 'a)))
(env.extend capture)
(env.print "after putting the captured env back")
(assert (= 4 (%%env.find 'a)))
(cerr "flushing through the mark " mark)
(env.flush! mark)
(assert (= 1 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (failed? (env.flush! mark)))
(assert (= -1
(env.with capture
(lambda ()
(env.print "temporarily extended env")
(assert (= 4 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (failed? (%%env.demand 'b)))
(assert (= 1 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (= -3
(env.with-exclusive capture
(lambda ()
(env.print "temporarily replaced env")
(assert (= 4 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (failed? (%%env.demand 'dd)))
(assert (= 1 (%%env.find 'a)))
(assert (equal? '(1 3 5 (6) ()) (%%env.find 'dd)))
(cerr nl "All tests passed" nl)