(module elaboration mzscheme
(require (lib "contract.ss")
(lib "match.ss")
(planet "helper.ss" ("robby" "redex.plt" 1 0))
(planet "environment.ss" ("cobbe" "environment.plt" 1 0))
(planet "inspector.ss" ("dherman" "inspector.plt" 1 0))
(provide/contract (elab-program (-> program? program?))
(struct (exn:cj:elab exn:fail:contract)
([message string?]
[continuation-marks continuation-mark-set?]
[obj any/c])))
(define-struct (exn:cj:elab exn:fail:contract) (obj)))
(define elab-program
(lambda (p)
(methods-once p)
(fields-once p)
(methods-ok p)
(let ([new-table (make-hash-table)])
(program-classes p)
(lambda (n c) (elab-class p new-table c)))
(let-values ([(new-main type)
(elab-expr p (make-empty-env) (program-main p))])
(make-program new-table new-main)))))
(define ensure-unique
(lambda (selector err-msg)
(lambda (p)
(program-classes p)
(lambda (_ c)
(unless (unique-names? (selector c))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab err-msg
(define methods-once
(ensure-unique (lambda (c) (map method-name (class-methods c)))
"duplicate method definition"))
(define fields-once
(ensure-unique (lambda (c) (map field-name (class-fields c)))
"duplicate field definition"))
(define methods-ok
(lambda (p)
(program-classes p)
(lambda (name class)
(when (class-superclass class)
(class-methods-ok class))))))
(define class-methods-ok
(lambda (class)
(let ([superclass (class-superclass class)])
(lambda (md)
(let ([md2 (find-method superclass (method-name md))])
(unless (or (not md2)
(and (equal? (method-type md) (method-type md2))
(equal? (method-arg-types md)
(method-arg-types md2))))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"method override doesn't preserve type"
(class-methods class)))))
(define elab-class
(lambda (p new-table c)
[(hash-table-get new-table (class-type-name (class-name c))
(lambda () #f)) =>
(lambda (x) x)]
(let ([new-superclass
(if (class-superclass c)
(elab-class p new-table (class-superclass c))
(andmap (type-exists? p) (map field-type (class-fields c)))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "bad field type"
(let ([result (make-class (class-name c)
(class-fields c)
(map (elab-method p c)
(class-methods c)))])
(hash-table-put! new-table (class-type-name (class-name c)) result)
(define elab-method
(lambda (p c)
(lambda (m)
(unless ((type-exists? p) (method-type m))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "method return type doesn't exist"
(list c m))))
(unless (andmap (type-exists? p) (method-arg-types m))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "method arg type doesn't exist"
(list c m))))
(let-values ([(new-body type)
(elab-expr p
(extend-env (make-empty-env)
(cons 'this (method-arg-names m))
(cons (class-name c)
(method-arg-types m)))
(method-body m))])
(unless (type<=? p type (method-type m))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "method return type incompatible w/ body"
(list c m))))
(make-method (method-type m)
(method-name m)
(method-arg-names m)
(method-arg-types m)
(define elab-expr
(lambda (p tenv e)
(match e
[($ new type) (elab-ctor p tenv type)]
[($ var-ref var)
(values e
(lookup tenv var
(lambda ()
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"unbound identifier"
[($ nil) (values e (make-any-type))]
[($ ref obj field) (elab-ref p tenv obj field)]
[($ set obj field rhs) (elab-set p tenv obj field rhs)]
[($ send obj md args) (elab-send p tenv obj md args)]
[($ super md args) (elab-super p tenv md args)]
[($ cast t obj) (elab-cast p tenv t obj)]
[($ cj-let id rhs body) (elab-let p tenv id rhs body)]
[($ num-lit val) (values e (make-ground-type 'int))]
[($ bool-lit val) (values e (make-ground-type 'bool))]
[($ unary-prim rator rand) (elab-unary-prim p tenv rator rand)]
[($ binary-prim rator rand1 rand2)
(elab-binary-prim p tenv rator rand1 rand2)]
[($ if-expr test then else) (elab-if p tenv test then else)])))
(define elab-ctor
(lambda (p tenv type)
(unless ((type-exists? p) type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "constructor for nonexistent type"
(values (make-new type) type)))
(define elab-ref
(lambda (p tenv obj fd)
(let-values ([(new-obj type) (elab-expr p tenv obj)])
(unless (class-type? type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"ref: subexpr not of object type (possibly null)"
(make-ref obj fd))))
(let* ([obj-class (find-class p type)]
[field (find-field obj-class fd)])
(if field
(values (make-tagged-ref new-obj (field-class field) fd)
(field-type field))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "ref: field doesn't exist"
(make-ref obj fd))))))))
(define elab-set
(lambda (p tenv obj fd rhs)
(let-values ([(new-obj obj-type) (elab-expr p tenv obj)]
[(new-rhs rhs-type) (elab-expr p tenv rhs)])
(unless (class-type? obj-type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"set: first subexpr not of object type (maybe null)"
(make-ref obj fd))))
(let* ([obj-class (find-class p obj-type)]
[field (find-field obj-class fd)])
[(and field (type<=? p rhs-type (field-type field)))
(make-tagged-set new-obj (field-class field)
fd new-rhs)]
[(not field) (raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"set: field doesn't exist"
(make-set obj fd rhs)))]
[else (raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"set: rhs not of good type"
(make-set obj fd rhs)))])))))
(define elab-send
(lambda (p tenv obj md args)
(let-values ([(new-obj obj-type) (elab-expr p tenv obj)])
(unless (class-type? obj-type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab
"send: subexpr not of object type (possibly null)"
(make-send obj md args))))
(let* ([obj-class (find-class p obj-type)]
[method (find-method obj-class md)])
(if method
(values (make-send new-obj md
(elab-args p tenv (make-send obj md args)
(method-arg-types method)
(method-type method))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "send: method doesn't exist"
(make-send obj md args))))))))
(define elab-args
(lambda (p tenv expr arg-types args)
(let loop ([arg-types arg-types] [args args])
[(and (null? arg-types) (null? args)) null]
[(or (null? arg-types) (null? args))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "elab-args: arity mismatch"
(let-values ([(new-arg type) (elab-expr p tenv (car args))])
(if (type<=? p type (car arg-types))
(cons new-arg (loop (cdr arg-types) (cdr args)))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "elab-args: arg type mismatch"
(define elab-super
(lambda (p tenv md args)
(let* ([static-type (lookup tenv 'this eq?
(lambda ()
"internal error: this unbound"
(make-super md args)))))]
[static-class (find-class p static-type)]
[superclass (class-superclass static-class)]
[method (find-method superclass md)])
(if method
(make-tagged-super (class-name superclass)
(elab-args p tenv (make-super md args)
(method-arg-types method)
(method-type method))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "super method doesn't exist"
(make-super md args)))))))
(define elab-cast
(lambda (p tenv t obj)
(let-values ([(new-obj obj-type) (elab-expr p tenv obj)])
[(type<=? p obj-type t) (values new-obj t)]
[(type<=? p t obj-type) (values (make-cast t new-obj) t)]
[else (raise (make-exn:cj:elab "cast between unrelated types"
(make-cast t obj)))]))))
(define elab-let
(lambda (p tenv id lhs body)
(let*-values ([(new-lhs lhs-type) (elab-expr p tenv lhs)]
[(new-body body-type)
(elab-expr p (extend-env tenv
(list id)
(list lhs-type))
(values (make-cj-let id new-lhs new-body) body-type))))
(define elab-unary-prim
(lambda (p tenv rator rand)
(let-values ([(new-rand rand-type) (elab-expr p tenv rand)]
[(arg-type result-type) (type-of-prim rator)])
(if (type<=? p rand-type arg-type)
(values (make-unary-prim rator new-rand) result-type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "unary primitive: bad arg type"
(make-unary-prim rator rand)))))))
(define elab-binary-prim
(lambda (p tenv rator rand1 rand2)
(let-values ([(new-rand1 rand1-type) (elab-expr p tenv rand1)]
[(new-rand2 rand2-type) (elab-expr p tenv rand2)]
[(arg1-type arg2-type result-type) (type-of-prim rator)])
(if (and (type<=? p rand1-type arg1-type)
(type<=? p rand2-type arg2-type))
(values (make-binary-prim rator new-rand1 new-rand2) result-type)
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "binary primitive: bad arg type"
(make-binary-prim rator rand1 rand2)))))))
(define elab-if
(lambda (p tenv e1 e2 e3)
(let-values ([(new-e1 e1-type) (elab-expr p tenv e1)]
[(new-e2 e2-type) (elab-expr p tenv e2)]
[(new-e3 e3-type) (elab-expr p tenv e3)])
(unless (type<=? p e1-type (make-ground-type 'bool))
(raise (make-exn:cj:elab "if: conditional must have boolean type"
(make-if-expr e1 e2 e3))))
[(type-lub p e2-type e3-type) =>
(lambda (x) (values (make-if-expr new-e1 new-e2 new-e3) x))]
[else (raise (make-exn:cj:elab "if: branches have unrelated types"
(make-if-expr e1 e2 e3)))]))))
(define type-of-prim
(let ([int (make-ground-type 'int)]
[bool (make-ground-type 'bool)])
(lambda (op)
(case op
[(null?) (values (make-class-type 'Object) bool)]
[(zero?) (values int bool)]
[(not) (values bool bool)]
[(+ - *) (values int int int)]
[(==) (values int int bool)]
[(and or) (values bool bool bool)])))))