(module file mzscheme
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (all-except (lib "" "srfi" "1") any))

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  ;; TODO: expanded-path?, simple-path?

  ;; A relative-path is a path for which relative-path? is #t. A
  ;; relative-file-path or relative-directory-path is a relative-path for
  ;. which file-exists? or directory-exists? is #t, respectively.

  ;; relative-path/c : contract
  (define relative-path/c
    (and/c (union path? string?) relative-path?))

  ;; relative-file-path/c : contract
  (define relative-file-path/c
    (and/c relative-path/c file-exists?))

  ;; relative-directory-path/c : contract
  (define relative-directory-path/c
    (and/c relative-path/c directory-exists?))

  ;; A complete-path is a path for which complete-path? is #t. A
  ;; complete-file-path or complete-directory-path is a complete-path for
  ;. which file-exists? or directory-exists? is #t, respectively.

  ;; complete-path/c : contract
  (define complete-path/c
    (and/c (union path? string?) complete-path?))

  ;; complete-file-path/c : contract
  (define complete-file-path/c
    (and/c complete-path/c file-exists?))

  ;; complete-directory-path/c : contract
  (define complete-directory-path/c
    (and/c complete-path/c directory-exists?))

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  ;; path->relative-path : (union string path) [(union string path)] -> relative-path
  ;; converts a path to a relative path
  (define path->relative-path
    (opt-lambda (path [relative-to (current-directory)])
      (let-values ([(base name must-be-dir?) (split-path path)])
        (let loop ([base base] [name name] [rest (list name)])
          (if (path=? base relative-to)
              (apply build-path rest)
              (let-values ([(base name must-be-dir?) (split-path base)])
                (loop base name (cons name rest))))))))

  ;; explode-relative-path : relative-path -> (listof path)
  ;; computes the list of directories in a relative path
  (define (explode-relative-path path)
    (let loop ([path path] [rest '()])
      (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path path)])
          [(eq? base 'relative) (cons name rest)]
          [(or (not (path? name)) (not path))
           (raise-type-error 'explode-relative-path
                             "relative-path in normal form"
          [else (loop base (cons name rest))]))))

  ;; telescope-exploded-path : (listof path) -> (listof path)
  (define (telescope-exploded-path alop)
    (fold (lambda (this rest)
            (cons (if (null? rest)
                      (build-path (car rest) this))

  ;; telescope-path : complete-path -> (listof complete-path)
  (define (telescope-path path)
    (telescope-exploded-path (explode-path path)))

  ;; telescope-relative-path : relative-path -> (listof relative-path)
  (define (telescope-relative-path path)
    (telescope-exploded-path (explode-relative-path path)))

  ;; TODO: this is deprecated -- delete in next major version

  ;; collect-subdirectories : relative-path -> (listof relative-path)
  (define (collect-subdirectories path)
    (let ([telescoped (telescope-relative-path path)])
      (if (directory-exists? (car telescoped))
          (cdr telescoped))))

  ;; path=?/2 : (union path #f 'relative) (union path #f 'relative) -> boolean
  (define (path=?/2 path1 path2)
    (or (and (not path1) (not path2))
        (and (eq? path1 'relative) (eq? path2 'relative))
        (and (path? path1)
             (path? path2)
             (let-values ([(base1 name1 dir1?) (split-path path1)]
                          [(base2 name2 dir2?) (split-path path2)])
               (and (or (and (symbol? name1) (symbol? name2) (eq? name1 name2))
                        (and (path? name1) (path? name2)
                             (bytes=? (path->bytes name1) (path->bytes name2))))
                    (path=?/2 base1 base2))))))

  ;; path=? : path path ... -> boolean
  ;; determines whether two paths contain exactly the same elements
  (define (path=? path1 path2 . paths)
    (andmap (lambda (path2)
              (path=?/2 path1 path2))
            (cons path2 paths)))

  ;; path-normalized=? : path path ... -> boolean
  ;; determines whether two paths refer to the same normalized path
  (define (path-normalized=? path1 path2 . paths)
    (apply bytes=? (map (compose path->bytes normalize-path)
                        (cons path1 (cons path2 paths)))))

  ;; directory-list/all : [(union string path)] -> (listof relative-path)
  ;; returns the list of all files and subdirectories, relative to base-dir
  (define directory-list/all
    (opt-lambda ([base-dir (current-directory)])
      (let all-from ([dir base-dir] [prefix #f])
        (append-map (lambda (p)
                      (let ([p* (if prefix (build-path prefix p) p)]
                            [entry (build-path dir p)])
                        (if (directory-exists? entry)
                            (cons p* (all-from entry p*))
                            (list p*))))
                    (directory-list dir)))))

  ;; empty-directory? : (union string path) -> boolean
  (define (empty-directory? p)
    (and (directory-exists? p)
         (null? (directory-list p))))

  ;; dirname : path -> path
  (define (dirname p)
    (let-values ([(parent name must-be-dir?) (split-path p)])
        [(not parent) (build-path p)]
        [(eq? parent 'relative) (build-path 'same)]
        [else parent])))

  ;; basename : path -> relative-path
  (define (basename p)
    (let-values ([(parent name must-be-dir?) (split-path p)])
      (if (symbol? name)
          (build-path name)

   [relative-path/c contract?]
   [relative-file-path/c contract?]
   [relative-directory-path/c contract?]
   [complete-path/c contract?]
   [complete-file-path/c contract?]
   [complete-directory-path/c contract?])

  ;; TODO: can we make these contracts a little more precise? -- namely, the
  ;;       relative-paths must be simplified and expanded

   [dirname ((union string? path?) . -> . path?)]
   [basename ((union string? path?) . -> . path?)]
   [empty-directory? ((union string? path?) . -> . boolean?)]
   [directory-list/all (() ((union string? path?)) . opt-> . (listof relative-path/c))]
   [path->relative-path (((union string? path?))
                         ((union string? path?))
                         . opt-> .
   [explode-relative-path (relative-path/c . -> . (listof path?))]
   [telescope-path (complete-path/c . -> . (listof complete-path/c))]
   [telescope-relative-path (relative-path/c . -> . (listof relative-path/c))]
   [collect-subdirectories (relative-path/c . -> . (listof relative-path/c))]
   [path=? ((path? path?) (listof path?) . ->* . (boolean?))]
   [path-normalized=? ((path? path?) (listof path?) . ->* . (boolean?))]