(module class-file mzscheme
  (require (planet "" ("dherman" "inspector.plt" 1)))
  (require (planet "" ("dherman" "struct.plt" 1)))
  (require (planet "" ("dherman" "io.plt" 1)))
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (lib "" "srfi" "1"))
  (require (lib ""))

    (info ()
      (class-info ((name-index natural-number/c)))
      (ref-info ((class-index natural-number/c)
                 (name-and-type-index natural-number/c))
        (field-ref-info ())
        (method-ref-info ())
        (interface-method-ref-info ()))
      (string-info ((string-index natural-number/c)))
      (integer-info ((value integer?)))
      (float-info ((bytes bytes?)))
      (long-info ((high-bytes bytes?)
                  (low-bytes bytes?)))
      (double-info ((high-bytes bytes?)
                    (low-bytes bytes?)))
      (name-and-type-info ((name-index natural-number/c)
                           (descriptor-index natural-number/c)))
      (utf8-info ((length natural-number/c)
                  (bytes bytes?)))
      (inner-class-entry ((inner-class-info-index natural-number/c)
                          (outer-class-info-index natural-number/c)
                          (inner-name-index natural-number/c)
                          (inner-class-access-flags integer?))) ; TODO: is that right?
      (element-info ((access-flags integer?) ; TODO: is that right?
                     (name-index natural-number/c)
                     (descriptor-index natural-number/c)
                     (attributes-count natural-number/c)
                     (attributes (listof attribute-info?))) ; TODO: length == count
        (field-info ())
        (method-info ()))
      (attribute-info ()
        (unsupported-attribute-info ((length natural-number/c)
                                     (bytes bytes?)))
        (constant-value-attribute-info ((value-index natural-number/c)))
        (code-attribute-info ()) ; TODO: implement this
        (exceptions-attribute-info ((count natural-number/c)
                                    (exceptions (listof natural-number/c))))
        (inner-classes-attribute-info ())
        (synthetic-attribute-info ())
        (source-file-attribute-info ())
        (line-number-table-attribute-info ())
        (local-variable-table-attribute-info ())
        (deprecated-attribute-info ()))))

   (define-struct class-file (pool flags this super interfaces fields methods attributes))

   (provide (struct class-file (pool flags this super interfaces fields methods attributes))))

  (define (read-constant in)
    (let ([type (read-byte in)])
        [(and (<= 1 type *max-constant-type*)
              (vector-ref *read-constant-vector* type))
         => (lambda (reader)
              (reader in))]
         (error 'read-constant "bad constant type: ~a" type)])))

  (define (read-class-info in)
    (make-class-info (read-integer 2 #f in #t)))

  (define (read-field-ref-info in)
    (let ([class-index         (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
          [name-and-type-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)])
      (make-field-ref-info class-index name-and-type-index)))

  (define (read-method-ref-info in)
    (let ([class-index         (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
          [name-and-type-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)])
      (make-method-ref-info class-index name-and-type-index)))

  (define (read-interface-method-ref-info in)
    (let ([class-index         (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
          [name-and-type-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)])
      (make-interface-method-ref-info class-index name-and-type-index)))

  (define (read-string-info in)
    (make-string-info (read-integer 2 #f in #t)))

  (define (read-integer-info in)
    (make-integer-info (read-integer 4 #f in #t)))

  (define (read-float-info in)
    (make-float-info (read-bytes 4 in)))

  (define (read-long-info in)
    (let ([high-bytes (read-bytes 4 in)]
          [low-bytes  (read-bytes 4 in)])
      (make-long-info high-bytes low-bytes)))

  (define (read-double-info in)
    (let ([high-bytes (read-bytes 4 in)]
          [low-bytes  (read-bytes 4 in)])
      (make-double-info high-bytes low-bytes)))

  (define (read-name-and-type-info in)
    (let ([name-index       (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
          [descriptor-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)])
      (make-name-and-type-info name-index descriptor-index)))

  (define (read-utf8-info in)
    (let* ([len   (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [bytes (read-bytes len in)])
      (make-utf8-info len bytes)))

  (define (constant-entry-count constant)
    (if (or (long-info? constant) (double-info? constant)) 2 1))

  (define (read-constant-pool count in)
    (let ([pool (make-vector count #f)])
      (let loop ([i 0])
        (when (< i count)
          (let ([next-constant (read-constant in)])
            (vector-set! pool i next-constant)
            (loop (+ i (constant-entry-count next-constant))))))

  (define (read-field-info pool)
    (lambda (in)
      (let* ([access-flags     (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [name-index       (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [descriptor-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [attributes-count (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [attributes       (build-list attributes-count
                                           (lambda (i) ((read-attribute-info pool) in)))])
        (make-field-info access-flags name-index descriptor-index attributes-count attributes))))

  (define (read-method-info pool)
    (lambda (in)
      (let* ([access-flags     (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [name-index       (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [descriptor-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [attributes-count (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [attributes       (build-list attributes-count
                                           (lambda (i) ((read-attribute-info pool) in)))])
        (make-method-info access-flags name-index descriptor-index attributes-count attributes))))

  ;; TODO: optional extra argument to handle new attribute types
  (define (read-attribute-info pool)
    (lambda (in)
      (let* ([name-index (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
             [name (utf8-info->string (vector-ref pool (sub1 name-index)))])
        (match name
          ["ConstantValue" (read-constant-value-attribute-info in)]
;          ["Code" (read-code-attribute-info in)]
          ["Exceptions" (read-exceptions-attribute-info in)]
;          ["InnerClasses" (read-inner-classes-attribute-info in)]
;          ["Synthetic" (read-inner-classes-attribute-info in)]
;          ["SourceFile" (read-source-file-attribute-info in)]
;          ["LineNumberTable" (read-line-number-table-attribute-info in)]
;          ["LocalVariableTable" (read-local-variable-table-attribute-info in)]
          ["Deprecated" (read-deprecated-attribute-info in)]
          [_ (read-unsupported-attribute-info in)]))))

  (define (read-inner-classes-attribute-info in)
    (let* ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)]
           [count            (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [classes          (build-list count (lambda (i) (read-inner-class-entry in)))])
      (make-inner-classes-attribute-info count classes)))

  (define (read-inner-class-entry in)
    (let* ([inner-class-info-index   (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [outer-class-info-index   (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [inner-name-index         (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [inner-class-access-flags (read-integer 2 #f in #t)])
      (make-inner-class-entry inner-class-info-index outer-class-info-index inner-name-index inner-class-access-flags)))

  (define (read-exceptions-attribute-info in)
    (let* ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)]
           [count            (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
           [exceptions       (build-list count (lambda (i) (read-integer 2 #f in #t)))])
      ;(fprintf (current-error-port) "Exceptions: ~v~n" exceptions)
      (make-exceptions-attribute-info count exceptions)))

  (define (read-constant-value-attribute-info in)
    (let ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)])
      (unless (= attribute-length 2)
        (error 'read-attribute-info
               "attribute ConstantValue: expected 2 bytes, found ~a bytes" attribute-length))
      (make-constant-value-attribute-info (read-integer 2 #f in #t))))

  (define (read-synthetic-attribute-info in)
    (let ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)])
      (unless (zero? attribute-length)
        (error 'read-attribute-info
               "attribute Synthetic: expected 0 bytes, found ~a bytes" attribute-length))

  (define (read-deprecated-attribute-info in)
    (let ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)])
      (unless (zero? attribute-length)
        (error 'read-attribute-info
               "attribute Deprecated: expected 0 bytes, found ~a bytes" attribute-length))

  (define (read-unsupported-attribute-info in)
    (let* ([attribute-length (read-integer 4 #f in #t)]
           [info             (read-bytes attribute-length in)])
      (make-unsupported-attribute-info attribute-length info)))

  (define (read-interfaces count in pool)
    (map (lambda (i) (vector-ref pool (sub1 i)))
         (build-list count (lambda (i) (read-integer 2 #f in #t)))))

  ;; read-array : natural-number input-port (input-port -> a) -> (vectorof a)
  (define (read-array count in reader)
    (build-vector count (lambda (i) (reader in))))

  ;; read-list : natural-number input-port (input-port -> a) -> (listof a)
  (define (read-list count in reader)
    (build-list count (lambda (i) (reader in))))

  ;; read-class-file : [input-port] -> classfile
  (define read-class-file
    (opt-lambda ([in (current-input-port)])
      (let ([magic (read-integer 4 #f in #t)])
        (unless (= magic #xcafebabe)
          (error 'read-class-file "bad class file signature: #x~x" magic))
        (let* ([minor               (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [major               (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [constant-pool-count (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [pool                (read-constant-pool (sub1 constant-pool-count) in)]
               [access-flags        (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [this-index          (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [super-index         (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [interfaces-count    (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [interfaces          (read-interfaces interfaces-count in pool)]
               [fields-count        (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [fields              (read-list fields-count in (read-field-info pool))]
               [methods-count       (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [methods             (read-list methods-count in (read-method-info pool))]
               [attributes-count    (read-integer 2 #f in #t)]
               [attributes          (read-list attributes-count in (read-attribute-info pool))])
          ;                                  (begin
          ;                                    (fprintf (current-error-port) "attributes: ~a~n" attributes-count)
          ;                                    (printf "methods-count: ~a~n" methods-count)
          ;                                    (printf "access-flags: ~x~n" access-flags)
          ;                                    (fprintf (current-error-port) "pool: ~v~n"
          ;                                             (let ([pool* (vector->list pool)])
          ;                                               (map (lambda (entry)
          ;                                                      (if (utf8-info? entry)
          ;                                                          (parse-utf8-info entry)
          ;                                                          entry))
          ;                                                    pool*)))
          (make-class-file pool access-flags this-index super-index interfaces fields methods attributes)))))

;        (let* ([deref (lambda (i) (vector-ref pool (sub1 i)))]
;               [parse-class-info (lambda (ci) (parse-utf8-info (deref (class-info-name-index ci))))])
;          (make-class-file #f;pool
;                           (parse-flags access-flags)
;                           (parse-class-info (deref this-index))
;                           (parse-class-info (deref super-index))
;                           (map parse-class-info interfaces)
;                           fields
;                           methods
;                           attributes)))))

  ;; Parsers:

  (define (utf8-info->string utf8)
    (bytes->string/utf-8 (utf8-info-bytes utf8)))

  (define *access-flags*
    '(public      ; #x0001
      private     ; #x0002
      protected   ; #x0004
      static      ; #x0008
      final       ; #x0010
      super       ; #x0020
      volatile    ; #x0040
      transient   ; #x0080
      native      ; #x0100
      interface   ; #x0200
      abstract    ; #x0400
      strictfp))  ; #x0800

  (define *access-flags-vector*
    (list->vector *access-flags*))

  (define access-flag/c
    (apply symbols *access-flags*))

  (define *read-constant-vector*
    (vector #f
            read-utf8-info                   ; 1
            read-integer-info                ; 3
            read-float-info                  ; 4
            read-long-info                   ; 5
            read-double-info                 ; 6
            read-class-info                  ; 7
            read-string-info                 ; 8
            read-field-ref-info              ; 9
            read-method-ref-info             ; 10
            read-interface-method-ref-info   ; 11
            read-name-and-type-info))        ; 12

  (define *max-constant-type* (sub1 (vector-length *read-constant-vector*)))

  ;; extract-access-flags : exact-integer -> (listof access-flag)
  (define (extract-access-flags bits)
    (filter-map identity
                (build-list (vector-length *access-flags-vector*)
                            (lambda (i)
                              (and (bit-set? i bits)
                                   (vector-ref *access-flags-vector* i))))))

   [access-flag/c contract?])

   [extract-access-flags (integer? . -> . (listof access-flag/c))]
   [utf8-info->string (utf8-info? . -> . string?)]
   [read-class-file (() (input-port?) . opt-> . class-file?)]))