(module utils mzscheme
(require (lib "contract.ss")
(lib "class.ss")
(prefix srfi-1: (lib "1.ss" "srfi"))
(define-syntax define-unimplemented
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name ...)
(define name
(lambda args
(error (quote name) "unimplemented")))
(define semantic-object/c (is-a?/c semantic-object<%>))
[semantic-object=? (semantic-object/c semantic-object/c . -> . boolean?)])
(define semantic-object=?
(lambda (s1 s2)
[(is-a? s1 package%) (package=? s1 s2)]
[(is-a? s1 array-type%) (array-type=? s1 s2)]
[(is-a? s1 primitive-type%) (primitive-type=? s1 s2)]
[(is-a? s1 class%) (class=? s1 s2)]
[(is-a? s1 interface%) (interface=? s1 s2)]
[else (error 'semantic-object=?
"comparison unimplemented for ~a" s1)])))
(define package=?
(lambda (p1 p2)
(and (is-a? p2 package%)
(string=? (send p1 to-string) (send p2 to-string)))))
(define array-type=?
(lambda (a1 a2)
(and (is-a? a2 array-type%)
(type-name=? (send a1 get-type-name)
(send a2 get-type-name)))))
(define primitive-type=?
(lambda (p1 p2)
(and (is-a? p2 primitive-type%)
(type-name=? (send p1 get-type-name)
(send p2 get-type-name)))))
(define class=?
(lambda (c1 c2)
(and (is-a? c2 class%)
(declared-type=? c1 c2)
(optional-type-name=? (send c1 get-superclass)
(send c2 get-superclass)))))
(define interface=?
(lambda (i1 i2)
(and (is-a? i2 interface%)
(declared-type=? i1 i2))))
(define declared-type=?
(lambda (d1 d2)
(type-name=? (send d1 get-type-name)
(send d2 get-type-name))
(same-modifiers? (send d1 get-modifiers)
(send d2 get-modifiers))
(srfi-1:lset= type-name=?
(send d1 get-interfaces)
(send d2 get-interfaces))
(srfi-1:lset= type-element=?
(send d1 get-elements)
(send d2 get-elements)))))
(define type-element=?
(lambda (t1 t2)
[(is-a? t1 field%) (field=? t1 t2)]
[(is-a? t1 constructor%) (constructor=? t1 t2)]
[(is-a? t1 method%) (method=? t1 t2)]
[(is-a? t1 initializer%) (initializer=? t1 t2)]
[(is-a? t1 inner-type%) (inner-type=? t1 t2)]
[else (error 'type-element=?
"unsupported element: ~a" t1)])))
(define field=?
(lambda (f1 f2)
(and (is-a? f2 field%)
(optional-string=? (send f1 get-name) (send f2 get-name))
(same-modifiers? (send f1 get-modifiers) (send f2 get-modifiers))
(type-name=? (send f1 get-type) (send f2 get-type)))))
(define constructor=?
(lambda (c1 c2)
(and (is-a? c2 constructor%)
(behavior=? c1 c2)
(optional-string=? (send c1 get-name) (send c2 get-name))
(let ([formals1 (send c1 get-formals)]
[formals2 (send c2 get-formals)])
(and (= (length formals1) (length formals2))
(andmap type-name=? formals1 formals2)))
(srfi-1:lset= type-name=?
(send c1 get-exceptions)
(send c2 get-exceptions))
(same-modifiers? (send c1 get-modifiers)
(send c2 get-modifiers)))))
(define method=?
(lambda (m1 m2)
(and (is-a? m2 method%)
(behavior=? m1 m2)
(optional-type-name=? (send m1 get-return-type)
(send m2 get-return-type)))))
(define behavior=?
(lambda (b1 b2)
(and (optional-string=? (send b1 get-name) (send b2 get-name))
(let ([formals1 (send b1 get-formals)]
[formals2 (send b2 get-formals)])
(and (= (length formals1) (length formals2))
(andmap type-name=? formals1 formals2)))
(srfi-1:lset= type-name=?
(send b1 get-exceptions)
(send b2 get-exceptions))
(same-modifiers? (send b1 get-modifiers)
(send b2 get-modifiers)))))
(define initializer=?
(lambda (i1 i2)
(error 'initializer=?
"unimplemented pending clarification of semantics")))
(define inner-type=?
(lambda (t1 t2)
(error 'inner-type=?
"unimplemented pending clarification of semantics")))
(define lift-to-optional
(lambda (obj=?)
(lambda (obj1 obj2)
[(and obj1 obj2) (obj=? obj1 obj2)]
[else (and (not obj1) (not obj2))]))))
(define same-modifiers?
(lambda (mods1 mods2)
(srfi-1:lset= eq? mods1 mods2)))
(define type-name=?
(lambda (t1 t2)
(and (equal? (type-name-package t1) (type-name-package t2))
(eq? (type-name-type t1) (type-name-type t2))
(= (type-name-dimension t1) (type-name-dimension t2)))))
(define optional-type-name=? (lift-to-optional type-name=?))
(define optional-string=? (lift-to-optional string=?)))