#lang scheme/base

(require scheme/class

(provide lexer<%> lexer% lex)

;; TODO:
;;   - interpret number and regexp literals
;;   - convert fail calls to fail/loc
;;   - get rid of fail, rename fail/loc to fail

(define k 3)

(define scan-newlines? (make-parameter #f))
(define scan-infix-operator? (make-parameter #f))

(define (digit? ch)
  (and (memq ch '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))

(define (hex-digit? ch)
  (and (memq ch '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9
                      #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F
                      #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))

(define (oct-digit? ch)
  (and (memq ch '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7))

(define single-escape-characters
  '((#\' . #\')
    (#\" . #\")
    (#\\ . #\\)
    (#\b . #\backspace)
    (#\f . #\page)
    (#\n . #\newline)
    (#\r . #\return)
    (#\t . #\tab)
    (#\v . #\vtab)))

(define (single-escape-char? ch)
  (and (assq ch single-escape-characters)

(define (unescape-chars radix . chars)
  (integer->char (string->number (list->string chars) radix)))

(define lexer<%>
  (interface ()
    fail                      ; string any ... -> <never>
    fail/loc                  ; region any string any ... -> <never>
    done?                     ; -> boolean
    current-token             ; -> token
    match                     ; symbol [symbol] -> token
    must-match                ; symbol [symbol] -> token
    peek-token                ; [nat] -> token
    peek-token/infix-operator ; [nat] -> token
    peek-token/same-line      ; -> token
    read-token                ; [nat] -> token
    read-token/infix-operator ; [nat] -> token
    read-token/same-line      ; -> token
    unread-token              ; -> any
    skip-whitespace           ; -> any

(define lexer%
  (class* object% (lexer<%>)
    (init port [name (object-name port)])

    (define source port)
    (define filename name)
    (define cursor (make-cursor k))

    (port-count-lines! source)

    (public fail fail/loc show-state
            done? current-token
            (token:match match)
            (token:must-match must-match)
            peek-token peek-token/infix-operator peek-token/same-line
            read-token read-token/infix-operator read-token/same-line

    ;; current-posn : -> posn
    (define (current-posn)
      (let-values ([(line col offset) (port-next-location source)])
        (make-posn offset line col)))

    (define (fail/loc loc text fmt . args)
      (raise (make-exn:fail:syntax (apply format fmt args)

    (define (fail fmt . args)
      (send/apply this fail/loc #f #f fmt args))

    (define (show-state . args)
      (unless (null? args)
        (apply fprintf (current-error-port) args)
        (fprintf (current-error-port) ": "))
      (let ([upcoming (peek-string 5 0 source)])
        (fprintf (current-error-port) "~a [~v...]~n" cursor (if (eof-object? upcoming) "" upcoming))

    ;; unescape-string : string -> string
    (define (unescape-string str)
      (let loop ([chars (string->list str)]
                 [result null])
        (match chars
          [(list) (list->string (reverse result))]
          [(list #\\) (fail "unterminated string literal")]
          [(list #\\ (? single-escape-char? ec) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (cdr (assq ec single-escape-characters)) result))]
          [(list #\\ #\x (? hex-digit? d1) (? hex-digit? d2) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (unescape-chars 16 d1 d2) result))]
          [(list #\\ #\u (? hex-digit? d1)
                         (? hex-digit? d2)
                         (? hex-digit? d3)
                         (? hex-digit? d4) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (unescape-chars 16 d1 d2 d3 d4) result))]
          [(list #\\ (and d1 (or #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3))
                     (? oct-digit? d2)
                     (? oct-digit? d3) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (unescape-chars 8 d1 d2 d3) result))]
          [(list #\\ (? oct-digit? d1)
                     (? oct-digit? d2) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (unescape-chars 8 d1 d2) result))]
          [(list #\\ (? oct-digit? d1) rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons (unescape-chars 8 d1) result))]
          [(list #\\ c rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons c result))]
          [(list c rest ...)
           (loop rest (cons c result))])))

    ;; parse-regexp-pattern : string -> string
    (define (parse-regexp-pattern str)
      ;; TODO: implement me

    ;; done? : -> boolean
    (define (done?)
      (eq? (token-type (peek-token)) 'END))

    ;; current-token : -> (optional token)
    (define (current-token)
      (cursor-current cursor))

    ;; match : symbol -> (optional token)
    (define (token:match tt [contents #f])
      (let ([next (peek-token)])
        (and (eq? (token-type next) tt)
             (or (not contents) (eq? (token-contents next) contents))
;      (and (eq? (token-type (peek-token)) tt)
;           (read-token)))

    ;; must-match : symbol -> token
    (define (token:must-match tt [contents #f])
      (unless (token:match tt contents)
        (fail "missing ~a" (if contents contents (string-downcase (symbol->string tt)))))

    ;; skip-whitespace : -> #f
    (define (skip-whitespace)
      (let ([match (regexp-match-peek-positions #rx"^[ \t\v]+" source)])
        (when match
          (read-string (cdar match) source))

    ;; @ : posn [posn] -> region
    (define (@ start [end (current-posn)])
      (make-region filename start end))

    (define-syntax within-region
      (syntax-rules ()
        [(_ type e ...)
         (let ([start (current-posn)]
               [result (begin e ...)]
               [end (current-posn)])
           (make-token type result (@ start end)))]))

    ;; advance! : nat -> any
    (define (advance! n)
      (when (positive? n)
        (set! cursor (cursor-advance cursor read-next-token))
        (advance! (sub1 n))))

    ;; peek-token/same-line : -> token
    (define (peek-token/same-line)
      (parameterize ([scan-newlines? #t])

    ;; peek-token/infix-operator : [nat] -> token
    (define (peek-token/infix-operator [skip 0])
      (parameterize ([scan-infix-operator? #t])
        (peek-token skip)))

    ;; peek-token : [nat] -> token
    (define (peek-token [skip 0])
      (if (zero? skip)
          (begin0 (read-token)
          (begin (read-token)
                 (begin0 (peek-token (sub1 skip))

    ;; read-token/same-line : -> token
    (define (read-token/same-line)
      (parameterize ([scan-newlines? #t])

    ;; read-token/infix-operator : [nat] -> token
    (define (read-token/infix-operator [skip 0])
      (parameterize ([scan-infix-operator? #t])
        (read-token skip)))

    ;; read-token : [nat] -> token
    (define (read-token [skip 0])
      (advance! (add1 skip))
      (let ([token (cursor-current cursor)])
          [(and (not (scan-newlines?))
                (eq? (token-type token) 'NEWLINE))
          ;; unary operators that are synonymous with binary operators:
          [(and (not (scan-infix-operator?))
                (prefix-operator? (token-type token))
                (infix-operator? (token-type token)))
           ;; NOTE: This rewrapping must happen at the time of calling this
           ;;       method, because (scan-infix-operator?) may change value
           ;;       between the time the token is originally read and when
           ;;       this method is called.
           (make-token 'UNARY (token-contents token) (token-location token))]
          [else token])))

    ;; read-next-token : -> token
    (define (read-next-token)
        [(eof-object? (peek-char source))
         (make-token 'END #f (@ (current-posn) (current-posn)))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:empty source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (let ([token (within-region 'NEWLINE
                                          (length (regexp-match* #rx"\n" (read-string (cdar match) source))))])
                (if (> (token-contents token) 0)
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:float source)
         ;; TODO: interpret numbers correctly
         => (lambda (match)
              (within-region 'NUMBER
                             (string->number (read-string (cdar match) source))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:integer source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (within-region 'NUMBER
                             (string->number (read-string (cdar match) source))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:identifier source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (let* ([start (current-posn)]
                     [contents (read-string (cdar match) source)]
                     [sym (string->symbol contents)])
                (if (memq sym (lexical-keywords))
                    (make-token sym sym (@ start))
                    (make-token 'ID sym (@ start)))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:string source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (within-region 'STRING
                             (let ([str (read-string (cdar match) source)])
                               (unescape-string (substring str 1 (- (string-length str) 1))))))]
        [(and (not (scan-infix-operator?))
              (regexp-match-peek-positions rx:regexp source))
         => (lambda (match)
              (within-region 'REGEXP
                             (let* ([str (read-string (cdar match) source)]
                                    [pattern (substring str (car (list-ref match 1)) (cdr (list-ref match 1)))]
                                    [flags (cond
                                             [(list-ref match 2)
                                              => (lambda (pair)
                                                    (substring str (car pair) (cdr pair))))]
                                             [else #f])])
                               (make-regexp-contents pattern
                                                     (and flags (regexp-match #rx"g" flags) #t)
                                                     (and flags (regexp-match #rx"i" flags) #f)))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions #rx"^=>" source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (let ([start (current-posn)])
                (read-string (cdar match) source)
                (make-token '=> '=> (@ start))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions #rx"^==(?:=)?" source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (let ([start (current-posn)]
                    [operator (string->symbol (read-string (cdar match) source))])
                (make-token operator operator (@ start))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:assignment-operator source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (within-region 'ASSIGN
                             (string->symbol (read-string (cdar match) source))))]
        [(regexp-match-peek-positions rx:operator source)
         => (lambda (match)
              (let ([start (current-posn)]
                    [operator (string->symbol (read-string (cdar match) source))])
                (make-token operator operator (@ start))))]
        [else (fail "illegal token")]))

    ;; unread-token : -> any
    (define (unread-token)
      (set! cursor (cursor-rewind cursor))
      (let ([token (cursor-current cursor)])
        (when (and token
                   (not (scan-newlines?))
                   (eq? (token-type token) 'NEWLINE))


;; lex : input-source -> (-> token)
(define (lex in)
  (let ([t (make-object lexer% (input-source->input-port in))])
    (lambda ()
      (send t read-token))))