(module interlocking-components "../slideshow.ss" (require (lib "class.ss") (all-except (lib "mred.ss" "mred") send-event)) (define-struct posn (x y) (make-inspector)) (define between-space 20) (define main-piece-width 200) (define main-piece-height 200) (define right-piece-width 200) (define right-piece-height 200) (define below-piece-width (+ right-piece-width between-space main-piece-width)) (define below-piece-height 200) (define below-interpose-piece-width below-piece-width) (define below-interpose-piece-height 50) (define main-piece-dark-color "crimson") (define main-piece-light-color "pink") (define right-piece-dark-color "medium blue") (define right-piece-light-color "sky blue") (define below-piece-dark-color "forest green") (define below-piece-light-color "pale green") (define below-interpose-piece-dark-color "purple") (define below-interpose-piece-light-color "plum") (define square-tooth-offset 50) (define square-tooth-height 60) (define square-tooth-width 50) (define square-tooth-accept-space 15) (define pointy-tooth-offset 50) (define pointy-tooth-width 100) (define pointy-tooth-height 50) (define pointy-tooth-accept-space 5) (define hex-tooth-offset 50) (define hex-tooth-width 100) (define hex-tooth-height 50) (define hex-tooth-accept-space 10) (define hex-tooth-inset 20) (slide/center (page-para/c "The following slide sequences was extracted" "from a talk on components and contracts")) (define (interlocking-components) (slide (make-orig #t #f ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost "A day in the life of a component software developer." "We start with one component (from web or somewhere)")) (slide (make-orig #t #f ident ident ghost ghost ghost "... and compose it with other software to build a system.")) (slide (make-orig #t #f ident ghost ident ghost ghost "Except, of course, the composed pieces might not fit,")) (slide (make-orig #t #f ident ghost ghost ident ghost "... so the programmers develop adapters." "Now the program can be run, but what" "happens when you run it?")) (slide (make-orig #t #f ghost ghost ghost ghost ident "KABOOM!")) (slide (make-orig #t #f ident ghost ghost ident ghost "What happened? Which component failed?")) (slide (make-orig #f #f ident ghost ghost ident ghost "To figure that out, the programmer shouldn't have" "to understand the details of all of the" "component implementations.")) (slide (make-orig #f #t ident ghost ghost ident ghost "Instead the grey area, where the interface" "contract specs are, should have enough" "information to figure that out."))) (define (make-orig dark? bkg? right bot-hex bot-pointy bot-combined explosion . text) (let* ([below-pointy (below-pointy-piece dark?)] [components (lt-superimpose (at 0 0 (main-piece dark?)) (at (+ main-piece-width between-space) 0 (right (right-piece dark?))) (at 0 (+ main-piece-height between-space) (bot-hex (below-hex-piece dark?))) (at 0 (+ main-piece-height between-space) (bot-pointy (below-pointy-piece dark?))) (at 0 (+ main-piece-height between-space) (bot-combined (below-interpose-piece dark?))) (at 0 (+ main-piece-height between-space below-interpose-piece-height between-space) (bot-combined below-pointy)))] [combined (cc-superimpose (if bkg? (overlay-background "light gray" (overlay-striped-background "dark gray" 10 components)) components) (explosion big-explosion-pict))]) (vc-append 40 combined (apply page-para text)))) (define big-explosion-pict (bitmap "big-explosion.jpg")) (define (at x y pict) (hc-append (blank x 0) (vc-append (blank 0 y) pict))) (define (main-piece dark?) (polygon (if dark? main-piece-dark-color main-piece-light-color) (make-posn 0 0) (make-posn main-piece-width 0) (offset-posns main-piece-width square-tooth-offset (square-tooth #t)) (make-posn main-piece-width main-piece-height) (offset-posns pointy-tooth-offset main-piece-height (reverse (hex-tooth #t))) (make-posn 0 main-piece-height) (make-posn 0 0))) (define (below-pointy-piece dark?) (polygon (if dark? below-piece-dark-color below-piece-light-color) (make-posn 0 0) (offset-posns pointy-tooth-offset 0 (pointy-tooth #f)) (make-posn below-piece-width 0) (make-posn below-piece-width below-piece-height) (make-posn 0 below-piece-height) (make-posn 0 0))) (define (below-hex-piece dark?) (polygon (if dark? below-piece-dark-color below-piece-light-color) (make-posn 0 0) (offset-posns hex-tooth-offset 0 (hex-tooth #f)) (make-posn below-piece-width 0) (make-posn below-piece-width below-piece-height) (make-posn 0 below-piece-height) (make-posn 0 0))) (define (below-interpose-piece dark?) (polygon (if dark? below-interpose-piece-dark-color below-interpose-piece-light-color) (make-posn 0 0) (offset-posns pointy-tooth-offset 0 (hex-tooth #f)) (make-posn below-interpose-piece-width 0) (make-posn below-interpose-piece-width below-interpose-piece-height) (offset-posns hex-tooth-offset below-interpose-piece-height (reverse (pointy-tooth #t))) (make-posn 0 below-interpose-piece-height) (make-posn 0 0))) (define (right-piece dark?) (polygon (if dark? right-piece-dark-color right-piece-light-color) (make-posn 0 0) (offset-posns 0 square-tooth-offset (square-tooth #f)) (make-posn 0 right-piece-height) (make-posn right-piece-width right-piece-height) (make-posn right-piece-width 0) (make-posn 0 0))) (define (polygon color . points) (let ([flat-points (flatten points)]) (when (null? flat-points) (error 'polygon "expected at least one point")) (dc (lambda (dc x y) (let ([old-brush (send dc get-brush)]) (send dc set-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush color 'solid)) (send dc draw-polygon (map (lambda (p) (make-object point% (posn-x p) (posn-y p))) flat-points) x y) (send dc set-brush old-brush))) (get-width flat-points) (get-height flat-points) 0 0))) (define (get-width points) (apply max (map posn-x points))) (define (get-height points) (apply max (map posn-y points))) (define (square-tooth accept?) (list (make-posn 0 (if accept? (- square-tooth-accept-space) 0)) (make-posn (- square-tooth-width) (if accept? (- square-tooth-accept-space) 0)) (make-posn (- square-tooth-width) (if accept? (+ square-tooth-height square-tooth-accept-space) square-tooth-height)) (make-posn 0 (if accept? (+ square-tooth-height square-tooth-accept-space) square-tooth-height)))) (define (hex-tooth accept?) (list (make-posn (if accept? (- hex-tooth-accept-space) 0) 0) (make-posn (if accept? (- hex-tooth-inset hex-tooth-accept-space) hex-tooth-inset) (- hex-tooth-height)) (make-posn (if accept? (+ (- hex-tooth-width hex-tooth-inset) hex-tooth-accept-space) (- hex-tooth-width hex-tooth-inset)) (- hex-tooth-height)) (make-posn (if accept? (+ hex-tooth-width hex-tooth-accept-space) hex-tooth-width) 0))) (define (pointy-tooth accept?) (list (make-posn (if accept? (- pointy-tooth-accept-space) 0) 0) (make-posn (/ pointy-tooth-width 2) (if accept? (- (+ pointy-tooth-height pointy-tooth-accept-space)) (- pointy-tooth-height))) (make-posn (if accept? (+ pointy-tooth-accept-space pointy-tooth-width) pointy-tooth-width) 0))) (define (offset-posns x y posns) (map (lambda (pt) (make-posn (+ x (posn-x pt)) (+ y (posn-y pt)))) posns)) (define (flatten orig-sexp) (let loop ([sexp orig-sexp] [acc null]) (cond [(null? sexp) acc] [(pair? sexp) (loop (car sexp) (loop (cdr sexp) acc))] [else (cons sexp acc)]))) (define (overlay-striped-background color diameter pict) (let* ([w (pict-width pict)] [h (pict-height pict)] [pt1 (make-object point% 0 0)] [pt2 (make-object point% 0 0)] [pt3 (make-object point% 0 0)] [poly (list pt1 pt2 pt3)] [bkg (dc (lambda (dc dx dy) (let ([old-pen (send dc get-pen)] [old-brush (send dc get-brush)] [pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen color 1 'solid)] [brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush color 'solid)]) (unless pen (error "unknown color: ~s" color)) (send dc set-pen pen) (send dc set-brush brush) (let loop ([x 0] [t #f]) (when (< x w) (let loop ([y 0] [t t]) (when (< y h) (if t (begin (send pt1 set-x (+ x dx)) (send pt1 set-y (+ y dy)) (send pt2 set-x (+ x dx diameter)) (send pt2 set-y (+ y dy)) (send pt3 set-x (+ x dx)) (send pt3 set-y (+ y dy diameter))) (begin (send pt1 set-x (+ x dx)) (send pt1 set-y (+ y dy diameter)) (send pt2 set-x (+ x dx diameter)) (send pt2 set-y (+ y dy)) (send pt3 set-x (+ x dx diameter)) (send pt3 set-y (+ y dy diameter)))) (send dc draw-polygon poly) (loop (+ y diameter) (not t)))) (loop (+ x diameter) (not t)))) (send dc set-pen old-pen) (send dc set-brush old-brush))) w h 0 0)]) (cc-superimpose bkg pict))) (define (overlay-background color pict) (let* ([w (pict-width pict)] [h (pict-height pict)] [bkg (dc (lambda (dc x y) (let ([old-pen (send dc get-pen)] [old-brush (send dc get-brush)] [pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen color 1 'solid)] [brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush color 'solid)]) (unless pen (error "unknown color: ~s" color)) (send dc set-pen pen) (send dc set-brush brush) (send dc draw-rectangle x y w h) (send dc set-pen old-pen) (send dc set-brush old-brush))) w h 0 0)]) (cc-superimpose bkg pict))) (define (ident x) x) (interlocking-components))