(module choose-paren mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "" "framework"))
  ;; This is very much a copy-and-paste of private behavior within
  ;; framework/private/  I'm adjusting it for DivaScheme usage.
  ;; I don't like copy-and-paste, but I'm not seeing a good way at reusing
  ;; the existing functionality without doing worse entangling things.
  (provide choose-paren
  ;; get-contextual-open-cmd: scheme-text% symbol -> symbol
  ;; Given a scheme-text% and a default-cmd, returns DrScheme's
  ;; choice for paren opening as either 'Open or 'Open-Square.
  ;; Otherwise, returns the default command.
  (define (get-contextual-open-cmd editor default-cmd)
      [(preferences:get 'framework:fixup-open-parens)
       (case (choose-paren editor)
          ;; Fixme: has no provision for
          ;; curly open at the moment!
      [else default-cmd]))
  ;; choose-paren: scheme-text% -> char
  ;; Returns the right square paren to use at the context where the cursor is.
  (define (choose-paren text)
    (let* ([pos (send text get-start-position)]
           [real-char #\[]
           [change-to (λ (i c)
                        ;(printf "change-to, case ~a\n" i)
                        (set! real-char c))]
           [start-pos (send text get-start-position)]
           [end-pos (send text get-end-position)]
           [letrec-like-forms (preferences:get 'framework:square-bracket:letrec)])
      (send text begin-edit-sequence #f #f)
      (send text insert "[" start-pos 'same #f)
      (when (eq? (send text classify-position pos) 'parenthesis)
        (let* ([before-whitespace-pos (send text skip-whitespace pos 'backward #t)]
                ;; searches backwards for the keyword in the sequence at this level.
                ;; if found, it counts how many sexps back it was and then uses that to
                ;; check the preferences.
                (let loop ([pos before-whitespace-pos]
                           [n 0])
                  (let ([backward-match (send text backward-match pos 0)])
                       (let ([before-whitespace-pos (send text skip-whitespace backward-match 'backward #t)])
                         (loop before-whitespace-pos
                               (+ n 1)))]
                       (let* ([afterwards (send text get-forward-sexp pos)]
                               (and afterwards
                                    (send text get-text pos afterwards))])
                         (and keyword
                              (member (list keyword (- n 1))
                                      (preferences:get 'framework:square-bracket:cond/offset))))])))])
             ;; just leave the square backet in, in this case
             (let* ([backward-match (send text backward-match before-whitespace-pos 0)]
                    [b-m-char (and (number? backward-match) (send text get-character backward-match))])
                  ;; there is an expression before this, at this layer
                  (let* ([before-whitespace-pos2 (send text skip-whitespace backward-match 'backward #t)]
                         [backward-match2 (send text backward-match before-whitespace-pos2 0)])
                      [(member b-m-char '(#\(#\[#\{))
                       ;; found a "sibling" parenthesized sequence. use the parens it uses.
                       (change-to 1 b-m-char)]
                       ;; otherwise, we switch to (
                       (change-to 2 #\()]))]
                 [(not (zero? before-whitespace-pos))
                  ;; this is the first thing in the sequence
                  ;; pop out one layer and look for a keyword.
                  (let ([b-w-p-char (send text get-character (- before-whitespace-pos 1))])
                      [(equal? b-w-p-char #\()
                       (let* ([second-before-whitespace-pos (send text skip-whitespace
                                                                  (- before-whitespace-pos 1)
                              [second-backwards-match (send text backward-match
                           [(not second-backwards-match)
                            (change-to 3 #\()]
                           [(and (beginning-of-sequence? text second-backwards-match)
                                 (ormap (λ (x) (text-between-equal? x
                            ;; we found a let<mumble> keyword, so we get a square bracket
                            ;; go back one more sexp in the same row, looking for `let loop' pattern
                            (let* ([second-before-whitespace-pos2 (send text skip-whitespace
                                   [second-backwards-match2 (send text backward-match
                                [(and second-backwards-match2
                                      (eq? (send text classify-position second-backwards-match)
                                           ;;; otherwise, this isn't a `let loop', it is a regular let!
                                      (member "let" letrec-like-forms)
                                      (text-between-equal? "let"
                                 ;; found the `(let loop (' so we keep the [
                                 ;; otherwise, round.
                                 (change-to 4 #\()]))]))]
                       (change-to 5 #\()]))]
                  (change-to 6 #\()]))])))
      (send text delete pos (+ pos 1) #f)
      (send text end-edit-sequence)
  ;; beginning-of-sequence? : text number -> boolean
  ;; determines if this position is at the beginning of a sequence
  ;; that begins with a parenthesis.
  (define (beginning-of-sequence? text start)
    (let ([before-space (send text skip-whitespace start 'backward #t)])
        [(zero? before-space) #t]
         (equal? (send text get-character (- before-space 1)) 
  (define (text-between-equal? str text start end)
    (and (= (string-length str) (- end start))
         (let loop ([i (string-length str)])
             [(= i 0) #t]
              (and (char=? (string-ref str (- i 1))
                           (send text get-character (+ i start -1)))
                   (loop (- i 1)))])))))