(module interpreter mzscheme
(require (lib "etc.ss")
(lib "list.ss")
(lib "plt-match.ss")
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "struct.ss")
(only (lib "1.ss" "srfi") last circular-list partition find)
(lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(provide interpreter)
(provide eval-Protocol-Syntax-Tree
(define diva-debug? false)
(define (diva-printf text . args)
(when diva-debug?
(apply printf text args)))
(define current-actions (make-parameter (make-object actions%)))
(define max-undo-count 50)
(define (interpreter ast world)
(lambda () (diva-printf "Interpreter was called with tree: ~a~n" ast)
(eval-Protocol-Syntax-Tree world ast))))
(define (eval-Protocol-Syntax-Tree world ast)
(let* ([world (match ast
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Again)) #f #f)) world]
[_ (copy-struct World world
[World-again ast])])]
[world (trim-undos world max-undo-count)])
(match ast
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Open)) loc what))
(eval-Open false world loc what 0 0 false 'Normal)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Open-Square)) loc what))
(eval-Open true world loc what 0 0 false 'Normal)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Symbol-Cmd ((? is-quoting-symbol? symbol))) loc #f))
(eval-Quote world symbol loc)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Symbol-Cmd (symbol)) loc #f))
(eval-Symbol world symbol loc 0 0 false 'Normal)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Close)) #f #f))
(eval-Close world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Insert)) loc #f))
(eval-Insert world loc)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Search-Forward)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Search world (make-make-metric world metric-forward) (World-cursor-position world) loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Search-Backward)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Search world (make-make-metric world metric-backward) (World-cursor-position world) loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Search-Top)) loc what))
(eval-Search world (make-make-metric world metric-forward) (index->syntax-pos 0) loc what)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Search-Bottom)) loc what))
(eval-Search world (make-make-metric world metric-backward) (index->syntax-pos 0) loc what)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Select)) loc what))
(eval-Select world (World-cursor-position world) loc what)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Holder)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Holder world false loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Holder-Forward)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Holder world false loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Holder-Backward)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Holder world true loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Next)) #f #f))
(eval-Next world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Previous)) #f #f))
(eval-Previous world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Cancel)) #f #f))
(eval-Cancel world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Undo)) #f #f))
(eval-Undo world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Redo)) #f #f))
(eval-Redo world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Magic)) #f #f))
(eval-Magic world false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Magic-Bash)) #f what))
(eval-Magic-Bash world what)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Magic-Wrap)) #f #f))
(eval-Magic world true)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Pass)) #f #f))
(eval-Pass world false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Pass-Wrap)) #f #f))
(eval-Pass world true)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Again)) #f #f))
(eval-Again world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Out)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Out world loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Up)) #f #f))
(eval-Up world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Down)) #f #f))
(eval-Down world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Younger)) #f #f))
(eval-Younger world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Older)) #f #f))
(eval-Older world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('First)) #f #f))
(eval-First world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Last)) #f #f))
(eval-Last world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Forward)) #f #f))
(eval-Forward world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Backward)) #f #f))
(eval-Backward world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Delete)) #f #f))
(eval-Delete world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Dedouble-Ellipsis)) #f #f))
(eval-Dedouble-Ellipsis world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Bring)) #f #f))
(eval-Bring world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Push)) #f #f))
(eval-Push world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Exchange)) #f #f))
(eval-Exchange world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Mark)) loc/false what/false))
(eval-Mark world loc/false what/false)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('UnMark)) #f #f))
(eval-UnMark world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Copy)) #f #f))
(eval-Copy world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Cut)) #f #f))
(eval-Cut world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Paste)) #f #f))
(eval-Paste world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Definition)) #f #f))
(eval-Definition world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Usage)) #f #f))
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Enter)) #f #f))
(eval-Enter world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Join)) #f #f))
(eval-Join world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Indent)) #f #f))
(eval-Indent world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Transpose)) #f #f))
(eval-Transpose world)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Tag)) #f what))
(eval-Tag ast world what)]
[(struct Verb ((struct Command ('Extend-Selection)) #f #f))
(eval-Extend-Selection world)]
(define (world-clear world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear/extend world)
[World-extension-base #f]
[World-extension-length #f]))
(define (world-clear/extend world)
(copy-struct World world
[World-target-column #f]
[World-Next-f (default-Next-f)]
[World-Previous-f (default-Previous-f)]
[World-Magic-f (default-Magic-f)]
[World-Pass-f (default-Pass-f)]
[World-redo false]
[World-success-message (if (and (equal? (World-success-message world) "")
(World-extension-base world))
"extending selection..."
(World-success-message world))]))
(define (trim-undos world undo-count)
(define dealt-with (make-hash-table))
(let loop ([world world]
[undo-count undo-count])
(lambda ()
(let ([result (cond
[(not (World-undo world)) world]
[(= undo-count 0)
(copy-struct World world
[World-cancel false]
[World-undo false])]
(let ([sub-undo (loop (World-undo world) (sub1 undo-count))]
[sub-cancel (loop (World-cancel world) (sub1 undo-count))])
(copy-struct World world
[World-undo sub-undo]
[World-cancel sub-cancel]))])])
(hash-table-put! dealt-with world result)
(define (eval-Loc world make-metric-f base loc/false)
(define (e-w w selector)
(let ([result (eval-What world make-metric-f base w)])
(if result (selector result)
(match loc/false
[#f base]
[(struct Loc ((? Before?) what)) (e-w what syntax-position)]
[(struct Loc ((? After?) what)) (e-w what syntax-end-position)]))
(define (eval-What world make-metric-f base what)
(define (aux noun ref)
(let ([matches (eval-Noun world make-metric-f base noun)])
(list-ref/safe matches (modulo ref (add1 (length matches))))))
(match what
[#f (find-pos-near base (World-syntax-list world))]
[(struct WhatN (noun)) (aux noun 0 )]
[(struct WhatDN (distance noun)) (aux noun (sub1 distance))]))
(define (eval-What/open what/false)
(match what/false
[#f false]
[(struct WhatN ( (struct Symbol-Noun (symbol)))) symbol]
[(struct WhatDN (1 (struct Symbol-Noun (symbol)))) symbol]
[_ (raise (make-voice-exn "This does not mean anything for me"))]))
(define (eval-What/holder world metric what)
(match what
[(struct WhatN ((struct Symbol-Noun (symbol))))
(find-placeholder/symbol symbol 0 metric (World-syntax-list world))]
[(struct WhatDN (distance (struct Symbol-Noun (symbol))))
(find-placeholder/symbol symbol (sub1 distance) metric (World-syntax-list world))]
[_ (raise (make-voice-exn "This does not make sense for me"))]))
(define (eval-What/select world make-metric-f what-base what)
(match what
[(struct WhatN (noun))
(find-rank what-base (eval-Noun world make-metric-f 0 noun))]
[(struct WhatDN (distance noun))
(find-rank what-base (eval-Noun world make-metric-f 0 noun))]))
(define (eval-What/bash what)
(match what
[(struct WhatN ( (struct Symbol-Noun (symbol)))) symbol]
[(struct WhatDN (1 (struct Symbol-Noun (symbol)))) symbol]
[_ (raise (make-voice-exn "This does not mean anything for me"))]))
(define (eval-Noun world make-metric-f base noun)
(match noun
[(struct Symbol-Noun (symbol))
(let ([result1 (find-all/not-first (syntax-is-symbol? symbol) (World-syntax-list world))]
[result2 (find-all (syntax-begins-with? symbol) (World-syntax-list world))])
(sort/metric (make-metric-f base) (append result1 result2)))]
[(struct The-Symbol (symbol))
(find-all/metric (syntax-is-symbol? symbol) (make-metric-f base) (World-syntax-list world))]))
(define (eval-Loc+What world make-metric-f loc/false what/false)
(let* ([loc-base (World-cursor-position world)]
[what-base (eval-Loc world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false)])
(if what/false
(eval-What world make-metric-f what-base what/false)
(define (inc-what-distance what/false x)
(match what/false
[(struct WhatN (noun)) (make-WhatDN (+ 1 x) noun)]
[(struct WhatDN (distance noun)) (make-WhatDN (+ distance x) noun)]
[_ (raise (make-voice-exn "Not supported"))]))
(define (dec-what-distance what/false x)
(inc-what-distance what/false (- x)))
(define (inc-Loc-distance loc x)
(make-Loc (Loc-where loc)
(inc-what-distance (Loc-what loc) x)))
(define (dec-Loc-distance loc x)
(inc-Loc-distance loc (- x)))
(define (revert-cursor old-world new-world)
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-target-column #f]
[World-cursor-position (World-cursor-position old-world)]))
(define ((make-make-metric world metric-base-last) base)
(let ([last (syntax-list-last-position (World-syntax-list world))])
(metric-base-last base last)))
(define (make-metric-w/world world metric-base-last)
((make-make-metric world metric-base-last) (World-cursor-position world)))
(define (eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false template-number magic-number template/magic-wrap? mode)
(lambda () (eval-What/open what/false)))]
(lambda ()
(eval-Loc world
(make-make-metric world metric-forward)
(World-cursor-position world)
(lambda ()
(send (current-actions) open
(and loc/false pos)
[Magic-f (lambda (new-world template/magic-wrap?)
(eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false 0 (add1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Magic-Next-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false 0 (add1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Magic-Previous-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false 0 (add1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Pass-f (lambda (new-world template/magic-wrap?)
(eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false (add1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Pass-Next-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false (add1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Pass-Previous-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Open square? world loc/false what/false (sub1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Next-f (match mode
['Normal (default-Next-f)]
['Magic Magic-Next-f ]
['Pass Pass-Next-f ])]
[Previous-f (match mode
['Normal (default-Previous-f)]
['Magic Magic-Previous-f ]
['Pass Pass-Previous-f ])])
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-target-column #f]
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]
[World-redo false]
[World-Magic-f Magic-f]
[World-Pass-f Pass-f])))
(define (eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false template-number magic-number template/magic-wrap? mode)
(let* ([loc-base (World-cursor-position world)]
[pos (eval-Loc world (make-make-metric world metric-forward) loc-base loc/false)]
[new-world (send (current-actions) symbol world symbol (and loc/false pos) template-number magic-number template/magic-wrap?)]
[Magic-f (lambda (new-world template/magic-wrap?)
(eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false 0 (add1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Magic-Next-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false 0 (add1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Magic-Previous-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false 0 (sub1 magic-number) template/magic-wrap? 'Magic))]
[Pass-f (lambda (new-world template/magic-wrap?)
(eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false (add1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Pass-Next-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false (add1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Pass-Previous-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Symbol world symbol loc/false (sub1 template-number) magic-number template/magic-wrap? 'Pass))]
[Next-f (match mode
['Normal (default-Next-f)]
['Magic Magic-Next-f ]
['Pass Pass-Next-f ])]
[Previous-f (match mode
['Normal (default-Previous-f)]
['Magic Magic-Previous-f ]
['Pass Pass-Previous-f ])])
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-target-column #f]
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]
[World-redo false]
[World-Magic-f Magic-f]
[World-Pass-f Pass-f])))
(define (eval-Quote world symbol loc)
(define (eval-Close world)
(let ([new-w (world-clear (send (current-actions) close world))])
(if (equal? (World-text world)
(World-text new-w))
(copy-struct World new-w
[World-cancel world])
(copy-struct World new-w
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))))
(define (eval-Insert world loc)
(let* ([position (eval-Loc world
(World-cursor-position world)
[Next-f (lambda (new-world)
(inc-Loc-distance loc 1)))]
[Previous-f (lambda (new-world)
(dec-Loc-distance loc 1)))])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) set-cursor-position world position))
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world])))
(define (eval-Search world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false what)
(let* ([stx (with-handlers ([voice-exn? (lambda (exn) (raise (make-voice-exn "No match")))])
(eval-What world
(eval-Loc world
[make-NP (lambda (x)
(lambda (new-world)
(eval-Search world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false (inc-what-distance what x))))]
[Next-f (lambda (new-world)
(with-handlers ([voice-exn?
(lambda (exn)
(raise (make-voice-exn/world "No more match"
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-Next-f (make-NP 2)]))))])
((make-NP 1) new-world)))]
[Previous-f (lambda (new-world)
(with-handlers ([voice-exn?
(lambda (exn)
(raise (make-voice-exn/world "No more match"
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-Previous-f (make-NP -2)]))))])
((make-NP -1) new-world)))])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx))
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world])))
(define (eval-Select world loc-base loc/false what)
(let* ([make-metric-f (make-make-metric world metric-forward)]
[what-base (eval-Loc world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false)]
[rank/false (with-handlers ([voice-exn? (lambda (exn) (raise (make-voice-exn "nothing to select")))])
(eval-What/select world make-metric-f what-base what))]
[_ (diva-printf "RANK: ~a~n" rank/false)]
[what (if rank/false
(inc-what-distance what rank/false)
(diva-printf "HERE: ~a~n" what)
(if rank/false
(eval-Search world make-metric-f 0 false what)
(eval-Search world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false what))))
(define (eval-Holder world backward? loc/false what/false)
(let* ([make-metric-f (make-make-metric world (if backward? metric-backward metric-forward))]
[loc-base (if backward?
(sub1 (World-cursor-position world))
(World-selection-end-position world))]
[base (eval-Loc world make-metric-f loc-base loc/false)])
(if what/false
(let* ([stx/false (eval-What/holder world (make-metric-f base) what/false)]
[Next-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Holder world backward? loc/false (inc-what-distance what/false 1)))]
[Previous-f (lambda (new-world) (eval-Holder world backward? loc/false (dec-what-distance what/false 1)))])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx/false))
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world]))
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) holder world base backward?))
[World-cancel world]))))
(define ((default-Next-f) world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Next is not supported")))
(define ((default-Previous-f) world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Previous is not supported")))
(define ((default-Magic-f) world wrap?)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Magic is not supported")))
(define ((default-Pass-f) world template-wrap?)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Pass is not supported")))
(define (eval-Next world)
((World-Next-f world) world))
(define (eval-Previous world)
((World-Previous-f world) world))
(define (eval-Cancel world)
(if (World-cancel world)
(copy-struct World (World-cancel world)
[World-redo world])
(raise (make-voice-exn "Cancel is not supported"))))
(define (eval-Undo world)
(if (World-undo world)
(copy-struct World (World-undo world)
[World-redo world])
(raise (make-voice-exn "Nothing to undo"))))
(define (eval-Redo world)
(or (World-redo world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Nothing to redo"))))
(define (eval-Magic world magic-wrap?)
((World-Magic-f world) world magic-wrap?))
(define (eval-Pass world template-wrap?)
((World-Pass-f world) world template-wrap?))
(define (eval-Again world)
(unless (World-again world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Nothing to reexecute")))
(eval-Protocol-Syntax-Tree world (World-again world)))
(define (eval-Magic-Bash world what)
(let ([symbol (eval-What/bash what)])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) magic-bash world symbol))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world])))
(define (eval-Out world loc/false what/false)
(let* ([stx/pos (eval-Loc+What world metric-nearest loc/false what/false)]
[Next-f (if what/false
(lambda (new-world) (eval-Out world loc/false (inc-what-distance what/false 1)))
[Previous-f (if what/false
(lambda (new-world) (eval-Out world loc/false (dec-what-distance what/false 1)))
[base (if (syntax? stx/pos)
(syntax-position stx/pos)
[stx/false (find-pos base (World-syntax-list world))]
[stx/false (if (or (not stx/false)
(and (= (syntax-position stx/false) (World-cursor-position world))
(= (syntax-span stx/false) (World-selection-length world))))
(find-pos-parent base (World-syntax-list world))
(if stx/false
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx/false))
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world])
(raise (make-voice-exn "No containing expression")))))
(define (eval-Down world)
(eval-column-motion world false))
(define (eval-Up world)
(eval-column-motion world true))
(define (eval-column-motion world is-up?)
(let* ([line (line-number (World-text world) (World-cursor-position world))]
[target-column (or (World-target-column world)
(- (World-cursor-position world)
(line-pos (World-text world)
(World-cursor-position world))))]
[stx/false (find-pos-updown line target-column
(World-syntax-list world) is-up?)])
(if stx/false
(if (World-extension-base world)
(copy-struct World
(motion-extension world (World-extension-base world) stx/false)
[World-target-column target-column])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx/false))
[World-target-column target-column]
[World-cancel world]))
(eval-line-motion world (if is-up? 'up 'down)))))
(define (eval-line-motion world direction)
(world-clear world)
(lambda (world window)
(send window move-position direction)
(define (eval-Older world)
(let ([stx (find-pos-sibling-forward (World-selection-end-position world) (World-syntax-list world))])
(if stx
(if (World-extension-base world)
(motion-extension world (World-extension-base world) stx)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx))
[World-cancel world]))
(raise (make-voice-exn "Nothing forward.")))))
(define (eval-Younger world)
(let ([stx (find-pos-sibling-backward (World-cursor-position world) (World-syntax-list world))])
(if stx
(if (World-extension-base world)
(motion-extension world (World-extension-base world) stx)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx))
[World-cancel world]))
(raise (make-voice-exn "Nothing backward.")))))
(define (eval-First world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) first/selection world))
[World-cancel world]))
(define (eval-Last world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) last/selection world))
[World-cancel world]))
(define ((not-here?/w world) stx) ((not-here? (World-cursor-position world)) stx))
(define ((not-here? pos) stx) (not (= pos (syntax-position stx))))
(define (eval-Forward world)
(define (eval-Forward/normal world)
(let* ([stx-list (find-all-forward (lambda args true)
(World-cursor-position world)
(World-syntax-list world))]
[stx/false (cond
[(empty? stx-list) false]
[(= 0 (World-selection-length world)) (first stx-list)]
(find (not-here?/w world) stx-list)])])
(if stx/false
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx/false))
[World-cancel world])
(eval-line-motion world 'right))))
(define (eval-Forward/extension world)
(let* ([end-pos (World-selection-end-position world)]
[stx-list (World-syntax-list world)]
[forward-stx/false (or (find-pos-sibling-forward end-pos stx-list)
(find-pos-parent end-pos stx-list))])
(if forward-stx/false
(motion-extension world
(World-extension-base world)
(if (World-extension-base world)
(eval-Forward/extension world)
(eval-Forward/normal world)))
(define (eval-Backward world)
(define (eval-Backward/normal world)
(let ([stx-list (find-all-backward (lambda args true)
(World-cursor-position world)
(World-syntax-list world))])
(let ([stx/false (cond
[(empty? stx-list) false]
[(= 0 (World-selection-length world)) (first stx-list)]
[else (find (not-here?/w world) stx-list)])])
(if stx/false
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) select/stx world stx/false))
[World-cancel world])
(eval-line-motion world 'left)))))
(define (eval-Backward/extension world)
(let* ([pos (World-cursor-position world)]
[stx-list (World-syntax-list world)]
[backward-stx/false (or (find-pos-sibling-backward pos stx-list)
(find-pos-parent pos stx-list))])
(if backward-stx/false
(motion-extension world (World-extension-base world) backward-stx/false)
(if (World-extension-base world)
(eval-Backward/extension world)
(eval-Backward/normal world)))
(define (motion-extension world base moved)
([(w1 w2) (if (< base (syntax-position moved))
(values base (syntax-position moved))
(values (syntax-position moved) base))]
[(p1 p2)
(greatest-distinct-parents w1 w2
(World-syntax-list world))]
[(default) (or p1 p2 (find-pos-near base (World-syntax-list world)))]
[(pos end)
(if (and p1 p2)
(values (syntax-position p1) (syntax-end-position p2))
(values (syntax-position default) (syntax-end-position default)))]
[(result) (send (current-actions) select/pos+end world
pos end)])
(copy-struct World (world-clear/extend result)
[World-cancel world])))
(define (eval-Delete world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) delete world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Dedouble-Ellipsis world)
(success-message (send (current-actions) dedouble-ellipsis world) false))
(define (eval-Bring world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) bring world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Push world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) push world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Exchange world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) exchange world))
[World-cancel world]))
(define (eval-Mark world loc/false what/false)
(if what/false
(let* ([loc-base (World-cursor-position world)]
[what-base (eval-Loc world (make-make-metric world metric-forward) loc-base loc/false)]
[stx (eval-What world (make-make-metric world metric-forward) what-base what/false)]
[Next-f (lambda (new-world)
(eval-Mark world loc/false (inc-what-distance what/false 1)))]
[Previous-f (lambda (new-world)
(eval-Mark world loc/false (dec-what-distance what/false 1)))])
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) mark/stx world stx))
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world]))
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) selection->mark world))
[World-cancel world])))
(define (eval-UnMark world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) unmark world))
[World-cancel world]))
(define (eval-Copy world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) copy world))
[World-cancel world]))
(define (eval-Cut world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) cut world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Paste world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) paste world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Definition world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Not supported yet")))
(define (eval-Usage world)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Not supported yet")))
(define (eval-Enter world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) enter/selection world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Join world)
(copy-struct World (world-clear (send (current-actions) join/selection world))
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))
(define (eval-Indent world)
(send (current-actions) indent/selection world))
(define (eval-Transpose original-world)
(world-clear original-world)
(lambda (world window)
(send window transpose-sexp (pos->index (World-cursor-position world)))
(copy-struct World world
[World-cancel original-world]
[World-undo original-world]))))
(define (eval-Extend-Selection world)
(if (World-extension-base world)
(copy-struct World world
[World-extension-base #f]
[World-extension-length #f])
(copy-struct World world
[World-extension-base (World-cursor-position world)]
[World-extension-length 0]))))
(define (eval-Tag ast world what)
(define (what->string what)
(Symbol-Noun-symbol (WhatN-noun what))))
(define (in-same-file? world tag)
(equal? (tag-path tag) (World-path world)))
(define (goto-tag tag world)
[(in-same-file? world tag)
(let* ([positions
(lambda (stx)
(in-syntax? (tag-position tag) stx))
(tag-position tag)
(World-syntax-list world))])
(when (empty? positions)
(raise (make-voice-exn "Not found")))
(send (current-actions)
(first positions)))]
(make-SwitchWorld (tag-path tag) ast)]))
(define (previous lst)
(let loop ([L lst])
(if (eq? (rest L) lst) L
(loop (rest L)))))
(define (apply-tags tags world)
(define (Next-f world)
(apply-tags (rest tags) world))
(define (Previous-f world)
(apply-tags (previous tags) world))
(let ([new-world (goto-tag (first tags) world)])
(if (SwitchWorld? new-world)
(copy-struct World new-world
[World-Next-f Next-f]
[World-Previous-f Previous-f]
[World-cancel world]
[World-undo world]))))
(define (sort-for-NP tags world)
(define (path-cmp a b)
[(string<? (path->string (tag-path a)) (path->string (tag-path b)))
[(string>? (path->string (tag-path a)) (path->string (tag-path b)))
[else 0]))
(define (numeric-cmp a b)
(cond [(< a b) -1]
[(> a b) 1]
[else 0]))
(define (cmp a b)
[(= (path-cmp a b) -1) -1]
[(= (path-cmp a b) 1) 1]
[else (numeric-cmp (tag-position a) (tag-position b))]))
(define sorted (quicksort tags cmp))
(let-values ([(here there) (partition (lambda (t) (in-same-file? world t)) sorted)])
(apply circular-list (append here there))))
(define tags
(tag-library-lookup (get-current-tag-library) (what->string what)))
(cond [(empty? tags)
(raise (make-voice-exn "No match"))]
(apply-tags (sort-for-NP tags world) world)])))