#lang s-exp "../"

(require "")
(require "../")
(require "../")

;(define def-prepend "o_")
;(define arg-prepend "a_")
;(define struct-prepend "s_")
(define anon-prepend "anon")

(define empty-hash (make-immutable-hasheq empty))

(define-struct wrapped (expr))

;; mod-symbol: string symbol string -> symbol
;; consumes a prepend string, an original symbol, and an append string
;; returns a new symbol with the prepend string prepended and the append string appended
(define (mod-symbol prepend symb append)
  (string->symbol (string-append prepend (symbol->string symb) append)))

;; unwrap: s-expr -> s-expr
;; consumes a symbolic expression
;; returns the same expression, unwrapping any wrapped statements
(define (unwrap expr)
    [(wrapped? expr) (wrapped-expr expr)]
    [(cons? expr) (map unwrap expr)]
    [else expr]))

;; get-struct-names: (listof expr) -> (listof symbol)
;; takes a top-level list of expression
;; returns a list of the name of all structs defined at top level
(define (get-struct-ids expr)
  (foldl (lambda (an-expr symb-list)
           (if (and (cons? an-expr)
                    (equal? (first an-expr) 'define-struct))
               (cons (second an-expr) symb-list)

;; struct-replace: symbol (listof symbol) -> symbol/false
;; takes a symbol and a list of struct names
;; returns the original symbol with the struct name prepened
;;   or false if the struct name did not appear in the list
(define (struct-replace? symb prepend struct-names)
    [(empty? struct-names) false]
    [(cons? struct-names)
       [(equal? symb (first struct-names))
        (make-wrapped (mod-symbol prepend symb ""))]
       [(equal? symb (mod-symbol "make-" (first struct-names) ""))
        (make-wrapped (mod-symbol (string-append "make-" prepend)
                                (first struct-names)
       [(equal? symb (mod-symbol "" (first struct-names) "?"))
        (make-wrapped (mod-symbol prepend (first struct-names) "?"))]
       [(and (> (string-length (symbol->string symb))
                (string-length (symbol->string (first struct-names))))
             (equal? (string->symbol
                 (substring (symbol->string symb)
                            (string-length (symbol->string (first struct-names)))))
                (first struct-names)))
        (make-wrapped (mod-symbol prepend symb ""))]
       [else (struct-replace? symb prepend (rest struct-names))])]))

;; replace-struct-ids: s-expr (listof symbol) -> s-expr
;; consumes a symbolic expression and a list of identifiers to replace
;; returns the same expression with the struct identifiers replaced
(define (replace-struct-ids expr struct-names)
    [(cons? expr)
     (local [(define new-names (append struct-names
                                       (if (equal? (first expr) 'local)
                                           (get-struct-ids (second expr))
       (map (lambda (elt) (replace-struct-ids elt new-names)) expr))]
    [(symbol? expr)
     (local [(define name-replace (struct-replace? expr struct-prepend struct-names))]
       (if (false? name-replace)
    [else expr]))

;; rename-toplevel-structs: (listof s-expr) -> s-expr
;; consumes a top-level list of expression
;; returns the same list by with all struct names munged
(define (rename-structs expr)
  (replace-struct-ids expr (get-struct-ids expr)))

;; add-id-pairs: string (listof symbol) hash -> hash
;; consumes a prepend string and a list of symbols
;; returns a hash table mapping each symbol in the list
;;    to the same symbol prepended with the string
(define (add-id-pairs prepend id-list base-hash)
  (foldl (lambda (id a-hash)
           (hash-set a-hash id (make-wrapped (mod-symbol prepend id ""))))

;; get-outter-ids: (listof s-expr) -> (listof symbol)
;; consumes a program represented as a list of symbolic expressions in abstract syntax
;; returns the list of all identifiers bound at the outter level of the expression
(define (get-outter-ids expr)
  (foldl (lambda (an-expr symb-list)
           (if (and (cons? an-expr)
                    (equal? (first an-expr) 'define))
               (cons (if (cons? (second an-expr))
                         (first (second an-expr))
                         (second an-expr))

;; replace-user-ids: s-expr (hashof symbol . wrapped) -> s-expr
;; consumes a symbolic expression and a hash of things to replace
;; returns the same expression with all user-defined identifiers munged
;;    by prepending orig-prepend
(define (replace-user-ids expr id-hash)
    [(symbol? expr) (if (false? (hash-ref id-hash expr false))
                        (hash-ref id-hash expr false))]
    [(cons? expr)
       [(equal? (first expr) 'local)
        (local [(define new-id-hash
                  (add-id-pairs def-prepend
                                (get-outter-ids (second expr))
          (map (lambda (elt) (replace-user-ids elt new-id-hash)) expr))]
       [(or (equal? (first expr) 'define)
            (equal? (first expr) 'lambda))
        (local [(define new-id-hash
                  (add-id-pairs arg-prepend
                                (if (equal? (first expr) 'lambda)
                                    (second expr)
                                    (if (cons? (second expr))
                                        (rest (second expr))
          (map (lambda (elt) (replace-user-ids elt new-id-hash)) expr))]
       [(equal? (first expr) 'quote) expr]
       [else (map (lambda (elt) (replace-user-ids elt id-hash)) expr)])]
    [else expr]))

;; replace-ids: s-expr -> s-expr
;; munges all indentifiers in the initial expression
(define (rename-all-ids expr)
  (unwrap (replace-user-ids (replace-struct-ids expr (get-struct-ids expr))
                            (add-id-pairs def-prepend (get-outter-ids expr)

(define-struct linfo (return raise gensym))

;; ensugar: s-expr -> s-expr
;; takes a define statement in abstract syntax
;; if the identifier is bound directly to a syntactic lambda
;;    then it returns the syntactic sugar for the statement
;;    otherwise it returns the original statement
(define (ensugar def)
  (if (and (cons? def)
           (equal? (first def) 'define))
      (if (and (not (cons? (second def)))
               (and (cons? (third def))
                    (equal? (first (third def)) 'lambda)))
          (list 'define
                (cons (second def) (second (third def)))
                (third (third def)))
      (error 'ensugar "expected definition in abstract syntax, found something else.")))

;; fold-elim-anon: s-expr number -> linfo
;; consumes a symbolic expression and a gensym counter
;; returns the result of folding elim-anon-help across the expression
(define (fold-elim-anon expr gensym)
  (local [(define reversed-info
            (foldl (lambda (an-expr new-info)
                     (local [(define rec-info
                               (elim-anon-help an-expr (linfo-gensym new-info)))]
                       (make-linfo (cons (linfo-return rec-info)
                                         (linfo-return new-info))
                                   (append (linfo-raise new-info)
                                           (linfo-raise rec-info))
                                   (linfo-gensym rec-info))))
                   (make-linfo empty empty gensym)
    (make-linfo (reverse (linfo-return reversed-info))
                (linfo-raise reversed-info)
                (linfo-gensym reversed-info))))

;; elim-anon-help: s-expr number -> linfo
;; consumes a symbolic expression and a gensym counter
;; returns linfo where the return is the new statement,
;;    the raise is new local definitions to be placed inside the next
;;    binding form, and the gensym is the new gensym counter
(define (elim-anon-help expr gensym)
    [(cons? expr)
       [(equal? (first expr) 'lambda)
        (local [(define new-proc-name
                  (string->symbol (string-append anon-prepend
                                                 (number->string gensym))))
                (define rec-info (elim-anon-help (third expr) (add1 gensym)))]
          #;(printf "lambda expression becoming ~a is\n ~a\n"
          (make-linfo new-proc-name
                      (list (list 'define
                                  (cons new-proc-name (second expr))
                                  (if (empty? (linfo-raise rec-info))
                                      (linfo-return rec-info)
                                      (list 'local
                                            (linfo-raise rec-info)
                                            (linfo-return rec-info)))))
                      (linfo-gensym rec-info)))];)]
       [(equal? (first expr) 'define)
        (local [(define sugared-def (ensugar expr))
                (define rec-info (if (cons? (third sugared-def))
                                     (elim-anon-help (third sugared-def) gensym)
                                     (make-linfo (third sugared-def) empty gensym)))]
          (make-linfo (list 'define
                            (second sugared-def)
                            (if (empty? (linfo-raise rec-info))
                                (linfo-return rec-info)
                                (list 'local
                                      (linfo-raise rec-info)
                                      (linfo-return rec-info))))
                      (linfo-gensym rec-info)))]
       [(equal? (first expr) 'local)
        (local [(define new-defs (fold-elim-anon (second expr) gensym))
                (define rec-info (elim-anon-help (third expr) (linfo-gensym new-defs)))]
            #;(when (not (empty? (linfo-raise new-defs)))
              (printf "local defines returned raise:\n ~a\n"
                      (linfo-raise new-defs)))
          (make-linfo (list 'local
                            (append (linfo-return new-defs)
                                    (linfo-raise rec-info))
                            (linfo-return rec-info))
                      (linfo-gensym rec-info)))];)]
       [(equal? (first expr) 'quote) (make-linfo expr empty gensym)]
       [else (fold-elim-anon expr gensym)])]
    [else (make-linfo expr empty gensym)]))

;; elim-anon: s-expr -> s-expr
;; consumes a symbolic expression and names all anonymous procedures
(define (elim-anon expr)
  (linfo-return (elim-anon-help expr 0)))

;; ready-anormalize: (listof s-expr) -> (listof s-expr)
;; consumes a list of toplevel symbolic expressions representing a program
;; returns the program with all locally defined procedures lifted to toplevel,
;;    all anonymous procedures lifted to local definitions, and all identifiers munged
;;    such that the program is ready to be anormalized
(define (ready-anormalize expr)
  (elim-anon (lift-program expr)))

(provide ensugar)
(provide ready-anormalize)