#lang setup/infotab (define name "The Moby Scheme Compiler") (define mred-launcher-libraries (list "src/moby.ss")) (define mred-launcher-names (list "moby")) (define requires (list (list "mred"))) (define required-core-version "4.2") (define tools (list (list "src/tool.ss"))) (define compile-omit-paths (list "doc" "examples" "sandbox" "stub" "support" "tmp")) (define categories '(devtools)) (define repositories '("4.x")) (define scribblings '(("manual.scrbl" ()))) (define blurb '("Provides a compiler from Advanced Student Language+world to Javascript " "for both web browsers and mobile smartphones.")) (define release-notes '("Added inexact and exact numeral literals to the reader; added complex numbers to the reader. Fixed some edge cases with modulo and quotient. Adjusted error message of on-draw to more specifically pinpoint structure problems."))