#lang s-exp "../moby-lang.ss"
(define-struct node (names info loc tours index neighbors distances heap-node))
(define-struct info (name description))
(define-struct location (lat lng radius))
(define-struct world
(lat long tours visited visiting? path tovisit in-menu?))
(define init-world
(make-world 0 0 empty empty false empty empty true))
(define library-tour "A tour of libraries")
(define food-tour "A tour of food")
(define n1 (make-node (make-info "SCILI" "The front of the scili") 1 (list library-tour) (make-location 41.82680 -71.400210 11)))
(define n2 (make-node (make-info "CIT" "the main entrance to the CIT above the stairs") 2 (list library-tour food-tour) (make-location 41.826640 -71.399840 11)))
(define n0 (make-node (make-info "FIELD" "the middle of a field near MacMillan") 0 (list library-tour) (make-location 41.82640 -71.39982 11)))
(define n3 (make-node (make-info "1 1/2" "A sculpture in the middle of the courtyard") 3 (list food-tour) (make-location 41.826595 -71.400068 11)))
(define treeGraph (list n0 n1 n2 n3))
(define (pretend-dijkstra graph node)
[(eq? node n0) (list false (list 2.5 0) (list 2 0) (list 1.5 0))]
[(eq? node n1) (list (list 2.5 1) false (list 3 3) (list 1.5 1))]
[(eq? node n2) (list (list 2 2) (list 3 3) false (list 1.5 2))]
[(eq? node n3) (list (list 1.5 3) (list 1.5 3) (list 1.5 3) false)]))
(define (reach-node lat long path acc)
[(empty? path) acc]
[(< (distance lat long
(location-lat (node-loc (first path))) (location-lng (node-loc (first path))))
(location-radius (node-loc (first path))))
(if (empty? (rest path))
(first path)
(rest path))]
[else (reach-node lat long (rest path) (append acc (list (first path))))]))
(define (location-change-handler world lat long)
[(and (number? lat) (number? long)) (local
[(define new-path (reach-node lat long (world-path world) empty))]
[(or (cons? new-path) (empty? new-path))
(make-world lat long (world-tours world) (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) new-path (world-tovisit world) (world-in-menu? world))]
[(node? new-path) (local
[(define new-tovisit (remove new-path (world-tovisit world)))]
(if (empty? new-tovisit) (make-world lat long (world-tours world) (cons new-path (world-visited world)) true empty new-tovisit (world-in-menu? world))
(make-world lat long (world-tours world) (cons new-path (world-visited world)) true (gen-path new-path new-tovisit) new-tovisit (world-in-menu? world))))]))]
[else world]))
(define (gen-path node unvisited)
(if (member node unvisited)
(list node)
[(define output (pretend-dijkstra treeGraph node))
(define endpoint (getShortestSigNode output unvisited -1 5000000 0))]
(gen-path-helper endpoint output empty))))
(define (getShortestSigNode distances unvisited bestIndex bestTime acc)
[(empty? distances) (nth treeGraph bestIndex)]
[(and (cons? (first distances)) (member (nth treeGraph acc) unvisited) (or (= -1 bestIndex) (< (first (first distances)) bestTime)))
(getShortestSigNode (rest distances) unvisited acc (first (first distances)) (add1 acc))]
[else (getShortestSigNode (rest distances) unvisited bestIndex bestTime (add1 acc))]))
(define (gen-path-helper end out ret)
(if (false? (nth out (node-index end)))
(gen-path-helper (nth treeGraph (second (nth out (node-index end)))) out (cons end ret))))
(define (nth lst n)
(if (= n 0)
(first lst)
(nth (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
(define (distance latA lonA latB lonB)
(* 6378000
(* 2
(asin (min 1
(sqrt (+ (expt (sin (/ (- (deg->rad latA) (deg->rad latB)) 2)) 2)
(* (cos (deg->rad latA))
(cos (deg->rad latB))
(expt (sin (/ (- (deg->rad lonA) (deg->rad lonB)) 2)) 2)))))))))
(define (deg->rad angle)
(* angle (/ pi 180)))
(define (get-nearest-node lat long)
(second (argmin car (map (lambda (x) (list (distance (location-lat (node-loc x)) (location-lng (node-loc x)) lat long) x)) treeGraph))))
(define (tomenu world)
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) (world-tours world) (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) (world-path world) (world-tovisit world) true))
(define (moveon world)
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) (world-tours world) (world-visited world) false (world-path world) (world-tovisit world) (world-in-menu? world)))
(define (redopath world)
[(define nearest (get-nearest-node (world-lat world) (world-long world)))]
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) (world-tours world) (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) (consIfNotSame nearest (gen-path nearest (world-tovisit world))) (world-tovisit world) (world-in-menu? world))))
(define (init world) init-world)
(define (todirections world)
[(define nearest (get-nearest-node (world-lat world) (world-long world)))]
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) (world-tours world) (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) (consIfNotSame nearest (gen-path nearest (world-tovisit world))) (world-tovisit world) false)))
(define (consIfNotSame a aloa)
(if (eq? a (first aloa)) aloa (cons a aloa)))
(define (addtour aTour world)
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) (cons aTour (world-tours world)) (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) (world-path world) (addTourWithout aTour (world-visited world) (world-tovisit world)) (world-in-menu? world)))
(define (addTourWithout aTour alreadyVisited tovisit)
(append (filter (lambda (aNode) (and (member aTour (node-tours aNode))
(not (member aNode alreadyVisited))
(not (member aNode tovisit))))
treeGraph) tovisit))
(define (removetour aTour world)
(local [(define newTours (remove aTour (world-tours world)))]
(make-world (world-lat world) (world-long world) newTours (world-visited world) (world-visiting? world) (world-path world) (removeObsoleteTours newTours (world-tovisit world)) (world-in-menu? world))))
(define (removeObsoleteTours tours tovisit)
(filter (lambda (aNode) (foldl (lambda (n al) (or (member n tours) al))
(node-tours aNode)))
(define menu-button (list (js-button tomenu (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Menu")))))
(define move-on-button (list (js-button moveon (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Next Tour Stop")))))
(define redo-path-button (list (js-button redopath (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Recalculate Path")))))
(define reset-button (list (js-button init (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Reset")))))
(define ok-button (list (js-button todirections (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "OK")))))
(define (make-add-button tour)
(list (js-button (lambda (aWorld) (addtour tour aWorld)) (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Add")))))
(define (make-remove-button tour)
(list (js-button (lambda (aWorld) (removetour tour aWorld)) (list (list "id" "aButton")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Remove")))))
(define (draw-css w)
(list (list "aButton"
(list "background-color" "lightblue"))
(list "aPara"
(list "font-size" "16pt"))))
(define (draw world)
[(world-in-menu? world)
(list (js-div)
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Please select at least one tour and then click the OK button")))
(if (member library-tour (world-tours world))
(make-remove-button library-tour)
(make-add-button library-tour))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text library-tour)))
(if (member food-tour (world-tours world))
(make-remove-button food-tour)
(make-add-button food-tour))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text food-tour)))
(if (empty? (world-tovisit world))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Please select a tour you have not already finished, or press reset.")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lat: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-lat world)))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lng: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-long world)))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "sizeOfPath: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (length (world-path world))))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "sizeOftoVisit: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (length (world-tovisit world))))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "sizeOfVisited: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (length (world-visited world)))))))]
[(world-visiting? world)
(list (js-div)
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "---"))
(list (js-text (info-name (node-info (first (world-visited world))))))
(list (js-text "---")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text (info-description (node-info (first (world-visited world)))))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lat: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-lat world)))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lng: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-long world))))))]
[(empty? (world-tovisit world))
(list (js-div)
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Thank you for touring Brown university")))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lat: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-lat world)))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lng: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-long world)))))
(list (js-div)
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Go to: "))
(list (js-text (path->string (world-path world) (world-lat world) (world-long world))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lat: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-lat world)))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "lng: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (world-long world)))))
(if (not (empty? (world-path world)))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "Distance: "))
(list (js-text (number->string (distance (world-lat world) (world-long world) (location-lat (node-loc (first (world-path world)))) (location-lng (node-loc (first (world-path world)))))))))
(list (js-p (list (list "id" "aPara")))
(list (js-text "No path"))))
(define (path->string alon lat long)
[(empty? alon) ""]
[(cons? alon) (string-append (info-name (node-info (first alon))) " \n" (get-dir-string lat long (location-lat (node-loc (first alon))) (location-lng (node-loc (first alon))))
(define (get-dir-string latA lonA latB lonB)
[(define angle (direction latA lonA latB lonB))]
[(or (> (/ pi 8) angle) (< (* 1.875 pi) angle)) "North"]
[(> (* 3 (/ pi 8)) angle) "North-East"]
[(> (* 5 (/ pi 8)) angle) "East"]
[(> (* 7 (/ pi 8)) angle) "South-East"]
[(> (* 9 (/ pi 8)) angle ) "South"]
[(> (* 11 (/ pi 8)) angle ) "South-West"]
[(> (* 13 (/ pi 8)) angle ) "West"]
[(> (* 15 (/ pi 8)) angle ) "North-West"])))
(define (mod a b)
[(< a 0) (mod (+ a b) b)]
[(< a b) a]
[else (mod (- a b) b)]))
(define (direction latA lonA latB lonB)
[(= (cos (deg->rad latA)) 0) (if (latA > 0) pi (* 2 pi))]
[(and (= latA latB) (= lonA lonB)) -1]
[else (mod
(atan2 (* (sin (- (deg->rad lonB)
(deg->rad lonA)))
(cos (deg->rad latB)))
(- (* (cos (deg->rad latA))
(sin (deg->rad latB)))
(* (sin (deg->rad latA))
(cos (deg->rad latB))
(cos (- (deg->rad lonB)
(deg->rad lonA))))))
(* 2 pi))]))
(define (atan2 y x)
(if (= y 0)
[(= x 0) (error 'atan2 "undefined for arguments: 0 0")]
[(> x 0) 0]
[(< x 0) pi])
[(> x 0) (* (sgn y) (atan (abs (/ y x))))]
[(= x 0) (* (sgn y) pi 0.5)]
[(< x 0) (* (sgn y) (- pi (atan (abs (/ y x)))))])))
(define-struct heap-node (value size left right parent))
(define (dijkstra graph source)
(make-heap-rep graph source)
(make-vector (length graph) (list 'unreachable 'unreachable))))
(define (make-heap-rep graph source)
(foldl insert (make-heap-node (list 0 source) 0 false false false)
(lambda (x) (make-heap-node (list +inf.0 x) 0 false false false))
(without source graph)))))
(define (make-heap-node-pointers heap)
(if (equal? false heap) 'nothing
(set-node-heap-node! (second (heap-node-value heap)) heap)
(make-heap-node-pointers (heap-node-left heap))
(make-heap-node-pointers (heap-node-right heap))
(define (dijkstra-rec graph prev)
(if (= (size graph) 0)
(let* ([u (find-min graph)]
[dist (first u)]
[node (second u)])
(if (= dist +inf.0)
(dijkstra-rec (begin
(map (lambda (x y)
(if (< (+ dist y) (first (heap-node-value x)))
(set-key x (+ dist y))
(map node-heap-node (node-neighbors node))
(node-distances node))
(delete-min graph))
(map (lambda (x)
(vector-set! prev
(node-index (second (heap-node-value x)))
(heap-node-value x)))
(map node-heap-node (node-neighbors node)))
(define (empty-heap? heap)
(zero? (heap-node-size heap)))
(define (find-min heap)
(heap-node-value heap))
(define (delete-min heap)
(merge (heap-node-left heap) (heap-node-right heap)))
(define (insert node heap)
(set-heap-node-size! node 1)
(set-heap-node-left! node false)
(set-heap-node-right! node false)
(set-heap-node-parent! node false)
(merge node heap)))
(define (merge h1 h2)
[(false? h1) h2]
[(false? h2) h1]
[else (let*
([newsize (+ (size h1) (size h2))]
[smaller (if (less-than (heap-node-value h1) (heap-node-value h2)) h1 h2)]
[larger (if (eq? smaller h1) h2 h1)]
[A (heap-node-left smaller)]
[B (heap-node-right smaller)]
[left (if (and (> (size A) (size B))
(> (size A) (size larger)))
(if (> (size B) (size larger))
(set-heap-node-parent! smaller false)
(set-heap-node-size! smaller newsize)
(set-heap-node-left! smaller left)
(set-heap-node-parent! left smaller)
(set-heap-node-right! smaller
(let* ([halves (without left (list A B larger))]
[right (merge (first halves) (second halves))])
(if (not (false? right)) (set-heap-node-parent! right smaller) false)
(define (set-key node value)
(set-heap-node-value! node (list value (second (heap-node-value node))))
(cut (heap-node-right node))
(cut (heap-node-left node))
(if (not (false? (heap-node-parent node)))
(insert node
(merge (heap-node-left node) (heap-node-right node))
((if (eq? (heap-node-right (heap-node-parent node)) node)
set-heap-node-left!) (heap-node-parent node) false)
(find-root (heap-node-parent node)))))
(define (delete node)
(cut (heap-node-right node))
(cut (heap-node-left node))
((if (eq? (heap-node-right (heap-node-parent node)) node)
(heap-node-parent node)
(merge (heap-node-left node)
(heap-node-right node))
(heap-node-parent node)))
(find-root node))))
(define (cut node)
(if (false? node) false
(set-heap-node-parent! node false)))
(define (find-root node)
(if (false? (heap-node-parent node))
(find-root (heap-node-parent node))))
(define (size heap)
[(false? heap) 0]
[else (heap-node-size heap)]))
(define (less-than a b)
(let ([aval (first a)]
[bval (first b)])
(< aval bval)))
(define (without item list)
(if (equal? item (car list))
(cdr list)
(cons (car list) (without item (cdr list)))))
(js-big-bang (location-change-handler init-world 41.825721 -71.41478)
(on-location-change location-change-handler)
(on-draw draw draw-css))