#lang setup/infotab
(define name "Moby")
(define required-core-version "5.0.1")
(define drracket-name "moby")
(define drracket-tools (list (list "src/tool.rkt")))
(define primary-file "main.rkt")
(define can-be-loaded-with 'all)
(define compile-omit-paths (list "doc"
(define scribblings '(("manual.scrbl")))
(define categories '(devtools))
(define repositories '("4.x"))
(define version "3.6")
(define blurb '("Provides a compiler from Advanced Student Language+world to Javascript "
"for mobile smartphones."))
(define release-notes
(p "Fixes:"
(li "check-expect: check-expect now works by
applying tests after all of the definitions and other expressions
have evaluated.")
(li "jsworld reentrancy: there was an issue where jsworld behaved badly
(reverting to old worlds) if events came in at a rate faster than
it could handle them.")
(li "member: the definition of member can been corrected to return a
boolean in the WeScheme (Moby) languages.")
(li "adjusted internal " (it "gas") "parameter to improve performance on phones.")
(li "extended on-tilt to allow optional delay argument, similar to on-tick's delay")
(li "enforced portrait orientation of phone applications")
(li "miscellaneous fixes: corrected errors involving
struct-mutator-procedure, exn structures constructors, and some
arithmetic edge cases.")
(li "exposed the struct-out form for provides.")))))