1 Conditional output
Untagged content shows for everyone.
2 Fill in the blank
Here is a fill-in-the-blank: .
And another: .
3 Free response
This is a free-response: .
4 Embedded wescheme
This is an embedded-wescheme instance:
Here is another one:
5 Think-Abouts
Here are four think-abouts, with various parts optional
How did I make this (Answer: With Scribble, of course!)
Where’s the nearest exit (Hint: Look for a door)
What is the meaning of life?
No, really, what is the meaning of life? (Hint: The answer isn’t prime) (Answer: 42)
6 Code
Here is some formatted code
(+ 2 3) |
(* 4 5) |
And one with a contract
; foo: number -> number |
(define (foo b) |
(+ 4 b 7)) |
And one with contract and purpose
; foo: number -> number |
; testing my code |
(define (foo b) |
(+ 4 b 7)) |
How about a contract only?
; circle : number string number |
7 Parts of the curriculum
8 Lists with Specific Titles
Plant a flower
Pack suitcase
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