#lang racket

(require ffi/unsafe
         (for-syntax (only-in ffi/unsafe regexp-replaces))

(provide (all-defined-out))

(define libopenal
  (ffi-lib "libopenal"))

(define-ffi-definer define/native libopenal)

; Enums
(define AL_INVALID -1)
(define AL_NONE 0)
(define AL_FALSE 0)
(define AL_TRUE 1)
(define AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE #x202)
(define AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE #x1001)
(define AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE #x1002)
(define AL_PITCH #x1003)
(define AL_POSITION #x1004)
(define AL_DIRECTION #x1005)
(define AL_VELOCITY #x1006)
(define AL_LOOPING #x1007)
(define AL_BUFFER #x1009)
(define AL_GAIN #x100A)
(define AL_MIN_GAIN #x100D)
(define AL_MAX_GAIN #x100E)
(define AL_ORIENTATION #x100F)
(define AL_SOURCE_STATE #x1010)
(define AL_INITIAL #x1011)
(define AL_PLAYING #x1012)
(define AL_PAUSED #x1013)
(define AL_STOPPED #x1014)
(define AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED #x1015)
(define AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED #x1016)
(define AL_SEC_OFFSET #x1024)
(define AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET #x1025)
(define AL_BYTE_OFFSET #x1026)
(define AL_SOURCE_TYPE #x1027)
(define AL_STATIC #x1028)
(define AL_STREAMING #x1029)
(define AL_UNDETERMINED #x1030)
(define AL_FORMAT_MONO8 #x1100)
(define AL_FORMAT_MONO16 #x1101)
(define AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 #x1102)
(define AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 #x1103)
(define AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR #x1021)
(define AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN #x1022)
(define AL_MAX_DISTANCE #x1023)
(define AL_FREQUENCY #x2001)
(define AL_BITS #x2002)
(define AL_CHANNELS #x2003)
(define AL_SIZE #x2004)
(define AL_UNUSED #x2010)
(define AL_PENDING #x2011)
(define AL_PROCESSED #x2012)
(define AL_INVALID_NAME #xA001)
(define AL_INVALID_ENUM #xA002)
(define AL_INVALID_VALUE #xA003)
(define AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY #xA005)
(define AL_VENDOR #xB001)
(define AL_VERSION #xB002)
(define AL_RENDERER #xB003)
(define AL_EXTENSIONS #xB004)
(define AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR #xC000)
(define AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND #xC003)
(define AL_DISTANCE_MODEL #xD000)
(define AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE #xD003)

(define-syntax (define-prop-definer stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ base symbol pre-args ...)
     (let ([get-template (format "~a-~~a" (cadr (syntax->datum stx)))]
           [set-template (format "set-~a-~~a!"
                                 (cadr (syntax->datum stx)))])
       #`(define-syntax (symbol stx)
           (syntax-case stx ()
             [(_ basename
                 getter-name setter-name native-getter native-setter)
              #`(begin (define (getter-name pre-args ...)
                         (native-getter pre-args ... basename))
                       (define (setter-name pre-args ... . args)
                         (apply native-setter pre-args ...
                                basename args)))]
             [(_ basename native-getter native-setter)
              (let ([name (string-downcase
                           (regexp-replaces (cadr (syntax->datum stx))
                                            '(["^AL_" ""]
                                              ["_" "-"])))])
                    ([getter-name (datum->syntax
                                    (format #,get-template name)))]
                     [setter-name (datum->syntax
                                    (format #,set-template name)))])
                  #'(symbol basename getter-name setter-name
                      native-getter native-setter)))])))]))

(define/native open-device
  (_fun [devicename : _string] -> _pointer)
  #:c-id alcOpenDevice
;  #:wrap (allocator)

(define/native create-context
  (_fun [device : _pointer] [attrlist : _pointer = #f] -> _pointer)
  #:c-id alcCreateContext

(define/native set-current-context
  (_fun [context : _pointer] -> _bool)
  #:c-id alcMakeContextCurrent

(define/native destroy-context!
  (_fun [context : _pointer] -> _void)
  #:c-id alcDestroyContext)

(define/native get-last-error
  (_fun [device : _pointer] -> _int)
  #:c-id alcGetError

(define/native gen-buffers
  (_fun [num-buffers : _int]
        [buffers : (_list o _int num-buffers)]
        -> _void
        -> buffers)
  #:c-id alGenBuffers)

(define/native delete-buffers!
  (_fun (buffers) ::
        [num-buffers : _int = (length buffers)]
        [buffers : (_list i _int)]
        -> _void)
  #:c-id alDeleteBuffers)

(define/native buffer?
  (_fun [bufid : _int] -> _bool)
  #:c-id alIsBuffer)

(define/native buffer-data
  (_fun [bufid : _int]
        [format : _int]
        [data : _bytes]
        [size : _int = (bytes-length data)]
        [freq : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alBufferData)

(define/native gen-sources
  (_fun [num-sources : _int]
        [sources : (_list o _int num-sources)]
        -> _void
        -> sources)
  #:c-id alGenSources)

(define/native delete-sources!
  (_fun (sources) ::
        [num-sources : _int = (length sources)]
        [sources : (_list i _int)]
        -> _void)
  #:c-id alDeleteSources)

;; Setting properties
(define/native alSourcef
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alSource3f
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : _float]
        [value2 : _float]
        [value3 : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alSourcefv
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _float)] -> _void))
(define/native alSourcei
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alSource3i
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : _int]
        [value2 : _int]
        [value3 : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alSourceiv
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _int)] -> _void))

;; Getting things
(define/native alGetSourcef
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _float)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetSource3f
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _float)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetSourcefv
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; Needs help
(define/native alGetSourcei
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _int)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetSource3i
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _int)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetSourceiv
  (_fun [sid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; TODO

(define-prop-definer "source" define-source-prop sid)
(define-source-prop AL_PITCH alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_GAIN alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_MAX_DISTANCE alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_MIN_GAIN alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_MAX_GAIN alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_POSITION alGetSource3f alSource3f)
(define-source-prop AL_VELOCITY alGetSource3f alSource3f)
(define-source-prop AL_DIRECTION alGetSource3f alSource3f)
(define-source-prop AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_SOURCE_TYPE alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_LOOPING alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_BUFFER alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_SOURCE_STATE alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_SEC_OFFSET alGetSourcef alSourcef)
(define-source-prop AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET alGetSourcei alSourcei)
(define-source-prop AL_BYTE_OFFSET alGetSourcei alSourcei)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Listener

;; Setting properties
(define/native alListenerf
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alListener3f
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value1 : _float]
        [value2 : _float]
        [value3 : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alListenerfv
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _float)] -> _void))
(define/native alListeneri
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alListener3i
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value1 : _int]
        [value2 : _int]
        [value3 : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alListeneriv
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _int)] -> _void))

;; Getting things
(define/native alGetListenerf
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _float)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetListener3f
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _float)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetListenerfv
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; Needs help
(define/native alGetListeneri
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _int)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetListener3i
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _int)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetListeneriv
  (_fun [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; TODO

(define-prop-definer "listener" define-listener-prop)
(define-listener-prop AL_GAIN alGetListenerf alListenerf)
(define-listener-prop AL_POSITION alGetListener3f alListener3f)
(define-listener-prop AL_VELOCITY alGetListener3f alListener3f)
(define-listener-prop AL_ORIENTATION alGetListener3f alListener3f)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Buffers

;; Setting properties
(define/native alBufferf
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alBuffer3f
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : _float]
        [value2 : _float]
        [value3 : _float] -> _void))
(define/native alBufferfv
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _float)] -> _void))
(define/native alBufferi
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alBuffer3i
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : _int]
        [value2 : _int]
        [value3 : _int] -> _void))
(define/native alBufferiv
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_list i _int)] -> _void))

;; Getting things
(define/native alGetBufferf
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _float)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetBuffer3f
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _float)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _float)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetBufferfv
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; Needs help
(define/native alGetBufferi
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value : (_ptr o _int)] -> _void -> value))
(define/native alGetBuffer3i
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [value1 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value2 : (_ptr o _int)]
        [value3 : (_ptr o _int)]
        -> _void
        -> (list value1 value2 value3)))
(define/native alGetBufferiv
  (_fun [bid : _int]
        [param : _int]
        [values : (_ptr o _pointer)] -> _void -> values)) ; TODO

; These properties are read-only!
(define-prop-definer "buffer" define-buffer-prop)
(define-buffer-prop AL_FREQUENCY alGetBufferi error)
(define-buffer-prop AL_BITS alGetBufferi error)
(define-buffer-prop AL_CHANNELS alGetBufferi error)
(define-buffer-prop AL_SIZE alGetBufferi error)
;(define-buffer-prop AL_DATA alGetBufferi error) ; Worthless anyway

(define/native source-queue-buffers!
  (_fun (sid buffers) ::
        [sid : _int]
        [numids : _int = (length buffers)]
        [buffers : (_list i _int)] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourceQueueBuffers)
(define/native source-unqueue-buffers!
  (_fun (sid buffers) ::
        [sid : _int]
        [numids : _int = (length buffers)]
        [buffers : (_list i _int)] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourceUnqueueBuffers)

(define/native play-source
  (_fun [sid : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourcePlay)

(define/native rewind-source
  (_fun [sid : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourceRewind)

(define/native pause-source
  (_fun [sid : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourcePause)

(define/native stop-source
  (_fun [sid : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSourceStop)

(define/native get-current-context
  (_fun -> [context : _pointer])
  #:c-id alcGetCurrentContext)

(define/native get-device-from-context
  (_fun [context : _pointer] -> [device : _pointer])
  #:c-id alcGetContextsDevice)

(define/native close-device!
  (_fun [device : _pointer] -> _bool)
  #:c-id alcCloseDevice)

(define/native set-distance-model!
  (_fun [model : _int] -> _void)
  #:c-id alDistanceModel)

(define/native set-doppler-factor!
  (_fun [value : _float] -> _void)
  #:c-id alDopplerFactor)

(define/native set-speed-of-sound!
  (_fun [value : _float] -> _void)
  #:c-id alSpeedOfSound)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Lowish-level" Streaming API

;; Streams a raw binary input port to an OpenAL source.
;; Returns the thread that plays the noise.
;; Note that "at-end-of-loop" may run in a different thread.
(define (stream-port-to-source port source format frequency
                               [at-end-of-loop (λ() #f)]
                               [num-buffers 5]
                               [buffer-size (* 4096 8)]
                               [poll-interval 0.1]
                               [cleanup (λ()(void))])
  ;; Streaming through OpenAL requires that we have a queue of buffers.
  ;; When OpenAL finishes playing one buffer, we take it out of the queue,
  ;; decode the vorbis file into the buffer, and re-queue it.

  ;; Make our initial buffer queues, filling them with data. There are
  ;; two queues here -- the internal queue maintained by OpenAL (which
  ;; we can't inspect) and this buffer-queue.
  (define buffer-queue (make-queue))
  (for ([buffer (in-list (gen-buffers num-buffers))])
                                        ; Load data
       (buffer-data buffer format (read-bytes buffer-size port) frequency)
                                        ; Queue buffer in the source
       (source-queue-buffers! source (list buffer))
       (enqueue! buffer-queue buffer))

  (define t
       (let loop ()
         (if (zero? (source-buffers-processed source))
             ;; Nothing to do
             (begin (sleep poll-interval)
             ;; We're finished playing a buffer so fill it up again
               ;; Take it out
               (let ([buffer (dequeue! buffer-queue)])
                 (source-unqueue-buffers! source (list buffer))
                 ;; Refill with vorbis data
                 (let ([buf (read-bytes buffer-size port)])
                   (if (eof-object? buf)
                         ;; At the end of the file -- restart
                         (when (at-end-of-loop) (loop)))
                         ;; Not at the end
                         ;; Load our data back into the buffer
                         (buffer-data buffer format buf frequency)
                         ;; Put it back on both queues
                         (source-queue-buffers! source (list buffer))
                         (enqueue! buffer-queue buffer)
       (let loop ()
         (unless (= (source-buffers-processed source)
                    (source-buffers-queued source))
           (sleep poll-interval)

  (thread (λ()
            (sync (thread-dead-evt t))
            ;; When that thread exits, free its buffers!
            (source-unqueue-buffers! source (queue->list buffer-queue))
            (delete-buffers! (queue->list buffer-queue))
  ; Return the thread