Books API v1
This documentation has been automatically generated using information supplied by the Google API Discovery service.
1 API Parameters
(_ [ #:alt alt #:fields fields #:key key #:oauth_token oauth_token #:prettyPrint prettyPrint #:quotaUser quotaUser #:userIp userIp]) → jsexpr? alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
This is not actually a function. This is just using Scribble’s defproc form to list the optional keyword arguments that may be passed to all functions for this service.
fields: Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
key: API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
oauth_token: OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
prettyPrint: Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
quotaUser: Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.
userIp: IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.
2 Resources
2.1 volumes
3 Resources
→ jsexpr? q : string? filter : string? = 'N/A projection : string? = 'N/A startIndex : string? = 'N/A maxResults : string? = 'N/A source : string? = 'N/A printType : string? = 'N/A showPreorders : string? = 'N/A partner : string? = 'N/A download : string? = 'N/A langRestrict : string? = 'N/A libraryRestrict : string? = 'N/A orderBy : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
q: Full-text search query string.
filter: Filter search results.
projection: Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
startIndex: Index of the first result to return (starts at 0)
maxResults: Maximum number of results to return.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
printType: Restrict to books or magazines.
showPreorders: Set to true to show books available for preorder. Defaults to false.
partner: Restrict and brand results for partner ID.
download: Restrict to volumes by download availability.
langRestrict: Restrict results to books with this language code.
libraryRestrict: Restrict search to this user’s library.
orderBy: Sort search results.
volumeId : string? projection : string? = 'N/A source : string? = 'N/A country : string? = 'N/A partner : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
volumeId: ID of volume to retrieve.
projection: Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
country: ISO-3166-1 code to override the IP-based location.
partner: Brand results for partner ID.
3.1 bookshelves
4 Resources
(books-bookshelves-list #:userId userId [ #:source source #:alt alt #:fields fields #:key key #:oauth_token oauth_token #:prettyPrint prettyPrint #:quotaUser quotaUser #:userIp userIp]) → jsexpr? userId : string? source : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
userId: ID of user for whom to retrieve bookshelves.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
userId : string? shelf : string? source : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
userId: ID of user for whom to retrieve bookshelves.
shelf: ID of bookshelf to retrieve.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
4.1 layers
5 Resources
volumeId : string? maxResults : string? = 'N/A pageToken : string? = 'N/A source : string? = 'N/A contentVersion : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
volumeId: The volume to retrieve layers for.
maxResults: Maximum number of results to return
pageToken: The value of the nextToken from the previous page.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
contentVersion: The content version for the requested volume.
volumeId : string? summaryId : string? source : string? = 'N/A contentVersion : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
volumeId: The volume to retrieve layers for.
summaryId: The ID for the layer to get the summary for.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
contentVersion: The content version for the requested volume.
5.1 myconfig
→ jsexpr? cpksver : string? volumeIds : string? source : string? = 'N/A locale : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
cpksver: The device/version ID from which to release the restriction.
volumeIds: The volume(s) to release restrictions for.
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
locale: ISO-639-1, ISO-3166-1 codes for message localization, i.e. en_US.
→ jsexpr? source : string? volumeId : string? nonce : string? cpksver : string? locale : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
volumeId: The volume to request concurrent/download restrictions for.
nonce: The client nonce value.
cpksver: The device/version ID from which to request the restrictions.
locale: ISO-639-1, ISO-3166-1 codes for message localization, i.e. en_US.
→ jsexpr? source : string? nonce : string? cpksver : string? locale : string? = 'N/A showPreorders : string? = 'N/A volumeIds : string? = 'N/A alt : string? = 'N/A fields : string? = 'N/A key : string? = (api-key) oauth_token : string? = 'N/A prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A quotaUser : string? = 'N/A userIp : string? = 'N/A
source: String to identify the originator of this request.
nonce: The client nonce value.
cpksver: The device/version ID from which to release the restriction.
locale: ISO-639-1, ISO-3166-1 codes for message localization, i.e. en_US.
showPreorders: Set to true to show pre-ordered books. Defaults to false.
volumeIds: The volume(s) to request download restrictions for.