On this page:
cl Create Command Queue
cl Retain Command Queue
cl Release Command Queue
cl Get Command Queue Info
cl Get Command Queue Info: length
cl Get Command Queue Info: _ cl_ context
cl Get Command Queue Info: _ cl_ device_ id
cl Get Command Queue Info: _ cl_ uint
cl Get Command Queue Info: _ cl_ command_ queue_ properties
cl Get Command Queue Info/ c
cl Get Command Queue Info: generic
cl Set Command Queue Property
1.3.1 Command Queues

 (require (planet jaymccarthy/opencl:1:=0/c/5-1))
(clCreateCommandQueue ctxt    
  properties)  _cl_command_queue/c
  ctxt : _cl_context/c
  device : _cl_device_id/c
  properties : _cl_command_queue_properties/c
(clRetainCommandQueue cq)  void
  cq : _cl_command_queue/c
(clReleaseCommandQueue cq)  void
  cq : _cl_command_queue/c
clGetCommandQueueInfo : procedure?
A dummy Racket function that refers callers to the other clGetCommandQueueInfo-based functions which access the true C function.
(clGetCommandQueueInfo:length command_queue    
  param_name)  _size_t/c
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the size of param_name field of the argument(s). Calls clGetCommandQueueInfo with values for param_value_size and param_value such that param_value_size_ret is queried.
(clGetCommandQueueInfo:_cl_context command_queue 
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the value associated with param_name for the argument(s). Implemented by clGetCommandQueueInfo with param_value_size set to (ctype-sizeof _cl_context) so that the value is queried. Valid param_names are '(CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT).
(clGetCommandQueueInfo:_cl_device_id command_queue 
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the value associated with param_name for the argument(s). Implemented by clGetCommandQueueInfo with param_value_size set to (ctype-sizeof _cl_device_id) so that the value is queried. Valid param_names are '(CL_QUEUE_DEVICE).
(clGetCommandQueueInfo:_cl_uint command_queue    
  param_name)  _cl_uint/c
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the value associated with param_name for the argument(s). Implemented by clGetCommandQueueInfo with param_value_size set to (ctype-sizeof _cl_uint) so that the value is queried. Valid param_names are '(CL_QUEUE_REFERENCE_COUNT).
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the value associated with param_name for the argument(s). Implemented by clGetCommandQueueInfo with param_value_size set to (ctype-sizeof _cl_command_queue_properties) so that the value is queried. Valid param_names are '(CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES).
clGetCommandQueueInfo/c : contract?
A contract for the return values of clGetCommandQueueInfo:generic. Its definition is: (or/c _cl_context/c _cl_device_id/c _cl_uint/c _cl_command_queue_properties/c).
(clGetCommandQueueInfo:generic command_queue 
  command_queue : _cl_command_queue/c
  param_name : _cl_command_queue_info/c
Returns the value associated with param_name for the argument(s). Selects the appropriate clGetCommandQueueInfo-based function to extract the appropriate value, automatically providing the right length for variable length functions.
(clSetCommandQueueProperty cq 
  cq : _cl_command_queue/c
  properties : _cl_command_queue_properties/c
  enable : _cl_bool/c