#lang racket
(require rackunit

;; 20071020 MCJ
;; I don't quite know how to handle timezones. More specifically, I don't know
;; that our date handling properly handles timezones. I was unable to run the
;; test suite successfully here in EST, as Racket and I both have different
;; notions of what timezone we're in. This could be because my Mac, recently
;; recussitated, is confused... or something else is going on.
;; I've forced the issue. Our library currently forces the timezone to the
;; local, here-and-now, timezone. This is badness, but I need more time to
;; test and explore what is going on.
(define current-timezone-offset
  (date-time-zone-offset (seconds->date (current-seconds))))

(provide serialise-tests)

;; check-invertible : any sxml
;; Assert that serialisation and deserialisation produces
;; exactly the same result
(define-check (check-invertible scheme xml)
      (('message "Conversion from Racket to XML failed"))
    (check-equal? (serialise scheme)
      (('message "Conversion from XML to Racket failed"))
    (check-equal? (deserialise xml)

(define-check (check-invertible-hash scheme xml)
      (('message "Conversion from Racket to XML failed"))
    (check-serialised-hash-table-equal? (serialise scheme)
      (('message "Conversion from XML to Racket failed"))
    (check-hash-table-equal? (deserialise xml)

(define invertible-tests
   "All tests for invertible serialisation"
    "Normal integers serialised correctly"
    (check-invertible 1 '(value (int "1")))
    (check-invertible 123456 '(value (int "123456")))
    (check-invertible -1234 '(value (int "-1234")))
    (check-invertible (expt 2 31) '(value (int "2147483648")))
    (check-invertible (* -1 (expt 2 31))
                      '(value (int "-2147483648"))))
    "Boolean serialised correctly"
    (check-invertible #t '(value (boolean "1")))
    (check-invertible #f '(value (boolean "0"))))
    "String serialised correctly"
    (check-invertible "hello world"
                      '(value (string "hello world"))))
   ;; Test for client shortcut for strings
   ;; 20061201 MCJ
   ;; We don't have a shortcut serialisation for strings. Therefore,
   ;; this test will never pass. When strings are encountered,
   ;; they are encoded as above.
      "Shortcut string serialised correctly"
      (check-invertible "hello world"
                        '(value "hello world")))
    "Empty string serialised correctly"
    (check-invertible "" '(value (string ""))))
    "Doubles serialised correctly"
    (check-invertible 1.2 '(value (double "1.2"))))
    "Date serialised correctly"
     (make-date 35 27 9 7 12 2005 3 340 #f current-timezone-offset)
     '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "20051207T09:27:35"))))
    "Date components are padded to two digits"
     (make-date 5 4 3 2 1 2005 0 1 #f current-timezone-offset)
     '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "20050102T03:04:05"))))
    "Hash-table serialised correctly"
     #hash((a . 1) (b . "2") (c . 3.0))
     '(value (struct
              (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
              (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
              (member (name "c") (value (double "3.0")))))))
    "Hash-table serialised correctly, different order"
     #hash((a . 1) (b . "2") (c . 3.0))
     '(value (struct
              (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
              (member (name "c") (value (double "3.0")))
              (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
   ;; Failure test
    "Hash table correctly found to be smaller than serialised form."
      #hash((a . 1) (b . "2"))
      '(value (struct
               (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
               (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
               (member (name "c") (value (double "3.0"))))))))
   ;; Failure test
    "Hash table correctly found to be longer than serialised form."
      #hash((a . 1) (b . "2") (c . 3.0))
      '(value (struct
               (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
               (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
   ;; Failure test
    "Different key names in hash tables fail to pass serialise."
      #hash((a . 1) (bogo . "2") (c . 3.0))
      '(value (struct
               (member (name "b") (value (string "2")))
               (member (name "c") (value (double "3.0")))
               (member (name "a") (value (int "1")))
    "Recursive hash-table serialised correctly"
     #hash((a . #hash((b . 2))))
     '(value (struct
              (member (name "a")
                      (value (struct
                              (member (name "b")
                                      (value (int "2"))))))))))
    "List serialised as array"
    (check-invertible '(1 2 3 4)
                      `(value (array (data (value (int "1"))
                                           (value (int "2"))
                                           (value (int "3"))
                                           (value (int "4")))))))
    "Hetergenous list serialised correctly"
     '(1 2.0 "3")
     `(value (array (data (value (int "1"))
                          (value (double "2.0"))
                          (value (string "3")))))))
    "Recursive list serialised correctly"
     '((1 (2)))
     '(value (array
                  (value (int "1"))
                    (data (value (int "2")))))))))))))
    "(list) array encoded correctly"
    (check-invertible '() '(value (array (data))))
     '(value (array (data (value (array (data)))))))
    (check-invertible '(1 2 3 4 5)
                      '(value (array
                                (value (int "1"))
                                (value (int "2"))
                                (value (int "3"))
                                (value (int "4"))
                                (value (int "5"))))))
    (check-invertible '(1 "two" 3.3)
                      '(value (array
                                (value (int "1"))
                                (value (string "two"))
                                (value (double "3.3"))))))
     '(value (array (data (value (string "")))))))
   ;; 20061201 MCJ
   ;; Our double encoding breaks; our upstream XML library encodes these
   ;; entities for us, so we don't need to double-encode them. Patch
   ;; by Danny Yoo.
    "String containing < and & is encoded correctly"
    (check-invertible "<&" '(value (string "<&"))))
   ;; 20061201 MCJ
   ;; Our double encoding breaks; our upstream XML library encodes these
   ;; entities for us, so we don't need to double-encode them. Patch
   ;; by Danny Yoo.
    "All entity instances are encoded"
     "<hello&<there&< <&&"
     '(value (string "<hello&<there&< <&&"))))
    "base64 encoded correctly"
     #"Racket Rules!"
     '(value (base64 "UmFja2V0IFJ1bGVzIQ=="))))
;; end of invertible-tests

(define serialisation-tests
   "Serialisation tests"
    "Out-of-range doubles throw exception"
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise +inf.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise -inf.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise +nan.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise -nan.0))))
    "Out of range integer throws exception"
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise +inf.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise -inf.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise +nan.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise -nan.0)))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise (expt 2 32))))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc? 
               (lambda ()
                 (serialise (- (expt 2 40))))))     
    "(vector) array encoded correctly"
    (check-equal? (serialise (make-vector 0))
                  '(value (array (data))))
    (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '(1 2 3 4 5)))
                  '(value (array
                            (value (int "1"))
                            (value (int "2"))
                            (value (int "3"))
                            (value (int "4"))
                            (value (int "5"))))))
    (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '(1 "two" 3.3)))
                  '(value (array
                            (value (int "1"))
                            (value (string "two"))
                            (value (double "3.3"))))))
    (check-equal? (serialise (list->vector '("")))
                  '(value (array (data (value (string "")))))))
   ;; 20061201 MCJ
   ;; Our double encoding breaks; our upstream XML library encodes these
   ;; entities for us, so we don't need to double-encode them. Patch
   ;; by Danny Yoo.
   ;; It would seem his patch was unnecessary, and we could have simply
   ;; defaulted the parameterization. However, for now, I'm going to
   ;; leave the parameterization and change the test.
    "String encoding is parameterised"
        ((encode-string #f))
      (check-equal? (serialise "<&")
                    '(value (string "<&"))))
        ((encode-string #t))
      (check-equal? (serialise "<&")
                    '(value (string "<&")))))
;; end of serialisation tests

(define deserialisation-tests
   "Deserialisation tests"
    "Deserialisation default to string"
    (check-equal? (deserialise '(value "Foo"))
    "Deserialisation of empty value defaults to empty string"
    (check-equal? (deserialise '(value))
    "Deserialisation of dateTime raises exn:xml-rpc on badly formatted data"
     (lambda ()
        '(value (dateTime.iso8601 "990101T09:27:35"))))))
    "Deserialisation raises exn:xml-rpc on error"
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                 (deserialise '(some crap)))))
    "Incorrect struct raises exn:xml-rpc"
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                  '(value (struct
                           (member (name "a")))))))
    (check-exn exn:xml-rpc?
               (lambda ()
                  '(value (struct
                           (member (value "2"))))))))
    "Deserialisation of empty string is correct"
    (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string)))
   ;; 20061201 MCJ
   ;; Our double encoding breaks; our upstream XML library encodes these
   ;; entities for us, so we don't need to double-encode them. Patch
   ;; by Danny Yoo.
   ;; It would seem his patch was unnecessary, and we could have simply
   ;; defaulted the parameterization. However, for now, I'm going to
   ;; leave the parameterization and change the test. 
    "String decoding is parameterised"
        ((decode-string #f))
      (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string "<&")))
        ((decode-string #t))
      (check-equal? (deserialise '(value (string "<&")))
    "All entity instances are decoded"
        ;;(string "&lt;hello&amp;&lt;there&amp;&lt; &lt;&amp;&amp;")
        (string "<hello&<there&< <&&")
     "<hello&<there&< <&&"))
;; end of deserialisation-tests

(define serialise-tests
   "Serialise tests"