(module exflame mzscheme
(require (planet "util.ss" ("kazzmir" "allegro.plt" 1 0))
(planet "keyboard.ss" ("kazzmir" "allegro.plt" 1 0))
(prefix image- (planet "image.ss" ("kazzmir" "allegro.plt" 1 0))))
(require (lib "foreign.ss")) (unsafe!)
(define screen-width 320)
(define screen-height 240)
(define num-spots 40)
(define-syntax for
(syntax-rules (to by do)
((_ start to end by inc do func)
(let loop ((i start))
(when (< i end)
(func i)
(loop (+ i inc)))))))
(define (move-hotspot b)
(let ((new (+ (unbox b)
(- (random 7) 3))))
((< new 0) screen-width)
((> new screen-width) 0)
(else new))))
(define (clear-memory pointer bytes)
(for 0 to (/ bytes (ctype-sizeof _int32)) by 1 do
(lambda (i) (ptr-set! pointer _uint32 i 0)))
(for (- bytes (modulo bytes (ctype-sizeof _int32))) to bytes by 1 do
(lambda (i) (ptr-set! pointer _uint8 i 0))))
(define (draw-hotspots hotspots temp)
(for-each (lambda (b) (set-box! b (move-hotspot b))) hotspots)
(clear-memory temp (* (ctype-sizeof _int8) screen-width))
(for-each (lambda (val)
(for (- val 20) to (+ val 20) by 1 do
(lambda (c)
(when (and (>= c 0) (< c screen-width))
(ptr-set! temp _uint8
c (min 192
(+ (ptr-ref temp _uint8 c)
(- 20 (abs (- val c))))))))))
(map (lambda (s) (unbox s)) hotspots)))
(define (try-2 hotspots temp)
(draw-hotspots hotspots temp)
(for 0 to screen-width by 1 do
(lambda (x)
(image-putpixel-screen x (sub1 screen-height)
(ptr-ref temp _uint8 x))
(image-putpixel (image-screen) x (sub1 screen-height)
(ptr-ref temp _uint8 x))))
(for (/ screen-height 2) to (sub1 screen-height) by 1 do
(lambda (y)
(let ((address (image-read-line (image-screen) (+ y 1))))
(for 0 to (/ screen-width (ctype-sizeof _uint32)) by 1 do
(lambda (x)
(ptr-set! temp _uint32 x (ptr-ref address _uint32 x))))
(for 0 to screen-width by 1 do
(lambda (x)
(ptr-set! temp _uint8 x
(max 0 (sub1 (ptr-ref temp _uint8 x))))))
(set! address (image-write-line (image-screen) y))
(for 0 to (/ screen-width (ctype-sizeof _uint32)) by 1 do
(lambda (x)
(ptr-set! address _uint32 x (ptr-ref temp _uint32 x)))))))
(image-unwrite-line (image-screen)))
(provide run)
(define (run)
(easy-init screen-width screen-height 8 'WINDOWED)
(let ((p (image-make-palette)))
(for 0 to 256 by 1 do
(lambda (c)
(let-values (((r g b) (cond
((< c 64) (values c 0 0))
((< c 128) (values 63 (- c 64) 0))
((< c 192) (values 63 63 (- c 192)))
(else (values 63 63 63)))))
(image-set-palette! p c r g b))))
(image-set-palette! p))
(image-clear (image-screen))
(let ((hotspots (let loop ((spots null)
(num num-spots))
(if (<= num 0)
(loop (cons (box (random screen-width)) spots) (sub1 num)))))
(temp (malloc _uint8 screen-width)))
(let loop ((quit? #f))
(when (not quit?)
(try-2 hotspots temp)
(loop (keypressed? 'ESC)))))