@html_text_substitution=readme.txt|readme.txt @html_text_substitution=docs/build/unix.txt|docs/build/unix.txt @html_text_substitution=docs/build/macosx.txt|docs/build/macosx.txt @external-css=../allegro.css @document_title=Notes on building the Darwin/X11 version of Allegro @
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   Notes on building the Darwin/X11 version of Allegro.

   Written by Jeremiah Blanchard.

   See docs/build/unix.txt for general Unix information.

   See readme.txt for a more general overview.
@heading Darwin Notes This file explains how to build the X Window port of Allegro on a Darwin system. If you are running MacOS X, you are strongly encouraged to use the MacOS X native port; read docs/build/macosx.txt for more info. It is important to note that there is no sound because the sound drivers have not yet been ported. This library cannot yet be compiled as a shared library, only static. @heading Required software If you are running MacOS X, you must download the developer tools. This requires free registration with Apple. You can register and download the tools at:
Recently, GCC 3.1 has been released which supports the Mach-O binary format, and you may be able to use it directly (if you compile it yourself or find a binary distribution.) You will also need X Window. You can use either the Darwin/MacOS X port of XFree86 from the XonX project or Xtools, a proprietary version. The XonX project is located at:
@heading Installing Allegro First, decompress the .tar or .zip file into some directory. Next, open up a terminal (in MacOS X, this can be found in Applications/Utilities). From here, enter the directory into which Allegro has been decompressed. If you are using the .zip file, type the following: chmod +x fix.sh ./fix.sh unix From here on everything is a pretty standard Unix-style install process. First you configure it with at least the following options: ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-pthreads It should automatically build dependencies. Then you build it: make If you are using an older version of Apple's tools, you will probably see lots of preprocessing errors. Just ignore them (they are due to Apple's modifications to GCC and do not affect the resulting object code). To install Allegro, you will need root permissions. If you don't have root permissions set up on your system (in MacOS X, for example), you will first need to activate the root account. This can be done by running the program "NetInfo Manager" in Applications/Utilites. From within the program, go to the "Domain" menu, select "Security" and "Authenticate". Type in your password and go to "Domain", "Security", "Root User Enable". I strongly urge you to set your root password in the same menu. Now, type the following in the terminal: su -c "make install" To install the man pages, type: su -c "make install-man" If prompted for a password, type in your root password. @heading Using Allegro When compiling a program using Allegro, you will have to link to the following libraries: -lalleg -lX11 -lXext If you are using the XFree86 port, you will also have to add: -lXxf86vm