#lang racket
(require "../tfield.rkt"
(require racket/runtime-path
(require (only-in lang/htdp-beginner string-upper-case? string-ith))
(require rackunit)
(define-runtime-path htdocs "../htdocs")
(check-equal? (crunch "Acronym Builder'z!!!!") "acronymbuilderz")
(check-equal? (crunch "@%^*( $%#!!!!") "")
(define (acronym a-los)
[(empty? a-los) ""]
[(cons? a-los) (cond
[(string-upper-case? (string-ith (first a-los) 0))
(string-append (string-ith (first a-los) 0)
(acronym (rest a-los)))]
[else (acronym (rest a-los))])]
(define acro/tf (value->tfield
"Produces an acronym of the capitalized words in the given list."
(acronym ["Words" (listof+ ["Word" string+])]
-> ["The acronym" string]))))
"Acronym Builder")
'(("United" "States" "of"))))
(define (go tf)
(serve/servlet (start tf)
#:extra-files-paths (list htdocs)
#:manager (make-threshold-LRU-manager #f (* 512 1024 1024))
#:servlet-path "/acronymbuilder.rkt"))
(define-struct retake (fst snd) #:transparent)
(define (average alog)
(define (sum alog)
(apply + (map (λ(g) (cond [(number? g) g]
[(retake? g) (max (retake-fst g) (retake-snd g))]
[else 0])) alog)))
(define (how-many-count alog)
(apply + (map (λ(g) (cond [(string? g) 0]
[else 1])) alog)))
(/ (sum alog) (how-many-count alog)))
(check-equal? (average `(90 () "sick" ,(make-retake 45 88) 85)) (/ (+ 90 85 88) 4))
(define accugrade/tf (value->tfield
"Computes the average of actual grades in the given list."
(average ["Grade Results"
(listof ["Grade Result"
(oneof ["Actual grade" number]
(structure make-retake
["First attempt" number]
["Second attempt" number])]
["Excused" string+]
["Missing" (constant empty)])])]
-> ["Average grade" number]))))
`((90 () "sick" ,(make-retake 45 88) 85))))
(go accugrade/tf)
(web-launch "Acronym Builder"
"Produces an acronym of the capitalized words in the given list."
(acronym ["Words" (listof+ ["Word" string+])]
-> ["The acronym" string])))