#lang racket
(require racket/date
(struct cartpt (x y) #:transparent)
(struct entry (name num) #:transparent)
(struct entry2 (name num) #:transparent)
(define (samp-func nums name)
(if (< (apply + nums) 0) #f
(entry (apply + nums) name)))
(define (samp-func2 nums name)
(if (< (apply + nums) 0) #f
(entry2 (apply + nums) name)))
(define tf1/p
((parse/web-spec (web-spec (function "howdy"
(samp-func ["l" (listof ["n" number])]
["s" string] ->
["o" (oneof ["c" (constant #f)]
["e" (structure
["en" number]
["es" string])])])))) "f"))
(define tf2/p
((parse/web-spec (web-spec (function "howdy"
(samp-func2 ["l" (listof ["n" number])]
["s" string] ->
["o" (oneof ["c" (constant #f)]
["e" (structure
["en" number]
["es" string])])])))) "f")
(list (list 10 20 30) "yo yo")))
(define tfield->skel-expr-tests
"tfield->skel-expr (tfield to sexpr structure) and *hash* Tests"
(let* ([tn1 (new-tfield/number "a number" 4 "4" #:name "a")]
[ts1 (new-tfield/string "a string" #f #t #:name "b")]
[tl1 (new-tfield/listof "numbers" tn1 #:name "c")]
[ty1 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" 'hi #:name "d")]
[ty2 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" #f #:name "e")]
[tc1 (new-tfield/const "failure" #f)]
[te1 (new-tfield/struct "entry" entry (list tn1 ts1) #:name "i")]
[to1 (new-tfield/oneof "#f or entry" (list tc1 te1) #:name "d")]
[title "Entry Generator Program"]
[text (string-append "Sums list of values to generate person's entry"
" (produces failure if sum less than 0")]
[tf1 (new-tfield/function title
(list tl1 ts1)
to1 #:name "g")]
[tf2 (new-tfield/function
title text samp-func
(list (value->tfield tl1 (list 30 40 24)) (value->tfield ts1 "bob"))
(value->tfield to1 (entry 94 "bob"))
#:name "h")]
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tn1) 'number)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tn1 #t) 'number)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr ts1) 'string)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr ts1 #t) 'string)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr ty1) 'symbol)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr ty2 #t) 'symbol)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tc1) 'constant)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tc1 #t) 'constant)
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tl1) '(listof number))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tl1 #t) '(listof number))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr te1) '(structure (number string)))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr te1 #t) '(structure entry (number string)))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr to1) '(oneof constant (structure (number string))))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr to1 #t) '(oneof constant (structure entry (number string))))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tf1) '(function ((listof number) string)))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tf1 #t)
'(function samp-func ((listof number) string
(oneof constant (structure entry (number string))))))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tf1) (tfield->skel-expr tf1/p))
(check-equal? (tfield->skel-expr tf1 #t) (tfield->skel-expr tf1/p #t))
(check-equal? (tfield-hash tf1) (tfield-hash tf1/p))
(check-equal? (tfield-hash tf1 #t) (tfield-hash tf1/p #t))
(check-not-equal? (tfield-hash tf1/p) (tfield-hash tf1/p #t))
(check-equal? (tfield-hash tf1/p) (tfield-hash tf2/p))
(check-not-equal? (tfield-hash tf1/p #t) (tfield-hash tf2/p #t))
(define remove-names-tests
"remove-names/skel-expr Tests"
(let ()
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr 'number) 'number)
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr 'string) 'string)
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr 'symbol) 'symbol)
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr '(structure entry (number string)))
'(structure (number string)))
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr '(oneof constant (structure entry (number string))))
'(oneof constant (structure (number string))))
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr '(function samp-func
((listof number) string
(oneof constant (structure entry (number string))))))
'(function ((listof number) string
(oneof constant (structure (number string))))))
(check-equal? (remove-names/skel-expr
'(function ((listof number) string
(oneof constant (structure (number string))))))
'(function ((listof number) string
(oneof constant (structure (number string))))))
(define tfield->data-expr-tests
"tfield->data-expr Tests"
(let* ([tn1 (new-tfield/number "a number" 4 "4" #:name "a")]
[ts1 (new-tfield/string "a string" #f #t #:name "b")]
[ts2 (new-tfield/string "a string" "howdy" #t #:name "b")]
[tl1 (new-tfield/listof "numbers" tn1 #:name "c")]
[ty1 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" 'hi #:name "d")]
[ty2 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" #f #:name "e")]
[tc1 (new-tfield/const "failure" #f)]
[te1 (new-tfield/struct "entry" entry (list tn1 ts1) #:name "i")]
[to1 (new-tfield/oneof "#f or entry" (list tc1 te1) #:name "d")]
[title "Entry Generator Program"]
[text (string-append "Sums list of values to generate person's entry"
" (produces failure if sum less than 0")]
[tf1 (new-tfield/function title
(list tl1 ts1)
to1 #:name "g")]
[tf2 (new-tfield/function
title text samp-func
(list (value->tfield tl1 (list 30 40 24)) (value->tfield ts1 "bob"))
(value->tfield to1 (entry 94 "bob"))
#:name "h")]
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr tn1) 4)
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr ts1) #f)
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr ts2) "howdy")
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr ty1) 'hi)
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr ty2) #f)
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr (value->tfield tl1 (list 30 40 24)))
'(listof 30 40 24))
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr tl1) '(listof))
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr tc1) #f)
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr to1) '(oneof #f #f))
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr (value->tfield to1 (entry 25 "hi")))
'(oneof 1 (structure 25 "hi")))
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr te1) '(structure 4 #f))
(check-equal? (tfield->data-expr tf1) '(function (listof) #f))
(define file-name-tests
"File name manipulation Tests"
(let ([sfs (saved-files-for tf1/p)]
[sfs+ (saved-files-for tf2/p #t)])
(check-equal? (timestamp/tfield-file "124324-45452-1-345252.sav") 124324)
(check-equal? (user-saved?/tfield-file "124324-45452-1-345252.sav") #t)
(check-equal? (user-saved?/tfield-file "124324-45452-0-345252.sav") #f)
(check-equal? (hash-of/tfield-file "124324-45452-0-345252.sav") 45452)
(check-equal? (saved-files-xml tf1/p #f)
,@(map (λ(fn)
(define ts (timestamp/tfield-file fn))
`(savefile ([name ,fn]
[timestamp ,(number->string ts)]
[datestring ,(date->string (seconds->date ts) #t)])
(check-equal? (saved-files-xml tf2/p #t)
,@(map (λ(fn)
(define ts (timestamp/tfield-file fn))
`(savefile ([name ,fn]
[timestamp ,(number->string ts)]
[datestring ,(date->string (seconds->date ts) #t)])
(define unify-tests
"Unify data-expr/tfield Tests"
(let* ([tn1 (new-tfield/number "a number" 4 "4" #:name "a")]
[tcst1 (new-tfield/const "a const" "hello")]
[ts1 (new-tfield/string "a string" #f #t #:name "b")]
[ts2 (new-tfield/string "a string" "howdy" #f #:name "b")]
[ty1 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" 'hi #:name "d")]
[ty2 (new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" #f #:name "e")]
[tl1 (new-tfield/listof "numbers" tn1 #:name "c")]
[tc1 (new-tfield/const "failure" #f)]
[te1 (new-tfield/struct "entry" entry (list tn1 ts1) #:name "i")]
[to1 (new-tfield/oneof "#f or entry" (list tc1 te1) #:name "d")]
[title "Entry Generator Program"]
[text (string-append "Sums list of values to generate person's entry"
" (produces failure if sum less than 0")]
[tf1 (new-tfield/function title
(list tl1 ts1)
to1 #:name "g")]
[tf2 (new-tfield/function
title text samp-func
(list (value->tfield tl1 (list 30 40 24)) (value->tfield ts1 "bob"))
(value->tfield to1 (entry 94 "bob"))
#:name "h")]
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tcst1 #f) tcst1)
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tn1 #f)
(new-tfield/number "a number" #f #f #:name "a"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tn1 7)
(new-tfield/number "a number" 7 "7" #:name "a"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield ts1 3) ts1)
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield ts2 #f)
(new-tfield/string "a string" #f #f #:name "b"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield ts2 "yippee")
(new-tfield/string "a string" "yippee" #f #:name "b"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield ty1 3)
(new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" #f #:name "d"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield ty1 'yippee)
(new-tfield/symbol "a symbol" 'yippee #:name "d"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield te1 '(structure 45 "hi"))
(value->tfield te1 (entry 45 "hi")))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield te1 6)
(clear te1))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield te1 '(structure 1 2 3))
(clear te1))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield te1 '(structure "hi" "bye"))
(new-tfield/struct "entry" entry
(list (new-tfield/number "a number" #f "hi" #:name "a")
(new-tfield/string "a string" "bye" #t #:name "b"))
#:name "i"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield to1 '(oneof 0 #f))
(new-tfield/oneof "#f or entry" (list tc1 (clear te1)) 0 #:name "d"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield to1 '(oneof 1 (structure 45 "hi")))
(new-tfield/oneof "#f or entry"
(list tc1 (value->tfield te1 (entry 45 "hi")))
1 #:name "d"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield to1 '(oneof 2 #f))
(clear to1))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tl1 5)
(new-tfield/listof "numbers" (clear tn1) #:name "c"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tl1 '(listof 5 6 7 8))
(new-tfield/listof "numbers" (clear tn1)
(rename/deep* (map (curry value->tfield tn1) '(5 6 7 8))
#:name "c"))
(check-equal? (unify-data-expr/tfield tl1 '(listof ))
(clear tl1))
(check-equal? (tfield/function-args
(unify-data-expr/tfield tf1 '(function (listof 3 2 1) "hello")))
(list (new-tfield/listof "numbers" (clear tn1)
(new-tfield/number "a number" 3 "3" #:name "c-0")
(new-tfield/number "a number" 2 "2" #:name "c-1")
(new-tfield/number "a number" 1 "1" #:name "c-2"))
#:name "c")
(value->tfield ts1 "hello")))
(check-equal? (tfield/function-result
(unify-data-expr/tfield tf1 '(function (listof 3 2 1) "hello")))
(clear to1))
(define tfield-tests
"All tfield-save tests"
(run-tests tfield-tests)