#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract
(planet neil/mcfly:1:0))
(doc (section "Introduction"))
(doc "The "
(bold "bencode")
" package is for parsing the "
(italic "bencoding")
" format of the BitTorrent network protocol into basic Racket data types.
This is useful for inspecting "
(tt ".torrent")
" files, and might be useful in the implementation of a BitTorrent client
or protocol analyzer.")
(doc "The format interpretation is based on the undated "
(hyperlink "http://www.bittorrent.com/protocol.html"
"BitTorrent protocol documentation Web page")
" as viewed on 2005-04-17. The mapping from those bencoding types to
Scheme types is:")
(doc (tabular
(list (italic "String")
"Racket byte string.")
(list (italic "Integer")
"Scheme integer.")
(list (italic "List")
"Scheme list.")
(list (italic "Dictionary")
(list "Scheme list with the symbol "
(tt "dictionary")
" as its head, and an association list as its tail.")))))
(doc "For example, a parse of a certain real-world "
(tt ".torrent")
" file:")
(doc (racketinput (unbencode (open-input-file "debian.torrent")))
(#"announce" . #"http://cdimage.debian.org:6969/announce")
(#"comment" . #"Debian CD from cdimage.debian.org")
(#"creation date" . 1105009474)
(#"length" . 600158208)
(#"name" . #"debian-30r4-i386-binary-1.iso")
(#"piece length" . 524288)
(#"pieces" . #,(italic "[...large byte string...]")))))))
(define-syntax %bencode:peek-byte
(syntax-rules () ((_ PORT) (peek-byte PORT))))
(define-syntax %bencode:read-byte
(syntax-rules () ((_ PORT) (read-byte PORT))))
(define-syntax %bencode:write-byte
(syntax-rules () ((_ BYTE PORT) (write-byte BYTE PORT))))
(define-syntax %bencode:eat-byte
(syntax-rules ()
((_ PORT) (%bencode:read-byte PORT))))
(define-syntax %bencode:open-output-bytes
(syntax-rules ()
((_) (open-output-bytes))))
(define-syntax %bencode:get-output-bytes
(syntax-rules ()
((_ PORT) (get-output-bytes PORT))))
(define-syntax %bencode:premature-eof-error
(syntax-rules ()
((_) (error "bencoding premature eof"))))
(define-syntax %bencode:invalid-char-error
(syntax-rules ()
((_ CHAR) (error "bencode invalid char:" CHAR))))
(doc (section "API"))
(doc procedure unbencode-single
"Parses a single bencoding object (and any child objects, in the case of
a list or dictionary) from input port "
(racket port)
" and yields the Scheme representation.")
(provide/contract (unbencode-single (-> input-port? list?)))
(define unbencode-single
(letrec ((do-digits
(lambda (port term num)
(let ((c (%bencode:read-byte port)))
(cond ((eof-object? c) (%bencode:premature-eof-error))
((eqv? term c) num)
(else (case c
((48) (do-digits port term (* 10 num) ))
((49) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 1)))
((50) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 2)))
((51) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 3)))
((52) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 4)))
((53) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 5)))
((54) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 6)))
((55) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 7)))
((56) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 8)))
((57) (do-digits port term (+ (* 10 num) 9)))
(else (%bencode:invalid-char-error c))))))))
(lambda (port num)
(let ((os (%bencode:open-output-bytes)))
(let loop ((len (do-digits port 58 num)))
(if (zero? len)
(let ((bytes (%bencode:get-output-bytes os)))
(close-output-port os)
(let ((b (%bencode:read-byte port)))
(if (eof-object? b)
(begin (%bencode:write-byte b os)
(loop (- len 1)))))))))))
(lambda (port)
(let ((c (%bencode:read-byte port)))
(if (eof-object? c)
(case c
((105) (let ((c (%bencode:peek-byte port)))
(if (eqv? 45 c) (begin (%bencode:eat-byte port)
(- (do-digits port 101 0)))
(do-digits port 101 0))))
((108) (let loop ()
(let ((c (%bencode:peek-byte port)))
(cond ((eof-object? c) (%bencode:premature-eof-error))
((eqv? 101 c) (%bencode:eat-byte port) '())
(else (cons (or (unbencode-single port)
((100) (cons
(let loop ()
(let ((c (%bencode:peek-byte port)))
(cond ((eof-object? c)
((eqv? 101 c) (%bencode:eat-byte port) '())
(cons (cons (or (unbencode-single port)
(or (unbencode-single port)
((48) (do-string port 0))
((49) (do-string port 1))
((50) (do-string port 2))
((51) (do-string port 3))
((52) (do-string port 4))
((53) (do-string port 5))
((54) (do-string port 6))
((55) (do-string port 7))
((56) (do-string port 8))
((57) (do-string port 9))
(else (%bencode:invalid-char-error c))))))))
(doc procedure unbencode
"Yields a list of the Scheme representations of all bencoding objects parsed
from input port "
(racket port)
(provide/contract (unbencode (-> input-port? list?)))
(define (unbencode port)
(let ((obj (unbencode-single port)))
(if obj
(cons obj (unbencode port))
(doc history
(#:planet 2:0 #:date "2012-06-12"
"Converted to McFly. Changed package home page URL.")
(#:version "0.2" #:planet 1:1 #:date "2009-03-03"
"Library is now LPGL 3. Converted to author's new Scheme administration system.")
(#:version "0.1" #:planet 1:0 #:date "2005-04-17"
"Initial release."))