#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract/base
(planet neil/mcfly))
(doc (section "Introduction")
(para "The "
(bold "progedit")
" package is for programmatic editing of files via Racket programs.
For an example of programmatic editing, "
(bold "progedit")
" was originally written so that the "
(hyperlink "http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket-mcfly/" "McFly Tools")
" package could modify a user's "
(filepath "info.rkt")
", such as by adding "
(racket define)
" forms that were missing, without modifying anything else in the file.")
(para "We expect that "
(bold "progedit")
" will usually be used mostly with syntax objects, in this pattern:")
(itemlist #:style 'ordered
(item "Parse file into syntax objects.")
(item "Identify desired changes to the file, in terms of "
(italic "deletes")
", "
(italic "inserts")
", and "
(italic "replaces")
(item "Apply all the desired changes to the file in a single read-write pass."))
(para "The "
(racket progedit-file)
" procedure provides a framework for the reading and writing
(maintaining a backup file, and restoring the original file on error). The "
(racket progedit)
" procedure accepts a language for the changes, encoded as
dynamically generated lists, and applies the changes to the file.")
(para "For example, let's say we have a file in a language like in file "
(filepath "myfile")
" below.")
(filebox "myfile"
(assign honorific "Dr.")
(assign name "John")
(code:comment "(perpetually)")
(assign age 29)))
(para "And let's say we want to write a program that, when it sees a file in this language, that it makes sure that the "
(racket name)
" variable is set to "
(racket "Jane")
". Specifically, if it finds a "
(racket (assign name #,(italic "value")))
" form in the file, it replaces "
(italic "value")
" with "
(racket "Jane")
"; and if it doesn't find that form in the file, it adds a new "
(racket (assign name "Jane"))
" form to the file. Here's such a program, using "
(racket progedit-file)
" and "
(racket progedit)
(lambda (in)
(let loop ((name-stx #f))
(let ((stx (read-syntax #f in)))
(if (eof-object? stx)
(if name-stx
(values '()
`((,name-stx ,#'"Jane")))
(values `((#f #\newline
,#'(assign name "Jane")
(syntax-parse stx
(((~datum assign) (~datum name) VAL)
(if name-stx
"name assigned multiple times"
(list name-stx))
(loop #'VAL)))
(_ (loop name-stx)))))))
(lambda (in out inserts replaces)
(progedit in
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces))))
(para "This program will edit the above "
(filepath "myfile")
" to change "
(racket "John")
" to "
(racket "Jane")
", so the file becomes:")
(filebox "myfile"
(assign honorific "Dr.")
(assign name (code:hilite "Jane"))
(code:comment "(perpetually)")
(assign age 29)))
(para "Now, if we manually edit "
(filepath "myfile")
" to remove the "
(racket (assign name #,(italic "value")))
" form altogether, it looks like:")
(filebox "myfile"
(assign honorific "Dr.")
(code:comment "(perpetually)")
(assign age 29)))
(para "If we run our program again, it adds a new form to the end:")
(filebox "myfile"
(assign honorific "Dr.")
(code:comment "; (perpetually)")
(assign age 29)
(code:hilite (assign name "Jane"))))
(para "Notice that, although this particular program parses the file using "
(racket read-syntax)
", which doesn't even see the comment in the file, the comment remains intact. "
(racket progedit)
" changes only the parts of the file it's told to, and leaves
every other character in the file intact."))
(doc (section "Interface")
(para "The main engine for "
(bold "progedit")
" is the "
(racket progedit)
" procedure. "
(racket progedit)
" will often be used in conjunction with the "
(racket progedit-file)
" procedure."))
(doc procedure default-progedit-write-stx
"Used as the default for the optional "
(racket #:write-stx)
" argument of "
(racket progedit)
", this procedure writes "
(racket stx)
" as if it were in the Racket programming language.")
(provide/contract (default-progedit-write-stx (-> syntax? output-port? void)))
(define (default-progedit-write-stx stx out)
(parameterize ((print-box #t)
(print-boolean-long-form #f)
(print-graph #f)
(print-hash-table #t)
(print-mpair-curly-braces #t)
(print-pair-curly-braces #f)
(print-reader-abbreviations #t)
(print-struct #t)
(print-syntax-width #e1e10)
(print-unreadable #f)
(print-vector-length #f)
(read-accept-bar-quote #t)
(read-case-sensitive #t))
(write (syntax->datum stx) out)))
(define (%progedit:resolve-position position)
(log-debug (format "~S" `(%progedit:resolve-position, position)))
(let-syntax ((error-invalid-position
(syntax-rules ()
((_) (error '%progedit:resolve-position
"invalid position ~S"
(cond ((exact-positive-integer? position) position)
((not position) position)
((pair? position)
(let ((doit (lambda (position proc)
(let* ((stx (cdr position))
(stx (if (syntax? stx)
(if (syntax? (car stx))
(if (null? (cdr stx))
(car stx)
(error '%progedit:resolve-position
"position ~S invalid (junk after syntax object)"
(car stx)))
(error '%progedit:resolve-position
"position ~S invalid (~S is not a syntax object)"
(car stx))))))
(or (with-handlers ((exn:fail?
(lambda (e)
(error '%progedit:resolve-position
"could not get location from position ~S (~A)"
(exn-message e)))))
(proc stx))
(error '%progedit:resolve-position
"got #f location from position ~S"
(case (car position)
((before) (doit position source-location-position))
((after) (doit position source-location-end))
(else (error-invalid-position)))))
(else (error-invalid-position)))))
(define (%progedit:resolve-delete delete)
(if (pair? delete)
(cons (%progedit:resolve-position (car delete))
(%progedit:resolve-position (cdr delete)))
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e)
(error '%progedit:resolve-delete
"could not get non-#f location from delete ~S"
(let ((start (or (source-location-position delete) (error "false")))
(span (or (source-location-span delete) (error "false"))))
(cons start (+ start span))))))
(define (%progedit:resolve-insert insert)
(if (pair? insert)
(let ((content (cdr insert)))
(if (or (not content) (number? content))
(error '%progedit:resolve-insert
"invalid insert ~S (content cannot be #f or a number)"
(cons (%progedit:resolve-position (car insert))
(error '%progedit:resolve-insert
"invalid insert ~S (must be a pair)"
(define (%progedit:resolve-orders #:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces)
(let ((resolved-replace-deletes (map (lambda (replace)
(%progedit:resolve-delete (car replace)))
(values (append (map %progedit:resolve-delete deletes)
(append (map %progedit:resolve-insert inserts)
(map (lambda (replace-delete replace)
(cons (car replace-delete)
(cdr replace)))
(define (%progedit:sorted-orders->instructions-debug-dump
#:sorted-orders sorted-orders)
#:sorted-orders sorted-orders
#:seed '()
#:copy-proc (lambda (seed arg) `((copy ,arg) ,@seed))
#:skip-proc (lambda (seed arg) `((skip ,arg) ,@seed))
#:write-proc (lambda (seed arg) `((write ,arg) ,@seed)))))
(define (%progedit:sort-resolved-orders #:resolved-deletes resolved-deletes
#:resolved-inserts resolved-inserts)
(let ((resolved-deletes
(sort resolved-deletes
(lambda (a b)
(let ((a-start (car a))
(b-start (car b)))
(cond ((< a-start b-start) #t)
((> a-start b-start) #f)
(else (let ((a-arg (cdr a))
(b-arg (cdr b)))
(if a-arg
(if b-arg
(if (> a-arg b-arg)
(if b-arg
(resolved-inserts (sort resolved-inserts
(lambda (a b)
(let ((a-start (car a))
(b-start (car b)))
(if a-start
(if b-start
(< (car a) (car b))
(let loop ((resolved-deletes resolved-deletes)
(resolved-inserts resolved-inserts))
(cond ((null? resolved-deletes) resolved-inserts)
((null? resolved-inserts) resolved-deletes)
(else (let ((delete-start (caar resolved-deletes))
(insert-start (caar resolved-inserts)))
(if (< delete-start insert-start)
(cons (car resolved-deletes)
(loop (cdr resolved-deletes)
(cons (car resolved-inserts)
(loop resolved-deletes
(cdr resolved-inserts))))))))))
(define (%progedit:fold-instructions/sorted-orders
#:sorted-orders sorted-orders
#:seed seed
#:copy-proc copy-proc
#:skip-proc skip-proc
#:write-proc write-proc)
(let loop ((seed seed)
(orders sorted-orders)
(position 1))
(if (null? orders)
(if position
(copy-proc seed #f)
(let*-values (((order) (car orders))
((order-start) (car order))
((order-arg) (cdr order))
((seed position) (if position
(if order-start
(let ((to-copy (- order-start position)))
(if (> to-copy 0)
(values (copy-proc seed (- order-start position))
(values seed
(values (copy-proc seed #f)
(values seed
(cond ((exact-positive-integer? order-arg)
(if (and position (> order-arg position))
(loop (skip-proc seed (- order-arg position))
(cdr orders)
(loop seed
(cdr orders)
((not order-arg)
(loop seed
(cdr orders)
(loop (write-proc seed order-arg)
(cdr orders)
(define (%progedit:fold-instructions #:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces
#:seed seed
#:copy-proc copy-proc
#:skip-proc skip-proc
#:write-proc write-proc)
(let*-values (((resolved-deletes resolved-inserts)
(%progedit:resolve-orders #:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces))
(%progedit:sort-resolved-orders #:resolved-deletes resolved-deletes
#:resolved-inserts resolved-inserts)))
(%progedit:fold-instructions/sorted-orders #:sorted-orders sorted-orders
#:seed seed
#:copy-proc copy-proc
#:skip-proc skip-proc
#:write-proc write-proc)))
(define (%progedit:copy-port-characters in-port
#:limit orig-limit
#:must-fill-limit? (must-fill-limit? #t))
(let* ((buffer-size 4096)
(buffer (make-string buffer-size)))
(let loop ((limit orig-limit)
(copied 0))
(if (zero? limit)
(let* ((request-size (min buffer-size limit))
(read-count (read-string! buffer in-port 0 request-size)))
(if (eof-object? read-count)
(if must-fill-limit?
(error '%progedit:copy-port/limit
"expected to copy ~S characters from ~S to ~S, but only read ~S before eof"
(begin (write-string buffer out-port 0 read-count)
(loop (- limit read-count)
(+ copied read-count)))))))))
(define (%progedit:skip-port-characters in-port
#:must? (must? #t))
(let* ((buffer-size 4096)
(buffer (make-string buffer-size)))
(let loop ((count orig-count)
(copied 0))
(if (zero? count)
(let* ((request-size (min buffer-size count))
(read-count (read-string! buffer in-port 0 request-size)))
(if (eof-object? read-count)
(if must?
(error '%progedit:copy-port/count
"expected to skip ~S characters from ~S, but only read ~S before eof"
(loop (- count read-count)
(+ copied read-count))))))))
(define (%progedit:write-content content out write-stx)
(let loop ((thing content))
(cond ((string? thing) (write-string thing out))
((bytes? thing) (write-bytes thing out))
((char? thing) (write-char thing out))
((syntax? thing) (default-progedit-write-stx thing out))
((pair? thing) (loop (car thing)) (loop (cdr thing)))
((null? thing) #f)
((procedure? thing) (thing out))
((input-port? thing) (copy-port thing out))
(else (error '%progedit:write-thing
"do not know how to write ~S in content ~S to port ~S"
(define (%progedit:debug-dump-from-orders #:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces)
(let*-values (((resolved-deletes resolved-inserts)
(%progedit:resolve-orders #:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces))
#:resolved-deletes resolved-deletes
#:resolved-inserts resolved-inserts))
#:sorted-orders sorted-orders)))
:resolved-deletes ,resolved-deletes
:resolved-inserts ,resolved-inserts
:sorted-orders ,sorted-orders
:instructions ,instructions))))
(doc (defproc (progedit
(in input-port?)
(out output-port?)
(#:deletes deletes list? '())
(#:inserts inserts list? '())
(#:replaces replaces list? '())
(#:write-stx write-stx (-> syntax? output-port? any) default-progedit-write-stx))
(para "Performs a programmatic editing of the input read from "
(racket in)
", writing the edited result to "
(racket out)
". This is usually used in conjunction with "
(racket progedit-file)
", which supplies the input and output ports.")
(para "The edits are specified by the language of the "
(racket deletes)
", "
(racket inserts)
", and "
(racket replacements)
" arguments. A BNF-like grammar for this language is:")
(racketgrammar* #:literals (after before)
(deletes (delete ...))
(inserts (insert ...))
(replaces (replace ...))
(delete syntax
(position . position))
(insert (position . content))
(replace (delete . content))
(position exact-positive-integer
(before . syntax)
(after . syntax)
(before syntax)
(after syntax))
(content syntax
(content . content)
(para "In general, you usually want to specify "
(italic "position")
" either by a syntax object taken from a parse of the input, or by "
(racket #f)
", meaning the end of the input. You can also use a number for
the character position, with the characters being numbered starting with 1.")
(para "For "
(italic "content")
", syntax objects are written as Racket code. Strings, byte strings, and characters are written verbatim. Input ports are written by copying their content to the output. Procedures are written by applying the procedure with "
(racket out)
" as an argument. Pairs are written by recursively writing their
CAR and CDR.")))
(provide progedit)
(define (progedit in
#:deletes (deletes '())
#:inserts (inserts '())
#:replaces (replaces '())
#:write-stx (write-stx default-progedit-write-stx))
#:deletes deletes
#:inserts inserts
#:replaces replaces
#:seed #f
#:copy-proc (lambda (seed size)
(if size
(begin0 #f
(%progedit:copy-port-characters in out #:limit size))
(begin0 #f
(copy-port in out))))
#:skip-proc (lambda (seed size)
(if size
(begin0 #f
(%progedit:skip-port-characters in size))
#:write-proc (lambda (seed content)
(begin0 #f
(%progedit:write-content content out write-stx))))))
(doc procedure default-progedit-file-backup
"This procedure is used as the default for the optional "
(racket #:backup)
" argument of "
(racket progedit-file)
". It returns "
(racket (path-add-suffix path ".bak"))
" after deleting any such existing file.")
(provide/contract (default-progedit-file-backup
(-> path-string? path?)))
(define (default-progedit-file-backup path)
(let ((backup-path (path-add-suffix path ".bak")))
(and (file-exists? backup-path)
(delete-file backup-path))
(doc (defproc (progedit-file
( filename path-string?)
(#:read read-proc (-> input-port? any))
(#:write write-proc procedure?)
(#:backup backup-proc (-> path-string? path-string?)
(para "Applies "
(racket read-proc)
" and "
(racket write-proc)
" to read and then write file "
(racket filename)
", creating a backup file named by calling the "
(racket backup)
" procedure argument with an argument of "
(racket filename)
". Any error results in the file's contents either being left
unchanged or being restored. Changes to the file during "
(racket write-proc)
", such as another program modifying the file, results in an
(para "Symbolic links are followed, so the actual file is edited, and
any symbolic link remains unmodified.")
(para (racket read-proc)
" is called with an argument of an input port on the contents of
the file. This is not necessarily on the file itself; it might be on a
copy of the file. The value or values returned by "
(racket read-proc)
" are appended to the arguments when "
(racket write-proc)
" is called.")
(para (racket write-proc)
" is called with two arguments --- an input port and an output-port -- with an additional argument for each value returned by "
(racket read-proc)
". Normally this will be one additional argument, unless a multiple-value return is used by "
(racket write-proc)
". This provides a functional way to communicate information from "
(racket read-proc)
" to "
(racket write-proc)
". The input port will be on the contents of the file before editing, and the write port will be for the contents of the file after editing. Normally, "
(racket write-proc)
" will use procedure "
(racket progedit)
" to handle these two ports.")))
(provide/contract (progedit-file
(->* (path-string?
#:read (-> input-port? any)
#:write procedure?)
(#:backup (-> path-string? path-string?))
(define (progedit-file filename
#:read read-proc
#:write write-proc
#:backup (backup-proc
(let* ((actual-path (resolve-path (cleanse-path filename)))
(orig-file-size (file-size actual-path))
(orig-file-mtime (file-or-directory-modify-seconds actual-path))
(backup-path (backup-proc filename)))
(copy-file actual-path backup-path #f)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e)
(copy-file backup-path actual-path #t)
(raise e #t))))
(let ((read-vals
(lambda (in)
(begin0 (call-with-values (lambda ()
(read-proc in))
(or (and (equal? orig-file-size
(file-size actual-path))
(equal? orig-file-mtime
(file-or-directory-modify-seconds actual-path)))
(error 'progedit-file
"file ~S changed while reading"
(path->string actual-path))))))))
(lambda (in)
(call-with-output-file* actual-path
(lambda (out)
(apply write-proc in out read-vals))
#:exists 'replace)))))))
(doc history
(#:planet 1:0 #:date "2012-06-11"
"Initial release."))