;;; $Id: sutil.scm,v 1.5 2007/05/14 00:41:32 hoesterholt Exp $

(module sutil mzscheme
  (require (lib "" "mzlib"))
  (require (lib "" "mzlib"))
  (require (lib "" "mzlib"))
  (require (lib "" "srfi" "19"))
  (provide glob
           (all-from (lib "" "mzlib"))

;; Documentation


;=syn scm,8



;=SUtils - Various Utility Functions


;  Welcome to MzScheme version 300, Copyright (c) 2004-2005 PLT Scheme Inc.
;  > (require (planet "sutil.scm" ("oesterholt"  "ho-utils.plt"  1 0)))
;  > (glob "d:/build/sutil/*.scm")
;  ("d:/build/sutil/scfg.scm" "d:/build/sutil/sprefs.scm" "d:/build/sutil/sutil.scm" "d:/build/sutil/units.scm")
;  > (glob "d:/build/sutil/*.pod")
;  ("d:/build/sutil/index.pod" "d:/build/sutil/index.pod~")
;  > (glob "d:/build/sutil/*.pod$")
;  ("d:/build/sutil/index.pod")
;  > (basename "d:/build/sutil/index.pod")
;  "index.pod"
;  > (basedir (build-path "d:/build/sutil/index.pod"))
;  "d:/build/sutil/"
;  > (home)
;  "C:\\Documents and Settings\\hdijkema\\."
;  > (home "local" "test")
;  "C:\\Documents and Settings\\hdijkema\\local\\test"
;  > (mkdir-p (home "local" "test"))
;  <executes make-directory* if directory doesn't exist already>
;  > (define a 10)
;  > (post++ a)
;  10
;  > a
;  11
;  > (++ a)
;  12
;  a
;  12
;  >(let ((i 0)) (while (< i 10) (display i)(++ i)) (newline))
; 0123456789
; >(llet (( (a b c) (list 1 2 3) ))
;    (display (format "~a, ~a, ~a~%" a b c)))
; 1 2 3
; >
;  >(require (lib "" "srfi" "19"))
;  >(define a (current-date));
;  >(sleep 3)(define b (current-date));
;  >(date<? a b)
;  #t
;  >(date>? a b)
;  #f
;  ;; And we've also got 'date<=?', 'date>=?' and 'date=?'
;=head1 API
;=head2 srfi:date functions
;These date functions only compare the date part of a srfi:date structure.
;They do so after converting to UTC time.
;=head3 C<(dateE<lt>? dt1:srfi:date dt2:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt1E<lt>dt2; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(dateE<gt>=? dt1:srfi:date dt2:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt1E<gt>=dt2; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(dateE<gt>? dt1:srfi:date dt2:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt1E<gt>dt2; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(dateE<lt>=? dt1:srfi:date dt2:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt1E<lt>=dt2; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(date=? dt1:srfi:date dt2:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt1=dt2; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(leap-year? dt:srfi:date) : boolean>
;returns #t, if dt is a leap year; #f otherwise.
;=head3 C<(valid-date? year:number month:number day:number) : boolean>
;returns #t, year, month and day form a valid date.
;=head2 Directory browsing
;=head3 C<(glob file-pattern:path or string) : list of file:string>
;returns a list of files that match the given file pattern (empty list if nothing has been found).
;=head3 C<(basedir path:path or string) : directory part of path:string>
;returns the directory part of a given path.
;=head3 C<(basename path:path or string) : name of file:string>
;returns the name part of a given path, or "" if path is a directory.
;=head3 C<(mkdir-p path:path or string) : undefined>
;calls 'make-directory*' if path does not already exist.
;=head2 Incrementing
;=head3 C<(post++ x:number) : number (x)>
;Increments x, but returns it's original value.
;=head3 C<(++ x:number) : number>
;Increments x and returns the incremented value.
;=head2 Language constructs
;=head3 C<(while expression b1 ...)>
;Creates a while loop using expression as a continue rule. See also Synopsis.
;=head3 C<llet>
;"List let". With llet it is possible to assign a list returned
;by a function to individual variables (like perls construction: C<($a,$b,$c)=f(10);>)
;=head2 String utils
;=head3 C<(substr S:string from:integer . to:integer) : string>
;A perl like substr. If to isn't given, returns the part of S from 'from' until the end
;of S. Otherwise, does a (substring S from to). Prevents errors. Constrains the operation
;to what is possible with S.
;=head3 C<(splitstr S:string c:char or list of char) : list of string>
;Splits string S into substrings for all characters that are either equal to c or in the
;list of characters that c is. If there's nothing to split, the list of the original string
;is returned. The characters in c or c itself are removed from the string(s).
;(c) 2005 Hans !Oesterholt-Dijkema. Distributed undef LGPL.
;Contact: send email to hans in domain
;Homepage: [].



;;; Some Date predicates to extend srfi 19

  (define (date<? dt1 dt2)
    (let ((d1 (time-utc->date (date->time-utc dt1) 0))
          (d2 (time-utc->date (date->time-utc dt2) 0)))
      (if (< (srfi:date-year d1) (srfi:date-year d2))
          (if (= (srfi:date-year d1) (srfi:date-year d2))
              (if (< (srfi:date-month d1) (srfi:date-month d2))
                  (if (= (srfi:date-month d1) (srfi:date-month d2))
                      (< (srfi:date-day d1) (srfi:date-day d2))
;    (time<? (date->time-utc dt1) (date->time-utc dt2)))
  (define (date=? dt1 dt2)
    (let ((d1 (time-utc->date (date->time-utc dt1) 0))
          (d2 (time-utc->date (date->time-utc dt2) 0)))
      (and (= (srfi:date-year d1) (srfi:date-year d2))
           (= (srfi:date-month d1) (srfi:date-month d2))
           (= (srfi:date-day d1) (srfi:date-day d2)))))
;    (time=? (date->time-utc dt1) (date->time-utc dt2)))
  (define (date>=? dt1 dt2)
    (not (date<? dt1 dt2)))
  (define (date>? dt1 dt2)
    (and (date>=? dt1 dt2)
         (not (date=? dt1 dt2))))
;    (time>? (date->time-utc dt1) (date->time-utc dt2)))
  (define (date<=? dt1 dt2)
    (not (date>? dt1 dt2)))

  (define (leap-year? dt)
    (let ((year (if (number? dt) dt (date-year dt))))
      (if (= (remainder year 4) 0)
          (if (= (remainder year 100) 0)
              (if (= (remainder year 1000) 0)
  (define (valid-date? year month day)
    (let ((days (vector 0 31 (if (leap-year? year) 29 28) 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31  30 31)))
      (if (or (< month 1) (> month 12))
          (if (or (< day 1) (> day (vector-ref days month)))

;;; glob on files using regular expressions

(define (do-normalize-path p)
  (let ((s (if (string? p)
               (path->string p))))
    (let ((N (string-length s)))
      (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
          ((>= i N) s)
          (if (char=? (string-ref s i) #\\)
              (string-set! s i #\/)))

(define (replaces p L)
  (if (null? L)
      (let ((from (caar L))
	    (to   (cadar L)))
	(replaces (pregexp-replace* from p to)
		  (cdr L)))))

(define (glob-files closure path)
  (for-each (lambda (p)
	      (let ((pp (build-path path p)))
		(if (directory-exists? pp)
		    (closure pp 'dir)
		    (closure pp 'file))))
	    (directory-list path)))

(define (glob pattern)
  (let* ((patt  (do-normalize-path (normalize-path pattern)))
	 (bd    (basedir patt))
	 (p     (replaces patt (list '("^[.]"    "[.]")
                                     '("([^[])[.]" "\\1[.]")
                                     '("[*]"     ".*")
                                     '("[?]"     "."))))
         (exp   (pregexp p))
         (found (list)))

    (glob-files (lambda (path type)
		  (if (eq? type 'file)
		      (let ((pp (do-normalize-path path)))
			(if (not (eq? (pregexp-match exp pp) #f))
			    (set! found (cons pp found))))))
    (reverse found)))

;;; basename/basedir on files using regular expressions

(define (basedir path)
  (if (directory-exists? path)
      (do-normalize-path path)
       (lambda () (split-path path))
       (lambda (base name is-dir)
         (if (eq? base 'relative)
             (if (eq? base #f)
                 (do-normalize-path base)))))))

(define (basename path)
  (if (directory-exists? path)
	  (lambda () (split-path path))
	(lambda (base name is-dir)
	  (if (eq? name 'up)
	      (if (eq? name 'down)
		  (do-normalize-path name)))))))

(define (home . path)
  (let ((p (if (null? path)
	       (list 'same)
     (apply build-path (list (find-system-path 'home-dir) (apply build-path p))))))

(define (mkdir-p path)
  (if (not (directory-exists? path))
      (make-directory* path)))

;;; meta-apply applies for functions with optional arguments to functions
;;; with optional arguments

(define (meta-apply f . args)
  (define (mklist args)
    (if (null? (cdr args))
	(if (list? (car args))
	    (car args)
	(cons (car args) (mklist (cdr args)))))
  (apply f (mklist args)))

;;; Increment a variable while returning the original value

(define-syntax post++
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ n)
     (let ((r n))
       (set! n (+ n 1))

(define-syntax ++
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ i)
       (set! i (+ i 1))

;;; Implement while

(define-syntax while
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ expression b1 ...)
	 ((not expression)
       (begin b1 ...)))))

;;; Implement list let

(define-syntax llet
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (((a1 ...) L)) body1 ...)
     (let* ((%L L)
	    (a1 (let ((l (car %L)))
		  (set! %L (cdr %L))
    ((_ (((a1 ...) L) . L2) body1 ...)
     (let* ((%L L)
	    (a1 (let ((l (car %L)))
		  (set! %L (cdr %L))
       (llet L2 body1 ...)))

;;; substr (perl like)

(define (substr s from . _to)
  (let ((L (string-length s)))
    (let ((to (if (null? _to)
                  (if (>= (car _to) L)
                      (car _to)))))
      (if (< to from)
          (let ((H to))
            (set! to from)
            (set! from H)))
      (if (>= from L)
          (substring s from to)))))

(define (char-in? c L)
  (if (null? L)
      (if (char=? c (car L))
          (char-in? c (cdr L)))))

(define (splitstr s c)
  (let ((N (string-length s))
        (i 0)
        (CMP (if (list? c) char-in? char=?)))
    (letrec ((f (lambda (k i)
                  (if (>= i N)
                      (if (= k i)
                          (list (substring s k i)))
                      (if (CMP (string-ref s i) c)
                          (if (= k i)
                              (f (+ i 1) (+ i 1))
                              (cons (substring s k i) (f (+ i 1) (+ i 1))))
                          (f k (+ i 1)))))))
      (f 0 0))))
