(module tc-app-unit (lib "a-unit.ss")
(require "signatures.ss"
(lib "match.ss")
(lib "trace.ss")
(lib "kerncase.ss" "syntax"))
(require-for-template (lib "match.ss") "internal-forms.ss" mzscheme)
(require-for-syntax (lib "match.ss") "internal-forms.ss")
(import typechecker^)
(export tc-app^)
(define (comparator? i)
(or (module-identifier=? i #'eq?)
(module-identifier=? i #'equal?)
(module-identifier=? i #'eqv?)
(module-identifier=? i #'=)
(module-identifier=? i #'string=?)))
(define (tc/eq comparator v1 v2)
(define (e? i) (module-identifier=? i comparator))
(define (do id val)
(define-syntax alt (syntax-rules () [(_ nm pred ...)
(and (e? #'nm) (or (pred val) ...))]))
(if (or (alt symbol=? symbol?)
(alt string=? string?)
(alt = number?)
(alt eq? boolean? keyword? symbol?)
(alt eqv? boolean? keyword? symbol? number?)
(alt equal? (lambda (x) #t)))
(values (list (make-restrict-effect (-val val) id))
(list (make-remove-effect (-val val) id)))
(values (list) (list))))
(match (list (tc-expr v1) (tc-expr v2))
[(($ tc-result id-t (($ var-true-effect id1)) (($ var-false-effect id2))) ($ tc-result ($ value val) _ _))
(do id1 val)]
[(($ tc-result ($ value val) _ _) ($ tc-result id-t (($ var-true-effect id1)) (($ var-false-effect id2))))
(do id1 val)]
[_ (values (list) (list))]))
(define (tc-args arg-types arg-thn-effs arg-els-effs dom-types rest-type latent-thn-eff latent-els-eff arg-stxs)
(if (and (not (null? latent-thn-eff))
(not (null? latent-els-eff))
(not rest-type)
(= (length arg-types) (length dom-types) 1)
(= (length (car arg-thn-effs)) (length (car arg-els-effs)) 1)
(var-true-effect? (caar arg-thn-effs)) (var-false-effect? (caar arg-els-effs)) (printf "got to mi= ~a ~a ~n~a ~a~n"
(var-true-effect-v (caar arg-thn-effs)) (var-true-effect-v (caar arg-els-effs))
(syntax-e (var-true-effect-v (caar arg-thn-effs))) (syntax-e (var-false-effect-v (caar arg-els-effs))))
(module-identifier=? (var-true-effect-v (caar arg-thn-effs))
(var-false-effect-v (caar arg-els-effs)))
(subtype (car arg-types) (car dom-types)))
(values (map (add-var (var-true-effect-v (caar arg-thn-effs))) latent-thn-eff)
(map (add-var (var-true-effect-v (caar arg-thn-effs))) latent-els-eff))
(let loop ([args arg-types] [doms dom-types] [stxs arg-stxs])
[(and (null? args) (null? doms)) (values null null)] [(null? args) (tc-error "Insufficient arguments to function application, expected ~a, got ~a"
(length dom-types) (length arg-types))]
[(and (null? doms) rest-type)
(if (subtype (car args) rest-type)
(loop (cdr args) doms (cdr stxs))
(tc-error/stx (car stxs) "Rest argument had wrong type, expected: ~a and got: ~a" rest-type (car args)))]
[(null? doms)
(tc-error "Too many arguments to function, expected ~a, got ~a" (length dom-types) (length arg-types))]
[(subtype (car args) (car doms))
(loop (cdr args) (cdr doms) (cdr stxs))]
(tc-error/stx (car stxs) "Wrong function argument type, expected ~a, got ~a" (car doms) (car args))]))))
(define (tc/apply f args)
(let* ([f-ty (tc-expr f)]
[arg-tys0 (map tc-expr/t (syntax->list args))])
(define (split l)
(let loop ([l l] [acc '()])
(if (null? (cdr l))
(values (reverse acc) (car l))
(loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) acc)))))
(let-values ([(arg-tys tail-ty) (split arg-tys0)])
(match f-ty
[($ tc-result ($ funty (($ arr doms rngs rests thn-effs els-effs) ..1)) _ _)
(let loop ([doms doms] [rngs rngs] [rests rests])
(cond [(null? doms) (tc-error "no function domain matched - domains were: ~a arguments were ~a" doms arg-tys0)]
[(and (subtypes arg-tys (car doms)) (car rests) (subtype tail-ty (make-Listof (car rests))))
(ret (car rngs))]
[else (loop (cdr doms) (cdr rngs) (cdr rests))]))]
[($ tc-result ($ poly _ ($ funty _)) _ _)
(tc-error "polymorphic functions not supported with apply")]
[else (tc-error "~a is not a function type" f-ty)]))))
(define (tc/funapp f args)
(match-let* ([ftype (tc-expr f)]
[(($ tc-result argtypes arg-thn-effs arg-els-effs) ...) (map tc-expr (syntax->list args))])
(match ftype
[($ tc-result ($ param-ty in out) _ _)
(match argtypes
[() (ret out)]
[(t) (if (subtype t in)
(ret -Void)
(tc-error "Wrong argument to parameter - expected ~a and got ~a" in t))]
[_ (tc-error "Wrong number of arguments to parameter - expected 0 or 1, got ~a" (length argtypes))])]
[($ tc-result ($ funty (($ arr doms rngs rests latent-thn-effs latent-els-effs) ..1)) thn-eff els-eff)
(if (= 1 (length doms))
(let-values ([(thn-eff els-eff)
(tc-args argtypes arg-thn-effs arg-els-effs (car doms) (car rests)
(car latent-thn-effs) (car latent-els-effs)
(syntax->list args))])
(ret (car rngs) thn-eff els-eff)
(if (false-effect? eff)
(ret (-val #f) eff)
(ret (car rngs) eff)))
(let loop ([doms* doms] [rngs rngs] [rests rests])
(cond [(null? doms*)
(tc-error "no function domain matched - domains were: ~a arguments were ~a" doms argtypes)]
[(subtypes/varargs argtypes (car doms*) (car rests)) (ret (car rngs))]
[else (loop (cdr doms*) (cdr rngs) (cdr rests))])))]
[($ tc-result ($ poly vars ($ funty (($ arr doms rngs #f thn-effs els-effs) ...))) _ _)
(for-each (lambda (x) (unless (not (poly? x))
(tc-error "Polymorphic argument ~a to polymorphic function not allowed" x)))
(let* ([fresh-names (map gensym vars)]
[fresh-vars (map make-tvar fresh-names)]
[fresh-doms (map (lambda (argl) (map (lambda (t) (subst-all (map list vars fresh-vars) t)) argl)) doms)]
[fresh-rngs (map (lambda (l) (subst-all (map list vars fresh-vars) l)) rngs)])
(let loop ([doms* fresh-doms] [rngs* fresh-rngs])
(cond [(null? doms*)
(if (= 1 (length doms))
(tc-error "polymorphic function domain did not match - domain was: ~a arguments were ~a"
(car doms) argtypes)
(tc-error "no polymorphic function domain matched - domains were: ~a arguments were ~a" doms argtypes))]
[(and (= (length (car doms*))
(length argtypes))
(infer/list (car doms*) argtypes fresh-names))
=> (lambda (substitution)
(ret (subst-all (map list fresh-names (map make-tvar vars))
(subst-all substitution (car rngs*)))))]
[else (loop (cdr doms*) (cdr rngs*))])))]
[($ tc-result ($ poly vars ($ funty (($ arr dom rng rest thn-eff els-eff)))) _ _)
(for-each (lambda (x) (unless (not (poly? x))
(tc-error "Polymorphic argument ~a to polymorphic function not allowed" x)))
(let* ([fresh-names (map gensym vars)]
[fresh-vars (map make-tvar fresh-names)]
[fresh-dom (map (lambda (t) (subst-all (map list vars fresh-vars) t)) dom)]
[fresh-rest (subst-all (map list vars fresh-vars) rest)]
[fresh-rng (subst-all (map list vars fresh-vars) rng)])
(unless (<= (length dom) (length argtypes))
(tc-error "incorrect number of arguments to function: ~a ~a" dom argtypes))
(let ([substitution (infer/list/vararg fresh-dom fresh-rest argtypes fresh-names)])
(if substitution
(ret (subst-all (map list fresh-names (map make-tvar vars))
(subst-all substitution fresh-rng)))
(tc-error "no polymorphic function domain matched - domain was: ~a rest type was: ~a arguments were ~a"
dom rest argtypes))))]
[($ tc-result ($ poly vars ($ funty (($ arr doms rngs rests thn-effs els-effs) ...))) _ _)
(tc-error "polymorphic vararg case-lambda application not yet supported")]
[else (tc-error "~a is not a function type" (tc-result-t ftype))])))
(define (tc/app form)
(kernel-syntax-case* form #f
(values apply not list call-with-values) [(#%app call-with-values prod con)
(match-let* ([($ tc-result prod-t _ _) (tc-expr #'prod)]
[($ tc-result con-t _ _) (tc-expr #'con)])
(match (list prod-t con-t)
[(($ funty (($ arr () vals #f _ _))) ($ funty (($ arr dom rng #f _ _))))
(=> unmatch)
(match (list vals dom)
[(($ values-ty (v ...)) (t ...))
(if (subtypes v t)
(ret rng)
[(t1 (t2))
(if (subtype t1 t2) (ret rng) (unmatch))]
[_ (unmatch)])]
[_ (tc-error "Incorrect arguments to call with values: ~a ~a" prod-t con-t)]))]
[(#%app values arg) (tc-expr #'arg)]
[(#%app values . args)
(let ([tys (map tc-expr/t (syntax->list #'args))])
(ret (list->values-ty tys)))]
[(#%app list . args)
(let ([tys (map tc-expr/t (syntax->list #'args))])
(ret (apply -lst* tys)))]
[(#%app eq? v1 v2)
(and (identifier? #'eq?) (comparator? #'eq?))
(tc/funapp #'eq? #'(v1 v2))
(let-values ([(thn-eff els-eff) (tc/eq #'eq? #'v1 #'v2)])
(ret B thn-eff els-eff)))]
[(#%app not arg)
(match (tc-expr #'arg)
[($ tc-result t thn-eff els-eff)
(ret B (map var->type-eff els-eff) (map var->type-eff thn-eff))])]
[(#%app apply f . args) (tc/apply #'f #'args)]
[(#%app f args ...) (tc/funapp #'f #'(args ...))]))