(module type-effect-printer mzscheme
  (require "" "" "" "")
  (require (lib ""))
  (require "")  
  ;; do we attempt to find instantiations of polymorphic types to print?
  ;; FIXME - currently broken
  (define print-poly-types? #f)
  ;; do we use simple type aliases in printing
  (define print-aliases #t)    

  ;; does t have a type name associated with it currently?
  ;; has-name : Type -> Maybe[Symbol]
  (define (has-name? t) 
    (define ns ((current-type-names)))
    (let/cc return
      (unless print-aliases
        (return #f))
       (lambda (pair)
         (cond [(eq? t (cdr pair))
                (return (car pair))]))
  ;; print out an effect
  ;; print-effect : Effect Port Boolean -> Void
  (define (print-effect c port write?)
    (define (fp . args) (apply fprintf port args))    
    (match c
      [(Restrict-Effect: t v) (fp "(restrict ~a ~a)" t (syntax-e v))]
      [(Remove-Effect: t v) (fp "(remove ~a ~a)" t (syntax-e v))]
      [(Latent-Restrict-Effect: t) (fp "(restrict ~a)" t)]
      [(Latent-Remove-Effect: t) (fp "(remove ~a)" t)]
      [(Latent-Var-True-Effect:) (fp "(var #t)")]
      [(Latent-Var-False-Effect:) (fp "(var #f)")]
      [(True-Effect:) (fp "T")]
      [(False-Effect:) (fp "F")]
      [(Var-True-Effect: v) (fp "(var #t ~a)" (syntax-e v))]
      [(Var-False-Effect: v) (fp "(var #f ~a)" (syntax-e v))]))
  ;; print out a type
  ;; print-type : Type Port Boolean -> Void
  (define (print-type c port write?)
    (define (fp . args) (apply fprintf port args))    
    (match c 
      [(Univ:) (fp "Any")]
      [(? has-name?) (fp "~a" (has-name? c))]
      ;; special cases for lists
      [(Mu: var (Union: (list (Value: '()) (Pair: elem-ty (F: var)))))
       (fp "(Listof ~a)" elem-ty)]
      [(Mu: var (Union: (list (Pair: elem-ty (F: var)) (Value: '()))))
       (fp "(Listof ~a)" elem-ty)]
      [(Base: n) (fp "~a" n)]
      [(Opaque: pred _) (fp "(Opaque ~a)" (syntax-object->datum pred))]
      [(Struct: 'Promise par (list fld) proc) (fp "(Promise ~a)" fld)]      
      [(Struct: nm par flds proc) 
        (fp "#(struct:~a ~a" nm flds)
        (when proc
          (fp " ~a" proc))
        (fp ")")]
      [(Function: arities)
       (let ()
         (define (print-arr a)
           (match a
             [(arr: dom rng rest thn-eff els-eff)
              (fp "(")
              (for-each (lambda (t) (fp "~a " t)) dom)
              (when rest
                (fp "~a .. " rest))
              (fp "-> ~a" rng)
              (unless (and (null? thn-eff) (null? els-eff))
                (fp " : ~a ~a" thn-eff els-eff))
              (fp ")")]))
         (match arities
           [(list) (fp "(case-lambda)")]
           [(list a) (print-arr a)]
           [(list a ...) (fp "(case-lambda ") (for-each print-arr a) (fp ")")]))]
      [(Value: v) (cond [(or (symbol? v) (null? v))
                         (fp "'~a" v)]
                        [else (fp "~a" v)])]
      [(Vector: e) (fp "(Vectorof ~a)" e)]
      [(Union: elems) (fp "~a" (cons 'Un elems))]
      [(Pair: l r) (fp "(Pair ~a ~a)" l r)]
      [(F: nm) (fp "<~a>" nm)]      
      [(Values: (list v ...)) (fp "~a" (cons 'values v))]
      [(Param: in out) 
       (if (equal? in out)
           (fp "(Paramter ~a)" in)           
           (fp "(Parameter ~a ~a)" in out))]
      [(Hashtable: k v) (fp "(HashTable ~a ~a)" k v)]
      [(Poly-unsafe: n b) (fp "(unsafe-poly ~a ~a ~a)" (Type-seq c) n b)]
      [(Poly-names: names body) (fp "(All ~a. ~a)" names body)]
      [(Mu-unsafe: b) (fp "(unsafe-mu ~a ~a)" (Type-seq c) b)]
      [(Mu-name: name body) (fp "(mu ~a ~a ~a)" (Type-seq c) name body)]
      ;; FIXME - this should not be used
      [(Scope: sc) (fp "(Scope ~a)" sc)]
      [(B: idx) (fp "(B ~a)" idx)]
      [else (fp "Unknown Type: ~a" (struct->vector c))]
  (set-box! print-type* print-type)
  (set-box! print-effect* print-effect)