(module type-rep mzscheme
  (require (lib ""))
  (require (lib "") (lib ""))
  (require "" "" "" "")
  (require (prefix 1: (lib "" "srfi" "1"))
           (lib ""))
  (define name-table (make-hash-table 'weak))
  ;; Name = Symbol
  ;; Type is defined in
  ;; t must be a Type
  (dt Scope t)
  ;; i is an nat
  (dt B i)
  ;; n is a Name
  (dt F n)
  ;; left and right are Types
  (dt Pair left right)
  ;; elem is a Type
  (dt Vector elem)
  ;; name is a Symbol (not a Name)
  (dt Base (name))
  ;; body is a Scope
  (dt Mu (body) #:no-provide)    
  ;; n is how many variables are bound here
  ;; body is a Scope
  (dt Poly (n body) #:no-provide)
  ;; pred : identifier
  ;; cert : syntax certifier
  (dt Opaque (pred cert) #:no-intern)
  (defintern (*Opaque pred cert) make-Opaque (hash-id pred))
  ;; name : symbol
  ;; parent : Struct
  ;; flds : Listof[Type]
  ;; proc : Function Type
  (dt Struct name parent flds proc)
  ;; dom : Listof[Type]
  ;; rng : Type
  ;; rest : Type
  ;; thn-eff : Effect
  ;; els-eff : Effect
  ;; arr is NOT a Type
  (dt arr dom rng rest thn-eff els-eff)
  ;; arities : Listof[arr]
  (dt Function arities)
  ;; v : Scheme Value
  (dt Value v)
  ;; elems : Set[Type]
  (dt Union elems)
  (dt Univ)
  ;; types : Listof[Type]
  (dt Values types)
  ;; in : Type
  ;; out : Type
  (dt Param in out)
  ;; key : Type
  ;; value : Type
  (dt Hashtable key value)
  ;; Ugly hack - should use units
  (define union-maker (box #f))
  (define (set-union-maker! v) (set-box! union-maker v))
  (provide set-union-maker!)
  ;; remove-dups: List[Type] -> List[Type]
  ;; removes duplicate types from a SORTED list
  (define (remove-dups types)
    (cond [(null? types) types]
          [(null? (cdr types)) types]
          [(type-equal? (car types) (cadr types)) (remove-dups (cdr types))]
          [else (cons (car types) (remove-dups (cdr types)))]))
  ;; sub-eff : (Type -> Type) Eff -> Eff
  (define (sub-eff sb eff) 
    (match eff
      [(Restrict-Effect: t v) (make-Restrict-Effect (sb t) v)]
      [(Remove-Effect: t v) (make-Remove-Effect (sb t) v)]
      [(Latent-Restrict-Effect: t) (make-Latent-Restrict-Effect (sb t))]
      [(Latent-Remove-Effect: t) (make-Latent-Remove-Effect (sb t))]
      [(Latent-Var-True-Effect:) eff]
      [(Latent-Var-False-Effect:) eff]
      [(True-Effect:) eff]
      [(False-Effect:) eff]
      [(Var-True-Effect: v) eff]
      [(Var-False-Effect: v) eff]))
  ;; varChanger : (Num Name -> Type) (Num Num -> Type) Type -> Type
  (define (varChanger F-op B-op ty)    
    (define (loop outer ty)
      (define (sb t) (loop outer t))
      (match ty
        ;; Variables
        ;; Free vars
        [(F: name*)    (F-op outer name*)]
        ;; Bound vars
        [(B: idx)      (B-op outer idx)]
        ;; Recursive Cases
        [(Pair: l r)   (*Pair (loop outer l) (loop outer r))]
        [(Vector: elem)   (*Vector (loop outer elem))]
        [(Hashtable: k v) (*Hashtable (loop outer k) (loop outer v))]
        [(Param: in out) (*Param (loop outer in) (loop outer out))]
        [(Struct: nm par fs proc)
         (*Struct nm par 
                  (map sb fs) 
                  (if proc (loop outer proc) proc))]
        [(Union: elems) (*Union (remove-dups (sort (map sb elems) type<?)))]
        [(Values: vs) (*Values (map sb vs))]
        ;; Functions
        [(Function: arities)
         (*Function (map (match-lambda
                           [(arr: ins out rest thn-eff els-eff)
                            (*arr (map sb ins)
                                  (sb out)
                                  (if rest (sb rest) #f)
                                  (map (lambda (e) (sub-eff sb e)) thn-eff)
                                  (map (lambda (e) (sub-eff sb e)) els-eff))])
        ;; Binding Forms
        [(Mu: (Scope: body)) 
         (*Mu (*Scope (loop (add1 outer) body)))]
        [(Poly: n body*)
         (let ([body (remove-scopes n body*)])
           (*Poly n (*Scope (loop (+ n outer) body))))]
        ;; Trivial Cases
        [(Base: _)   ty]
        [(Opaque: _ _)   ty]
        [(Value: _)   ty]
        [(Univ:)   ty]
    (loop 0 ty))
  (define (add-scopes n t)
    (if (zero? n) t
        (add-scopes (sub1 n) (*Scope t))))
  (define (remove-scopes n sc)
    (if (zero? n) 
        (match sc
          [(Scope: sc*) (remove-scopes (sub1 n) sc*)]
          [_ (int-err "Tried to remove too many scopes: ~a" sc)])))

  ;; abstract-many : Names Type -> Scope^n
  ;; where n is the length of names 
  (define (abstract-many names ty)
    (define (nameTo name count type)
      (varChanger (lambda (outer name*)
                    (if (eq? name name*)
                        (*B (+ count outer))
                        (*F name*)))
                  (lambda (outer idx) (*B idx))
    #;(trace nameTo)
    (let ([n (length names)])
      (let loop ([ty ty] [names names] [count (sub1 n)])
        (if (zero? count)
            (add-scopes n (nameTo (car names) 0 ty))
            (loop (nameTo (car names) count ty)
                  (cdr names)
                  (sub1 count))))))
  ;; instantiate-many : List[Type] Scope^n -> Type
  ;; where n is the length of types 
  (define (instantiate-many images sc)
    (define (replace image count ty)
      (varChanger (lambda (outer name*) (*F name*))
                  (lambda (outer idx)
                    (if (= (+ count outer) idx)
                        (*B idx)))
    (let ([n (length images)])
      (let loop ([ty (remove-scopes n sc)] [images images] [count (sub1 n)])
        (if (zero? count)
            (replace (car images) 0 ty)
            (loop (replace (car images) count ty)
                  (cdr images)
                  (sub1 count))))))
  (define (abstract name ty)
    (abstract-many (list name) ty))
  (define (instantiate type sc)
    (instantiate-many (list type) sc))
  (define-values (fv fv/list)
        ;; l accumulates the list of free variables
        ([l '()]
         [u (*Univ)]
         ;; find the free variables of a single type
         [f (lambda (ty) (varChanger (lambda (_ name) (set! l (cons name l)) u) (lambda _ u) ty))])
      (values (lambda (t)
                (f t)
                (begin0 (1:delete-duplicates! l)
                        (set! l '())))
              (lambda (ts)
                (map f ts)
                (begin0 (1:delete-duplicates! l)
                        (set! l '()))))))

  #;(trace instantiate-many abstract-many)
  ;; the 'smart' constructor
  (define (Mu* name body)    
    (let ([v (*Mu (abstract name body))])
      (hash-table-put! name-table v name)
  ;; the 'smart' destructor
  (define (Mu-body* name t)
    (match t
      [(Mu: scope)
       (instantiate (*F name) scope)]))
  ;; the 'smart' constructor
  (define (Poly* names body)
    (if (null? names) body
        (let ([v (*Poly (length names) (abstract-many names body))])
          (hash-table-put! name-table v names)
  ;; the 'smart' destructor
  (define (Poly-body* names t)
    (match t
      [(Poly: n scope)
       (unless (= (length names) n)
         (error "Wrong number of names"))
       (instantiate-many (map *F names) scope)]))
  (print-struct #t)
  #;(display (equal? (Poly* '(x) (*F 'x)) (Poly* '(y) (*F 'y))))
  (define-match-expander Mu-unsafe:
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ bp) #'(? Mu? (app (lambda (t) (Scope-t (Mu-body t))) bp))])))
  (define-match-expander Poly-unsafe:
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ n bp) #'(? Poly? (app (lambda (t) (list (Poly-n t) (Poly-body t))) (list n bp)))])))
  (define-match-expander Mu:*
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ np bp)
         #'(? Mu?
              (app (lambda (t) (let ([sym (gensym)])
                                 (list sym (Mu-body* sym t))))
                   (list np bp)))])))
  (define-match-expander Mu-name:
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ np bp)
         #'(? Mu?
              (app (lambda (t) (let ([sym (hash-table-get name-table t (lambda _ (gensym)))])
                                 (list sym (Mu-body* sym t))))
                   (list np bp)))])))
  ;; This match expander wraps the smart constructor
  ;; names are generated with gensym
  (define-match-expander Poly:*
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ nps bp)
         #'(? Poly?
              (app (lambda (t) 
                     (let* ([n (Poly-n t)]
                            [syms (build-list n (lambda _ (gensym)))])
                       (list syms (Poly-body* syms t))))
                   (list nps bp)))])))
  ;; This match expander uses the names from the hashtable 
  (define-match-expander Poly-names:
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(_ nps bp)
         #'(? Poly?
              (app (lambda (t) 
                     (let* ([n (Poly-n t)]
                            [syms (hash-table-get name-table t)])
                       (list syms (Poly-body* syms t))))
                   (list nps bp)))])))
  ;; substitute : Type Name Type -> Type
  (define (substitute image name target)    
    (define (sb t) (substitute image name t))
    (match target
      ;; Variables%
      ;; Free vars
      [(F: name*)    (if (eq? name* name) image target)]
      ;; Bound vars
      [(B: idx)      target]
      ;; Recursive Cases
      [(Pair: l r)   (*Pair (sb l) (sb r))]
      [(Vector: elem)   (*Vector (sb elem))]
      [(Hashtable: k v) (*Hashtable (sb k) (sb v))]
      [(Param: in out) (*Param (sb in) (sb out))]
      [(Struct: nm par fs proc)
       (*Struct nm par 
                (map sb fs) 
                (if proc (sb proc) proc))]
      [(Union: elems) ((unbox union-maker) (map sb elems))]
      [(Values: vs) (*Values (map sb vs))]
      ;; Functions
      [(Function: arities)
       (*Function (map (match-lambda
                         [(arr: ins out rest thn-eff els-eff)
                          (*arr (map sb ins)
                                (sb out)
                                (if rest (sb rest) #f)
                                (map (lambda (e) (sub-eff sb e)) thn-eff)
                                (map (lambda (e) (sub-eff sb e)) els-eff))])
      ;; Binding Forms
      [(Mu: (Scope: body)) 
       (*Mu (*Scope (sb body)))]
      [(Poly: n body*)
       (let ([body (remove-scopes n body*)])
         (*Poly n (add-scopes n (sb body))))]
      ;; Trivial Cases
      [(Base: _)   target]
      [(Opaque: _ _)   target]
      [(Value: _)   target]
      [(Univ:)   target]
  ;; substitute many variables
  ;; substitution = Listof[List[Name,Type]]
  ;; subst-all : substition Type -> Type
  (define (subst-all s t)
    (foldr (lambda (e acc) (substitute (cadr e) (car e) acc)) t s))
  ;; unfold : Type -> Type
  ;; must be applied to a Mu
  (define (unfold t)
    (match t
      [(Mu: sc) (instantiate t sc)]
      [_ (int-err "unfold: requires Mu type, got ~a" t)]))
  (define (instantiate-poly t types)
    (match t
      [(Poly:* ns body) 
       (unless (= (length types) (length ns))
         (int-err "instantiate-poly: wrong number of types: expected ~a, got ~a" (length ns) (length types)))
       (subst-all (map list ns types) body)]
      [_ (int-err "instantiate-many: requires Poly type, got ~a" t)]))
  ;; this structure represents the result of typechecking an expression
  (define-struct tc-result (t thn els) #f)
  (define-match-expander tc-result:
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        [(form pt) #'(struct tc-result (pt _ _))]
        [(form pt pe1 pe2) #'(struct tc-result (pt pe1 pe2))])))
  ;; convenience function for returning the result of typechecking an expression
  (define ret
    (case-lambda [(t) (make-tc-result t (list) (list))]
                 [(t thn els) (make-tc-result t thn els)]))
  (define (subst v t e) (substitute t v e))
  ;; type comparison
  ;; equality - good
  (define type-equal? eq?)
  (define tc-result-equal? equal?)
  (define (effects-equal? fs1 fs2) (andmap eq? fs1 fs2))
  ;; inequality - good
  (define (type<? s t)
    (< (Type-seq s) (Type-seq t)))
  (define (type-compare s t)
    (cond [(eq? s t) 0]
          [(type<? s t) 1]
          [else -1]))
  ;(trace subst subst-all)
   substitute subst-all ret unfold
   Mu-name: Poly-names:
   Type-seq Effect-seq  
   Mu-unsafe: Poly-unsafe:
   Mu? Poly?
   fv fv/list
   Type? Effect?
   type-equal? tc-result-equal? type-compare effects-equal? type<?
   (rename Mu:* Mu:)
   (rename Poly:* Poly:)
   (rename Mu* make-Mu)
   (rename Poly* make-Poly)
   (rename Mu-body* Mu-body)
   (rename Poly-body* Poly-body))
  ;(trace unfold)