(module types mzscheme
(require "../reduction-semantics.ss"
(reduction-steps-cutoff 10)
(define lang
(language (e (e e)
(lambda (x t) e)
(if e e e)
(= e e)
(-> e e)
(c (t c)
(c e)
(-> t c)
(-> c e)
(= t c)
(= c e)
(if c e e)
(if t c e)
(if t t c)
(x (variable-except lambda -> if =))
(t num bool (-> t t))))
(define-syntax (r--> stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ i r) (syntax (reduction/context lang c i r))]))
(define-syntax (e--> stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ i msg) (syntax (reduction lang (in-hole c i) msg))]))
(define reductions
(r--> number
(r--> (lambda (x_1 t_1) e_body)
(term (-> t_1 ,(lc-subst (term x_1)
(term t_1)
(term e_body)))))
(r--> ((-> t_1 t_2) t_1)
(term t_2))
(e--> (side-condition ((-> t_1 t) t_2)
(not (equal? (term t_1) (term t_2))))
(format "app: domain error ~s and ~s" (term t_1) (term t_2)))
(e--> (num t_1)
(format "app: non function error ~s" (term t_1)))
(r--> (if bool t_1 t_1)
(term t_1))
(e--> (side-condition (if bool t_1 t_2)
(not (equal? (term t_1) (term t_2))))
(format "if: then and else clause mismatch ~s and ~s" (term t_1) (term t_2)))
(e--> (side-condition (if t_1 t t)
(not (equal? (term t_1) 'bool)))
(format "if: test not boolean ~s" (term t_1)))
(r--> (= num num) 'bool)
(e--> (side-condition (= t_1 t_2)
(or (not (equal? (term t_1) 'num))
(not (equal? (term t_2) 'num))))
(format "=: not comparing numbers ~s and ~s" (term t_1) (term t_2)))))
(define lc-subst
[(? symbol?) (variable)]
[(? number?) (constant)]
[`(lambda (,x ,t) ,b)
(all-vars (list x))
(build (lambda (vars body) `(lambda (,(car vars) ,t) ,body)))
(subterm (list x) b)]
[`(,f ,@(xs ...))
(all-vars '())
(build (lambda (vars f . xs) `(,f ,@xs)))
(subterm '() f)
(subterms '() xs)]))
(define theterm '((lambda (x num) (lambda (y num) (if (= x y) 0 (lambda (x num) x)))) 1))
(traces lang reductions theterm)