(module rewrite-side-conditions mzscheme
(require (lib "list.ss"))
(require-for-template mzscheme
(provide rewrite-side-conditions
(define (rewrite-side-conditions what orig-stx)
(let loop ([term orig-stx])
(syntax-case term (side-condition)
[(side-condition pre-pat exp)
(with-syntax ([pat (loop (syntax pre-pat))])
(let-values ([(names names/ellipses) (extract-names (syntax pat))])
(with-syntax ([(name ...) names]
[(name/ellipses ...) names/ellipses])
(syntax/loc term
,(lambda (bindings)
(term-let ([name/ellipses (lookup-binding bindings 'name)] ...)
[(terms ...)
(map loop (syntax->list (syntax (terms ...))))]
(when (pair? (syntax-e term))
(let loop ([term term])
[(syntax? term) (loop (syntax-e term))]
[(pair? term) (loop (cdr term))]
[(null? term) (void)]
(raise-syntax-error what "dotted pairs not supported in patterns" orig-stx term)])))
(define-struct id/depth (id depth))
(define (extract-names orig-stx)
(let* ([dups
(let loop ([stx orig-stx]
[names null]
[depth 0])
(syntax-case stx (name in-hole in-named-hole side-condition)
[(name sym pat)
(identifier? (syntax sym))
(loop (syntax pat)
(cons (make-id/depth (syntax sym) depth) names)
[(in-named-hole hlnm sym pat1 pat2)
(identifier? (syntax sym))
(loop (syntax pat1)
(loop (syntax pat2) names depth)
[(in-hole pat1 pat2)
(loop (syntax pat1)
(loop (syntax pat2) names depth)
[(side-condition pat e)
(loop (syntax pat) names depth)]
[(pat ...)
(let i-loop ([pats (syntax->list (syntax (pat ...)))]
[names names])
[(null? pats) names]
(if (or (null? (cdr pats))
(not (identifier? (cadr pats)))
(not (module-identifier=? (quote-syntax ...)
(cadr pats))))
(i-loop (cdr pats)
(loop (car pats) names depth))
(i-loop (cdr pats)
(loop (car pats) names (+ depth 1))))]))]
(and (identifier? (syntax x))
(has-underscore? (syntax x)))
(cons (make-id/depth (syntax x) depth) names)]
[else names]))]
[no-dups (filter-duplicates dups)])
(values (map id/depth-id no-dups)
(map build-dots no-dups))))
(define (build-dots id/depth)
(let loop ([depth (id/depth-depth id/depth)])
[(zero? depth) (id/depth-id id/depth)]
[else (with-syntax ([rest (loop (- depth 1))]
[dots (quote-syntax ...)])
(syntax (rest dots)))])))
(define (has-underscore? x)
(memq #\_ (string->list (symbol->string (syntax-e x)))))
(define (filter-duplicates dups)
(let loop ([dups dups])
[(null? dups) null]
(car dups)
(filter (lambda (x)
(let ([same-id? (module-identifier=? (id/depth-id x)
(id/depth-id (car dups)))])
(when same-id?
(unless (equal? (id/depth-depth x)
(id/depth-depth (car dups)))
(error 'reduction "found the same binder, ~s, at different depths, ~a and ~a"
(syntax-object->datum (id/depth-id x))
(id/depth-depth x)
(id/depth-depth (car dups)))))
(not same-id?)))
(loop (cdr dups))))]))))