(module arrow mzscheme
  (require (lib "" "texpict")
           (lib "" "texpict")
           (lib "" "mred")
           (lib "")
           (lib ""))
    (-> string?
        (symbols 'curvy 'straight 'straight-double)
        (-> pict?))])
  (define (make-arrow-pict sample-str style font-family font-size)
    (let ([ans #f])
      (λ ()
        (or ans
              (set! ans (raw-make-arrow-pict sample-str style font-family font-size))
  (define (raw-make-arrow-pict sample-str style font-family font-size)
    (let-values ([(w h d a) (send (dc-for-text-size) get-text-extent sample-str
                                  (send the-font-list
      (let* ([pen-width-factor 0.042] ;; factor of the height to get the pen width
             [line-pos (+ a (/ (- h a) 2))]
             [head-width (/ w 5)]
             [head-height (* (- h a) 9/16)]
             [path (and (eq? style 'curvy)
                        (let* ([b (blank w (- h a d) d)]
                               [a-sz (* head-width 1)]
                               [p (new dc-path%)]
                               [inc (/ (- w head-width) 3)])
                          (send p move-to 0 line-pos)
                          (let ([y (- line-pos (/ a-sz 2))])
                            (send p curve-to 
                                  0 line-pos
                                  (/ inc 2) y
                                  inc y)
                            (let ([y2 (+ line-pos (/ a-sz 2))])
                              (send p curve-to
                                    (* 3/2 inc) y
                                    (* 3/2 inc) y2
                                    (* 2 inc) y2)
                              (send p curve-to
                                    (* 5/2 inc) y2
                                    (* 5/2 inc) line-pos
                                    (* 3 inc) line-pos)
                              (send p line-to w line-pos)))
          (λ (dc dx dy)
            (let ([old-pen (send dc get-pen)]
                  [old-brush (send dc get-brush)])
              (send dc set-pen (send old-pen get-color) (* h pen-width-factor) 'solid)
              ;; main line of arrow
              (case style
                 (send dc draw-path path dx dy)]
                 (send dc draw-line 
                       (+ dy line-pos)
                       (+ dx w)
                       (+ dy line-pos))]
                 (send dc draw-line 
                       (+ dy line-pos -1)
                       (+ dx w -2)
                       (+ dy line-pos -1))
                 (send dc draw-line 
                       (+ dy line-pos 1)
                       (+ dx w -2)
                       (+ dy line-pos 1))])
              (unless (eq? style 'straight-double)
                ;; when a single line arrow, make the arrow head's lines a tiny bit thinner
                (send dc set-pen (send old-pen get-color) (* h pen-width-factor .8) 'solid))
              ;; upper line of arrowhead
              (send dc draw-spline
                    (+ dx w)
                    (+ dy line-pos)
                    (+ dx w (- head-width) (* head-width 1/5))
                    (+ dy line-pos (- (* head-height 4/16)))
                    (+ dx w (- head-width))
                    (+ dy line-pos (- (/ head-height 2))))
              ;; lower line of arrowhead
              (send dc draw-spline
                    (+ dx w)
                    (+ dy line-pos)
                    (+ dx w (- head-width) (* head-width 1/5))
                    (+ dy line-pos (+ (* head-height 4/16)))
                    (+ dx w (- head-width))
                    (+ dy line-pos (+ (/ head-height 2))))
              (send dc set-pen old-pen)
              (send dc set-brush old-brush)))
          w h (- h d) d)
         2 0)))))