#lang scheme

(require (planet schematics/schemeunit))

(require "main.ss")

   (let ([c (connect #:dbname "test" #:user "www" #:port 5433)])
     (send c initialize)
     ;   (with-tracing-to
     ;    ((get-field handle c) "test.log")
     ; (pretty-print (get-field oid-names c))
     ; (pretty-print (escape-identifier (get-field handle c) "foobar"))
     ; (pretty-print (escape-identifier (get-field handle c) "\xcc\xaf\xf3\xff"))
      "does exec work?"
      (send c exec "SELECT 42"))
     (send c exec "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_wrapper")
      "create table"
      (send c exec "CREATE TABLE test_wrapper (foo INTEGER, bar TEXT)"))
      "prepared statements"
      (check-equal? (send (send c p-exec "SELECT $1" 42) get-matrix) '((42))))
      "results finalize properly"
       (let ([prepared (send c prepare "INSERT INTO test_wrapper (foo,bar) VALUES ($1,$2)" '(256 ""))])
         (send prepared exec 1 "synx") ; check the values of the inserts somehow...
         (send prepared exec 4 "ferret")
         (send prepared exec 2 "rat")
         (send prepared exec 2 "glider")
         (send prepared exec 23 "ringtail"))))
      (send (send c p-exec "SELECT foo,bar FROM test_wrapper WHERE foo=$1" 23) for-each
            (λ (foo bar)
              (check-equal? foo 23)
              (check-equal? bar "ringtail")))
      (send (send c p-exec "SELECT foo,bar FROM test_wrapper WHERE bar=$1" "ferret") for-each
            (λ (foo bar)
              (check-equal? foo 4)
              (check-equal? bar "ferret")))
      (let ([values null])
        (send (send c p-exec "SELECT foo FROM test_wrapper ORDER BY foo") for-each
              (λ (foo) (set! values (cons foo values))))
        (check-equal? values '(23 4 2 2 1))))
       (let ([cursor (send c select "SELECT bar FROM test_wrapper ORDER BY foo")])
         (let ([results null])
           (send cursor for-each
                 (λ (bar) 
                   (set! results (cons bar results))
                   (sleep 0.1)))
           (check-equal? results '("ringtail" "ferret" "glider" "rat" "synx"))))))
       (let ([prepared (send c prepare "UPDATE test_wrapper SET bar=$2 WHERE foo=$1" '(0 ""))])
         (send prepared exec 2 "zebra")
         (send prepared exec 23 "lemur")))
       "verify updates"
        (send (send c p-exec "SELECT foo,bar FROM test_wrapper ORDER BY bar") get-matrix)
        '((4 "ferret") (23 "lemur") (1 "synx") (2 "zebra") (2 "zebra")))))))

(provide tests)