#lang racket/base
(require rackunit)
(provide bit-slice?
(struct bit-slice (binary low-bit high-bit)
(struct splice (length left right)
(define (bit-string? x)
(or (bytes? x)
(bit-slice? x)
(splice? x)))
(check-equal? (bit-string? "hello") #f)
(check-equal? (bit-string? 123) #f)
(check-equal? (bit-string? #"hello") #t)
(check-equal? (bit-string? (bit-slice #"hello" 2 4)) #t)
(check-equal? (bit-string? (splice 0 (bytes) (bytes))) #t)
(define (bit-string-empty? x)
(zero? (bit-string-length x)))
(define (bit-string-length x)
((bytes? x) (* 8 (bytes-length x)))
((bit-slice? x) (- (bit-slice-high-bit x) (bit-slice-low-bit x)))
((splice? x) (splice-length x))))
(check-equal? (bit-string-empty? (bytes)) #t)
(check-equal? (bit-string-empty? (bytes 1)) #f)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bytes)) 0)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bytes 255)) 8)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bytes 10)) 8)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bit-slice (bytes) 0 0)) 0)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bit-slice (bytes 255) 1 4)) 3)
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bit-slice (bytes 10) 1 4)) 3)
(define (abutting? a b)
(and (bit-slice? a)
(bit-slice? b)
(eq? (bit-slice-binary a)
(bit-slice-binary b))
(= (bit-slice-high-bit a)
(bit-slice-low-bit b))))
(define abutting-test-binary (bytes 255))
(check-equal? (abutting? abutting-test-binary abutting-test-binary) #f)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bytes 255) (bytes 255)) #f)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 4)
(bit-slice (bytes 255) 4 6)) #f)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 4)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 6)) #t)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 4)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 5 6)) #f)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 3)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 6)) #f)
(check-equal? (abutting? (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 6)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 4)) #f)
(define (bit-string-append-2 a b)
(if (abutting? a b)
(if (= (bit-string-length (bit-slice-binary a))
(+ (bit-string-length a) (bit-string-length b)))
(bit-slice-binary a)
(bit-slice (bit-slice-binary a)
(bit-slice-low-bit a)
(bit-slice-high-bit b)))
(splice (+ (bit-string-length a) (bit-string-length b)) a b)))
(define bit-string-append
[(a b) (bit-string-append-2 a b)]
[(a . rest)
(foldl (lambda (rhs lhs) (bit-string-append-2 lhs rhs))
(check-equal? (bit-string-append abutting-test-binary)
(check-equal? (bit-string-append (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 0 4)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 8))
(check-equal? (bit-string-append (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 0 4)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 6)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 6 8))
(check-equal? (bit-string-append (bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 4)
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 4 6))
(bit-slice abutting-test-binary 1 6))
(check-equal? (bit-string-append (bit-slice (bytes 255) 1 4)
(bit-slice (bytes 255) 4 6))
(splice 5
(bit-slice (bytes 255) 1 4)
(bit-slice (bytes 255) 4 6)))
(check-equal? (bit-string-length (bit-string-append (bytes 1) (bytes 2))) 16)
(define (bit-string-split-at-or-false x offset)
(let ((len (bit-string-length x)))
(if (or (negative? offset)
(> offset len))
(values #f #f)
(let split ((x x)
(offset offset))
((bytes? x)
(values (bit-slice x 0 offset)
(bit-slice x offset (* 8 (bytes-length x)))))
((bit-slice? x)
(let ((bin (bit-slice-binary x))
(low (bit-slice-low-bit x))
(high (bit-slice-high-bit x)))
(let ((mid (+ low offset)))
(values (bit-slice bin low mid)
(bit-slice bin mid high)))))
((splice? x)
(let* ((original-left (splice-left x))
(splice-midpoint (bit-string-length original-left)))
((< offset splice-midpoint)
(let-values (((left mid) (split original-left offset)))
(values left
(splice (- (splice-length x) offset) mid (splice-right x)))))
((= offset splice-midpoint)
(values original-left (splice-right x)))
(let-values (((mid right) (split (splice-right x) (- offset splice-midpoint))))
(values (splice offset original-left mid)
(define (bit-string-split-at x offset)
(let-values (((lhs rhs) (bit-string-split-at-or-false x offset)))
(if (not lhs)
(error 'bit-string-split-at "Split point negative or beyond length of string: ~v" offset)
(values lhs rhs))))
(define (bit-string-ref x offset)
(when (negative? offset)
(error 'bit-string-ref "Offset must be non-negative: ~v" offset))
(when (>= offset (bit-string-length x))
(error 'bit-string-ref "Offset must be less than or equal to bit string length: ~v" offset))
(let search ((x x)
(offset offset))
((bytes? x)
(let-values (((byte-offset bit-offset) (quotient/remainder offset 8)))
(bitwise-bit-field (bytes-ref x byte-offset) (- 7 bit-offset) (- 8 bit-offset))))
((bit-slice? x)
(bit-string-ref (bit-slice-binary x) (+ (bit-slice-low-bit x) offset)))
((splice? x)
(let* ((left (splice-left x))
(midpoint (bit-string-length left)))
(if (< offset midpoint)
(search left offset)
(search (splice-right x) (- offset midpoint))))))))
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x80) 0) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x80) 7) 0)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x20) 2) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x01) 0) 0)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x01) 7) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x00 #x80) 8) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bytes #x00 #x01) 15) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bit-slice (bytes #x20) 2 3) 0) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bit-slice (bytes #x40) 2 3) 0) 0)
(define (sub-bit-string x low-bit high-bit)
(when (negative? low-bit)
(error 'sub-bit-string "Low bit must be non-negative: ~v" low-bit))
(when (> high-bit (bit-string-length x))
(error 'sub-bit-string
"High bit must be less than or equal to bit string length: ~v" high-bit))
((bytes? x)
(if (and (zero? low-bit)
(= high-bit (* 8 (bytes-length x))))
(bit-slice x low-bit high-bit)))
((bit-slice? x)
(let ((old-low (bit-slice-low-bit x)))
(bit-slice (bit-slice-binary x)
(+ old-low low-bit)
(+ old-low high-bit))))
((splice? x)
(let-values (((left mid) (bit-string-split-at x low-bit)))
(let-values (((mid right) (bit-string-split-at mid (- high-bit low-bit))))
(define (bits->bytes bit-count)
(quotient (+ 7 bit-count) 8))
(define (bit-string-byte-count x)
(bits->bytes (bit-string-length x)))
(check-equal? (bit-string-byte-count (bytes #xff)) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-byte-count (bytes #xff #x00)) 2)
(check-equal? (bit-string-byte-count (bit-slice (bytes #xff #x00) 6 16)) 2)
(check-equal? (bit-string-byte-count (bit-slice (bytes #xff #x00) 6 14)) 1)
(define (bits->bytes+slop bit-count)
(let* ((byte-count (quotient (+ 7 bit-count) 8))
(slop (- (* 8 byte-count) bit-count)))
(values byte-count slop)))
(define (bit-string-byte-count+slop x)
(bits->bytes+slop (bit-string-length x)))
(check-equal? (let-values (((b s) (bit-string-byte-count+slop
(bit-slice (bytes #xff #x00) 6 16))))
(list b s))
(list 2 6))
(define (bit-mask width)
(sub1 (arithmetic-shift 1 width)))
(define (copy-bits! target target-offset source source-offset remaining-count)
(let-values (((target-byte target-shift) (quotient/remainder target-offset 8))
((source-byte source-shift) (quotient/remainder source-offset 8)))
(define (bump-target! bits)
(let-values (((whole-bytes remaining-bits) (quotient/remainder (+ target-shift bits) 8)))
(set! target-byte (+ target-byte whole-bytes))
(set! target-shift remaining-bits)))
(define (bump-source! bits)
(let-values (((whole-bytes remaining-bits) (quotient/remainder (+ source-shift bits) 8)))
(set! source-byte (+ source-byte whole-bytes))
(set! source-shift remaining-bits)))
(define (shuffle! bit-count)
(when (positive? bit-count)
(let ((old (bytes-ref target target-byte))
(new (bytes-ref source source-byte))
(mask (bit-mask bit-count)))
(let ((target-mask (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift mask (- 8 target-shift bit-count))))
(source-mask (arithmetic-shift mask (- 8 source-shift bit-count))))
(bytes-set! target target-byte
(bitwise-ior (bitwise-and old target-mask)
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and new source-mask)
(- source-shift target-shift))))))
(set! remaining-count (- remaining-count bit-count))
(bump-target! bit-count)
(bump-source! bit-count)))
(when (positive? source-shift)
(let ((source-left-overlap (min remaining-count (- 8 source-shift)))
(remaining-in-first-target-byte (- 8 target-shift)))
(if (> source-left-overlap remaining-in-first-target-byte)
(begin (shuffle! remaining-in-first-target-byte)
(shuffle! (- source-left-overlap remaining-in-first-target-byte)))
(shuffle! source-left-overlap))))
(let ((remaining-whole-bytes (quotient remaining-count 8)))
(if (zero? target-shift)
(begin (bytes-copy! target target-byte
source source-byte
(+ source-byte remaining-whole-bytes))
(set! target-byte (+ target-byte remaining-whole-bytes))
(set! source-byte (+ source-byte remaining-whole-bytes))
(set! remaining-count (remainder remaining-count 8)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i remaining-whole-bytes))
(shuffle! (- 8 target-shift))
(shuffle! (- 8 source-shift)))))
(when (positive? remaining-count)
(let ((remaining-in-first-target-byte (- 8 target-shift)))
(if (> remaining-count remaining-in-first-target-byte)
(begin (shuffle! remaining-in-first-target-byte)
(shuffle! remaining-count))
(shuffle! remaining-count))))
(check-equal? (let ((buf (bytes 0))) (copy-bits! buf 4 (bytes 255 255 255) 17 4) buf)
(bytes 15))
(check-equal? (let ((buf (bytes 0 0 0 0)))
(copy-bits! buf 6 (bytes 255 255 255 255) 2 12)
(bytes #b00000011 #b11111111 #b11000000 #b00000000))
(define (bit-string-pack! x buf offset)
((bytes? x)
(copy-bits! buf offset x 0 (* 8 (bytes-length x))))
((bit-slice? x)
(copy-bits! buf offset
(bit-slice-binary x) (bit-slice-low-bit x)
(- (bit-slice-high-bit x) (bit-slice-low-bit x))))
((splice? x)
(let* ((left (splice-left x))
(left-length (bit-string-length left)))
(bit-string-pack! left buf offset)
(bit-string-pack! (splice-right x) buf (+ offset left-length))))))
(check-equal? (let ((buf (bytes 0 0 0 0)))
(bit-string-pack! (bytes 255) buf 4)
(bytes 15 240 0 0))
(define (flatten-to-bytes x align-right?)
(let-values (((byte-count bits-remaining)
(bit-string-byte-count+slop x)))
(let ((buf (make-bytes byte-count 0)))
(bit-string-pack! x buf (if align-right? bits-remaining 0))
(if (zero? bits-remaining)
(bit-slice buf 0 (bit-string-length x))))))
(define (bit-string-pack x)
((bytes? x)
((bit-slice? x)
(if (= (bytes-length (bit-slice-binary x))
(bit-string-byte-count x))
(flatten-to-bytes x #f)))
((splice? x)
(flatten-to-bytes x #f))))
(check-equal? (bit-string-pack (bytes 1)) (bytes 1))
(check-equal? (bit-string-pack (bit-slice (bytes 255 255) 2 14))
(bit-slice (bytes 255 255) 2 14))
(check-equal? (bit-string-pack (bit-slice (bytes 255 255) 2 4))
(bit-slice (bytes 192) 0 2))
(define (bit-string->bytes x)
(bit-string->bytes/align x #f))
(define (bit-string->bytes/align x align-right?)
(if (bytes? x)
(let ((v (flatten-to-bytes x align-right?)))
(if (bit-slice? v)
(bit-slice-binary v)
(check-equal? (bit-string-pack (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16))
(bit-slice (bytes 252 0) 0 10))
(check-equal? (bit-string->bytes (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16))
(bytes 252 0))
(check-equal? (bit-string->bytes/align (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16) #t)
(bytes 3 240))
(define (bit-string->integer x big-endian? signed?)
(let ((width (bit-string-length x)))
(define (fix-signed value)
((not signed?) value)
((< value (arithmetic-shift 1 (sub1 width))) value)
(else (- value (arithmetic-shift 1 width)))))
(if big-endian?
(let* ((bs (bit-string->bytes/align x #t))
(count (bytes-length bs)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(acc 0 (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift acc 8)
(bytes-ref bs i))))
((= i count) (fix-signed acc))))
(let* ((bs (bit-string->bytes/align x #f))
(count (bytes-length bs)))
(do ((i (- count 1) (- i 1))
(acc 0 (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift acc 8)
(bytes-ref bs i))))
((< i 0) (fix-signed acc)))))))
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 1 2 3 4) #t #f) #x01020304)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 129 2 3 4) #t #f) #x81020304)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 129 2 3 4) #t #t) (- #x81020304 #x100000000))
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 1 2 3 4) #f #f) #x04030201)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 1 2 3 132) #f #f) #x84030201)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bytes 1 2 3 132) #f #t) (- #x84030201 #x100000000))
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16) #f #f) 252)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16) #f #t) 252)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16) #t #f) 1008)
(check-equal? (bit-string->integer (bit-slice (bytes 255 240 0) 6 16) #t #t) -16)
(define (integer->bit-string n width big-endian?)
(let-values (((whole-bytes bits-remaining) (bits->bytes+slop width)))
(let ((bin (make-bytes whole-bytes)))
(if big-endian?
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i whole-bytes)
(sub-bit-string bin bits-remaining (* 8 whole-bytes)))
(let ((low-bit (* (- whole-bytes i 1) 8)))
(bytes-set! bin i (bitwise-bit-field n low-bit (+ low-bit 8)))))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i whole-bytes)
(sub-bit-string bin 0 width))
(let ((low-bit (* i 8)))
(bytes-set! bin i (bitwise-bit-field n low-bit (+ low-bit 8)))))))))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string #x01020304 32 #t) (bytes 1 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string #x81020304 32 #t) (bytes 129 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string (- #x81020304 #x100000000) 32 #t) (bytes 129 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string #x04030201 32 #f) (bytes 1 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string #x84030201 32 #f) (bytes 1 2 3 132))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string (- #x84030201 #x100000000) 32 #f) (bytes 1 2 3 132))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string 252 10 #f) (bit-slice (bytes 252 0) 0 10))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string 1008 10 #t) (bit-slice (bytes 3 240) 6 16))
(check-equal? (integer->bit-string -16 10 #t) (bit-slice (bytes 255 240) 6 16))
(check-equal? (let-values (((a b) (bit-string-split-at-or-false (bytes 1) -2)))
(or a b))
(check-equal? (let-values (((a b) (bit-string-split-at-or-false (bytes 1) 2)))
(and (equal? (bit-string->bytes/align a #t) (bytes 0))
(equal? (bit-string->bytes/align b #t) (bytes 1))))
(check-equal? (let-values (((a b) (bit-string-split-at-or-false (bytes 1) 20)))
(or a b))
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bit-string-append (bytes 4) (bytes 0)) 5) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string-ref (bit-string-append (bytes 0) (bytes 4)) 13) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string->bytes (sub-bit-string (sub-bit-string (bytes 255) 1 6)
1 4))
(bytes #xe0))
(check-equal? (bit-string->bytes
(sub-bit-string (bit-string-append (bytes 1) (bytes 2)) 0 8))
(bytes 1))
(check-equal? (bit-string-pack (sub-bit-string
(bit-string-append (bytes 1)
(bit-slice (bytes 255) 1 6))
4 12))
(bytes 31))