#lang setup/infotab
(define name "affine-contracts")
(define blurb
(list "Affine contracts for one-shot functions and boxes"))
(define scribblings '(("manual.scrbl" ())))
(define categories '(misc devtools))
(define version "0.2.1")
(define primary-file "main.ss")
(define release-notes
(list '(ul
(li "0.2.0: Added facilities for defining new types of "
"affine boxes.")
(li "Unclear what the required version of PLT Scheme should be. "
"However, we use an undocumented contract accessor proj-get, "
"so it definitely depends on that. It's known to work with "
", but I suspect that's overly restrictive.")
(li "Initial release"))))
(define required-core-version "4.1.4")
(define repositories '("4.x"))