#lang scribble/doc @require[(file "base.ss")] @title[#:tag "delirium"]{Delirium API} The Delirium API invokes Delirium. This API is provided by the main file @file{delirium.ss} which you can require as follows: @schemeblock[ (require (planet "delirium.ss" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))] @defproc[(run-delirium [request request?] [test schemeunit-test?] [run-tests procedure? test/text-ui]) response?] Runs Delirium with the given @schemeid[test] (which can be a test suite or test case) in response to the given web server @schemeid[request]. The optional @schemeid[run-tests] argument specifies a function to actually run the tests. It defaults to @schemeid[test/text-ui] provided by SchemeUnit. @defproc[(schemeunit-test? [test any]) boolean] Returns @scheme[#t] if @schemeid[test] is either a SchemeUnit test suite or test case, and @scheme[#f] otherwise. @section[#:tag "delirium-instaweb"]{Delirium Instaweb Integration} The Delirium/Instaweb integration is provided by the file @file{instaweb.ss} which you can require as follows: @schemeblock[ (require (planet "instaweb.ss" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))] It provides a single function, @schemeid[instaweb/delirium]. @defproc[(instaweb/delirium [#:port port integer] [#:test test schemeunit-test?] [#:listen-ip listen-ip (or/c string? #f) ""] [#:run-tests run-tests procedure? test/text-ui] [#:servlet-path servlet-path (or/c path? string?) "servlet.ss"] [#:htdocs-path htdocs-path (or/c path? string?) instaweb-default] [#:servlet-namespace servlet-namespace (listof require-spec?) instaweb-default] [run-tests? boolean #t] [send-url? boolean #t] [test-url url? (string->url (format "http://localhost:~a/test" port))] [new-window? boolean #t]) void?] Constructs a servlet that serves requests to @schemeid[test-url] with Delirium and all other requests with files in @schemeid[htdocs-path] or the servlet given in @scheme[servlet-path] as per the standard Instaweb rules. The arguments @schemeid[port], @schemeid[listen-ip], @schemeid[servlet-path], @schemeid[htdocs-path], and @schemeid[servlet-namespace] have the same meaning as in Instaweb The argument @schemeid[run-tests] has the same meaning as in @scheme[run-delirium]. The argument @schemeid[test-url] is the URL that invokes Delirum. By default it is @tt{http://localhost:/test}. The argument @schemeid[run-tests?] determines if Delirium is actually installed at @schemeid[test-url]. This provides a simple way to toggle test and production versions of your site. The argument @schemeid[send-url?] determines if a web browser is immediatelydirected to @schemeid[test-url], and @schemeid[new-window?] determines if a new window is opened if a web browser is already running. Practically speaking, to use @scheme[instaweb/delirium] the options you will want to set are as follows: @itemize{ @item{Set a value for @schemeid[port] and @schemeid[test]} @item{Set options as for Instaweb} @item{Set @schemeid[run-tests?] to @scheme[#f] if you're running in production} } If you're not running in production a web browser will be automatically opened and start running your tests. If you are running in production your web site will just run as normal!