Delirium Web Testing Framework
Delirium Web Testing Framework
by Dave Gurnell and Noel Welsh
{dave, noel} at untyped
Delirium is a web testing framework that integrates with SchemeUnit and the PLT
web server.
Nota Bene: This documentation was converted -- by hand -- from Scribble
generated HTML. There may be some errors from the conversion process.
What is Delirium?
Delirium is a tool for testing PLT web application user interfaces. It allows
programmers to write tests with unprecedented clarity and speed. Delirium is
built on top of SchemeUnit and the PLT Web Server.
Web interface testing is difficult because you need to control the server and
the browser at the same time. Delirium gives you the ability to write a single
SchemeUnit script that does both in a single test script. There is very little
configuration involved (especially if you are using the Instaweb PLaneT
package) and you won't need to write a lick of Javascript.
Here is an example test case that tests a login page for a simple web
(test-case "Users can log in via the login page"
; The test database starts off empty: we need a new user:
(let ([user (make-user #:username "dave" #:password "password")]
[now (current-milliseconds)])
; Save the user to the database:
(save! user)
; Open the login page in the browser and wait for the page refresh:
(open/wait "/login")
; Fill in the login form in the browser:
(type (node/id 'username-field "dave")) ; Type in the username
(type (node/id 'password-field "password")) ; Type in the password
; Click 'Submit' and wait for the page to refresh:
(click/wait 'submit-button)
; Check the page title is 'Welcome, dave!'
(check-equal? (title-ref) "Welcome, dave!")
; Check the login was recorded:
(check > (user-last-login user) now)))
This is a standard SchemeUnit test-case being run by the Delirium framework.
The code used comes from three sources:
* Delirium tests are defined on the server, so they have access to all the
library code used in the web application being tested. The make-user,
save! and user-last-login in the example are all imported from the
application itself.
* Delirium is built on top of SchemeUnit, which provides a rich testing
framework. The test-case, check and check-equal? forms in the example are
standard procedures and macros from SchemeUnit.
* Delirium provides an API for remote-controlling the web browser. The
open/wait, click/wait, node/id, type and title-ref procedures in the
example work by remotely executing Javascript code on the browser and
returning the results.
Note that, like SchemeUnit tests, Delirium tests are all fully fledged Scheme
code: you can use all the abstractions that you would expect, including loops,
conditionals, procedures and macros. Gone are the days of writing tests as an
HTML table!
How does it work?
Delirium only works on web applications created for the PLT Web Server. You set
up your application so it can be run in two different modes:
* Production mode bypasses all of the Delirium setup and simply runs your
* Test mode runs your application with whatever external resources
(databases, configuration files, user credentials) you need for testing,
and sets up a special test servlet that runs Delirium.
Here is an example start procedure from a test servlet:
; start : request -> response
(define (start request)
; run-delirium : request schemeunit-test-suite -> response
(run-delirium request my-ui-test-suite))
The test servlet is typically mapped to a URL like "http://localhost:8000/
test". When the servlet is invoked, run-delirium will send a test-page to the
browser. The test-page contains an iframe, to which all browser API calls like
open/wait are directed. All the test suite has to do is call open/wait on the
relevant part of the web application.
Delirium uses continuations to maintain a REPL-style testing loop:
* Run the test code until a browser API call is made.
* Send the command to the browser.
* Wait for a result from the browser.
* Return the result to the test code and loop.
Commands are sent to the browser as fragments of Javascript. Results are sent
back in JSON format and are parsed into Scheme data structures.
Using Delirium with Instaweb
Delirium has been built specifically to work with version 2 of the Instaweb
PLaneT package. Simply change your Instaweb import statement from:
(planet "" ("schematics" "instaweb.plt" 2))
(planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 2))
and change your call to instaweb to a call to instaweb/delirium. This procedure
takes a few extra arguments that let you configure the test-suite to run and
choose production mode or test mode. In test mode, instaweb/delirium
automatically sets up the test servlet and Delirium's Javascript libraries: it
can even open the test page automatically in your web browser.
Browser API
The Delirium browser API is provided by the main "" which you can
require as follows:
(require (planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))
The procedures in the browser API are organised into three modules as follows:
* Selectors access nodes on the current page. Selectors are used in
conjunction with commands and accessors to specify the bits of the page
with which you wish to interact. For example, node/id selects an HTML
element by its ID attribute.
* Accessors query some aspect of the browser or current page and return it
to the server. For example, title-ref retrieves the <title> attribute of
the current page.
* Commands tell the browser to perform an action such as clicking a link or
typing in a URL. For example, type enters text into a text-field.
Each module may be required separately:
(require (planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1))
(planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1))
(planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))
Javascript representations
First, a brief aside on Javascript representations. Delirium sends commands to
the client as Javascript thunks. These thunks are assembled using the AST
structures from Dave Herman's javascript.plt package.
Delirium takes care of all of this internally. The internal workings are only
exposed through contracts on the arguments and return values on selectors,
accessors and commands:
(javascript-expression? item) -> boolean?
item : any
(javascript-statement? item) -> boolean?
item : any
Selectors create Javascript fragments that, when executed in the browser,
select arrays of nodes from the page.
On the browser side, all selectors return arrays of nodes: even those that
cannot select more than one node. This allows selectors to be nested. Most
selectors can take another selector as an optional first argument, allowing you
to specify the part(s) of the page you want to search.
Delirium provides the following built-in selectors:
(node/document) -> javascript-expression?
Selects the document element of the current page. Equivalent to selecting the
document object in Javascript.
(node/id [relative-to] id) -> javascript-expression?
relative-to : javascript-expression? = (node/document)
id : (U string? symbol?)
Selects an element by its ID attribute. Equivalent to using
document.getElementById in Javascript.
(node/tag [relative-to] tag-name) -> javascript-expression?
relative-to : javascript-expression? = (node/document)
tag-name : (U string? symbol?)
Selects elements by their tag name. Equivalent to using
element.getElementsByTag in Javascript.
(node/xpath [relative-to] xpath) -> javascript-expression?
relative-to : javascript-expression? = (node/document)
xpath : string?
Selects nodes using an XPath query string.
(node/link/text [relative-to] text) -> javascript-expression?
relative-to : javascript-expression? = (node/document)
text : string?
Selects links that contain the specified text (doesn't have to be a complete
Accessors query parts of the current page in the browser and return their
values as Scheme literals. Delirium defines the following built-in accessors:
(title-ref) -> string?
Returns the value of the <title> element of the current page.
Commands tell the browser to perform an action. Examples include entering form
data or typing in a URL. The following built-in commands are implemented as
SchemeUnit checks, to provide useful error messages in the case of failure:
(open/wait url [name]) -> void?
url : (U string? (-> request? response?))
name : string? = #f
Opens the specified url in the browser and waits for the page to refresh. The
check fails if an exception is thrown in the Javascript code.
The name argument allows you to name the check.
(click/wait selector [name]) -> void?
selector : javascript-expression?
name : string? = #f
Clicks the specified element(s) in the browser and waits for the page to
refresh. The check fails if no elements are selected or an exception is thrown
in the Javascript code.
The name argument allows you to name the check.
(click selector [name]) -> void?
selector : javascript-expression?
name : string? = #f
Clicks the specified element(s) in the browser. The check fails if no elements
are selected or an exception is thrown in the Javascript code.
The name argument allows you to name the check.
(select selector value [name]) -> void?
selector : javascript-expression?
value : (U string? symbol?)
name : string? = #f
Selects a value in the selected <select> element(s). The value argument refers
to the value attributes on the <option> elements of the select:
<select name="name">
<option value="value1">Text</option>
<option value="value2">Text</option>
<option value="value3">Text</option>
The check fails if no elements are selected, the value is not found in any
element, or an exception is thrown in the Javascript code.
The name argument allows you to name the check.
(type selector text [name]) -> void?
selector : javascript-expression?
text : string?
name : string? = #f
Types some text into the selected text field(s) or <textarea>(s). The check
fails if no elements are selected or an exception is thrown in the Javascript
The name argument allows you to name the check.
Delirium API
The Delirium API invokes Delirium. This API is provided by the main file
"" which you can require as follows:
(require (planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))
(run-delirium request test [run-tests]) -> response?
request : request?
test : schemeunit-test?
run-tests : procedure? = test/text-ui
Runs Delirium with the given test (which can be a test suite or test case) in
response to the given web server request.
The optional run-tests argument specifies a function to actually run the tests.
It defaults to test/text-ui provided by SchemeUnit.
(schemeunit-test? test) -> boolean
test : any
Returns #t if test is either a SchemeUnit test suite or test case, and #f
Delirium/Instaweb integration
The Delirium/Instaweb integration is provided by the file "" which
you can require as follows:
(require (planet "" ("untyped" "delirium.plt" 1)))
It provides a single function, instaweb/delirium.
(instaweb/delirium #:port port
#:test test
[ #:listen-ip listen-ip
#:run-tests run-tests
#:servlet-path servlet-path
#:htdocs-path htdocs-path
#:servlet-namespace servlet-namespace
-> void?
port : integer
test : schemeunit-test?
listen-ip : (or/c string? #f) = ""
run-tests : procedure? = test/text-ui
servlet-path : (or/c path? string?) = ""
htdocs-path : (or/c path? string?) = instaweb-default
servlet-namespace : (listof require-spec?) = instaweb-default
run-tests? : boolean = #t
send-url? : boolean = #t
test-url : url?
= (string->url(format"http://localhost:~a/test"port))
new-window? : boolean = #t
Constructs a servlet that serves requests to test-url with Delirium and all
other requests with files in htdocs-path or the servlet given in servlet-path
as per the standard Instaweb rules.
The arguments port, listen-ip, servlet-path, htdocs-path, and servlet-namespace
have the same meaning as in Instaweb
The argument run-tests has the same meaning as in run-delirium.
The argument test-url is the URL that invokes Delirum. By default it is http://
The argument run-tests? determines if Delirium is actually installed at test-
url. This provides a simple way to toggle test and production versions of your
The argument send-url? determines if a web browser is immediatelydirected to
test-url, and new-window? determines if a new window is opened if a web browser
is already running.
Practically speaking, to use instaweb/delirium the options you will want to set
are as follows:
* Set a value for port and test
* Set options as for Instaweb
* Set run-tests? to #f if you're running in production
If you're not running in production a web browser will be automatically opened
and start running your tests. If you are running in production your web site
will just run as normal!