#lang scheme/base

(require mzlib/etc
         (planet untyped/unlib:3/hash)

; Helpers --------------------------------------

(define-struct normal (a b c) #:transparent)

; Tests ----------------------------------------

(define era-tests
  (test-suite ""
    (test-case "struct-id and set-struct-id!"
        (define struct (make-person "Dave"))
        (check-equal? (struct-id struct) #f)
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (check-equal? (struct-id struct) 1)))
    (test-case "struct-saved?"
        (define struct (make-person "Dave"))
        (check-false (struct-saved? struct))
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (check-true (struct-saved? struct) "check 2")))
    (test-case "struct-revision and set-struct-revision!"
        (define struct (make-person "Dave"))
        (check-equal? (struct-revision struct) #f "check 1")
        (set-struct-revision! struct 1000)
        (check-equal? (struct-revision struct) 1000 "check 2")))
    (test-case "field accessors and mutators"
        (define struct (make-pet 3 "Garfield"))
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (set-struct-revision! struct 2)
        (check-equal? (pet-owner-id struct) 3          "check 1")
        (check-equal? (pet-name struct)     "Garfield" "check 2")
        (set-pet-owner-id! struct 4)
        (set-pet-name! struct "Odie")
        (check-equal? (pet-owner-id struct) 4          "check 3")
        (check-equal? (pet-name struct)     "Odie"     "check 4")))
    (test-eq? "struct-entity"
      (struct-entity (make-person "Dave"))
    (test-exn "struct-entity: raises exception when argument isn't a persistent struct"
      (lambda ()
        (define-struct test (a b c))
        (struct-entity (make-test 1 2 3))))
    (test-case "entity-attributes"
        (define attrs (entity-attributes entity:pet))
        (check-equal? (map attribute-name attrs)
                      '(id revision owner-id name)
                      "check 1")
        (check-equal? (map attribute-column-name attrs)
                      '(id revision ownerID name)
                      "check 1b")
        (check-equal? (map attribute-index attrs)
                      '(0 1 2 3)
                      "check 2")
        (check-equal? (map attribute-type attrs)
                      (list type:id type:revision type:integer type:string)
                      "check 3")
        (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
          (cut entity-attributes #f) "check 4")))
    (test-case "entity-has-attribute?"
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'id))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet attr:pet-id))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'revision))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet attr:pet-revision))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'owner-id))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet attr:pet-owner-id))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'name))
      (check-true  (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet attr:pet-name))
      (check-false (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'NAME))
      (check-false (entity-has-attribute? entity:pet 'fake))
      (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
        (cut entity-has-attribute? #f 'name)))
    (test-case "entity-attribute"
        ; attribute -> (list symbol integer boolean booleab type)
        (define (testable-attribute-bits attr)
          (list (attribute-name attr)
                (attribute-column-name attr)
                (attribute-index attr)
                (procedure? (attribute-accessor attr))
                (procedure? (attribute-mutator attr))
                (attribute-type attr)))
        (define-check (check-attribute attr+name expected)
          (check-equal? (testable-attribute-bits (entity-attribute entity:pet attr+name)) expected))
        (let ([expected (list 'id 'id 0 #t #t type:id)])
          (check-attribute 'id expected)
          (check-attribute attr:pet-id expected))
        (let ([expected (list 'revision 'revision 1 #t #t type:revision)])
          (check-attribute 'revision expected)
          (check-attribute attr:pet-revision expected))
        (let ([expected (list 'owner-id 'ownerID 2 #t #t type:integer)])
          (check-attribute 'owner-id expected)
          (check-attribute attr:pet-owner-id expected))
        (let ([expected (list 'name 'name 3 #t #t type:string)])
          (check-attribute 'name expected)
          (check-attribute attr:pet-name expected))

        (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
          (cut entity-attribute #f 'name))))
    (test-case "attribute-entity"
      (check-equal? (attribute-entity attr:person-id) entity:person)
      (check-equal? (attribute-entity attr:pet-id) entity:pet))
    (test-case "struct-has-attribute?"
        (define struct (make-pet 3 "Garfield"))
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (set-struct-revision! struct 2)
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct 'id))
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct attr:pet-id))
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct 'revision))
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct attr:pet-revision))
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct 'owner-id))
        (check-true (struct-has-attribute? struct attr:pet-owner-id))
        (define struct2 (make-normal 1 2 3))
        (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
          (cut struct-has-attribute? struct2 'id))))
    (test-case "struct-attribute"
        (define struct (make-pet 3 "Garfield"))
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (set-struct-revision! struct 2)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct 'id) 1)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct attr:pet-id) 1)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct 'revision) 2)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct attr:pet-revision) 2)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct 'owner-id) 3)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct attr:pet-owner-id) 3)
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct 'name) "Garfield")
        (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct attr:pet-name) "Garfield")
        (define struct2 (make-normal 1 2 3))
        (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
          (cut struct-attribute struct2 'id))))
    (test-case "set-struct-attribute!"
        (define struct (make-pet 3 "Garfield"))
        (define-check (check-attribute attr+name expected)
          (check-false (equal? (struct-attribute struct attr+name) expected))
          (set-struct-attribute! struct attr+name expected)
          (check-equal? (struct-attribute struct attr+name) expected))
        (check-attribute 'id 100)
        (check-attribute attr:pet-id 300)
        (check-attribute 'revision 100)
        (check-attribute attr:pet-revision 300)
        (check-attribute 'owner-id 100)
        (check-attribute attr:pet-owner-id 200)
        (check-attribute 'name "Odie")
        (check-attribute attr:pet-name "Nermal")))
    (test-case "struct-attributes"
        (define struct (make-pet 3 "Garfield"))
        (set-struct-id! struct 1)
        (set-struct-revision! struct 2)
        (check-equal? (struct-attributes struct)
                      (list 1 2 3 "Garfield")
                      "check 1")
        (define struct2 (make-normal 1 2 3))
        (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
          (cut struct-attributes struct2)
          "check 2")))
    (test-case "make-persistent-struct/defaults"
      (check-equal? (check-not-exn (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person))
                    (make-person #f)
                    "no attributes")
      (check-equal? (check-not-exn (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:person-name "Dave"))
                    (make-person "Dave")
                    "attribute from the type in question")
      (check-equal? (struct-id (check-not-exn (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person 'id 123)))
                    "attribute from super type")
      (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
        (cut struct-id (make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:pet-name 123))
        "attribute from different type")
      (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
        (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:person-name)
        "no value for attribute")
      (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
        (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:person-name attr:person-id)
        "consecutive attributes")
      (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
        (cut make-persistent-struct/defaults entity:person attr:person-name "Dave" attr:person-name "Dave")
        "repeated attributes"))
    (test-case "copy-persistent-struct"
        (define struct1
          (let ([ans (make-person "Dave")])
            (set-struct-id! ans 1)
            (set-struct-revision! ans 200)
        (check-pred integer? (struct-id struct1) "check 1")
        (let ([struct2 (copy-persistent-struct struct1)])
          ; Check struct1 and struct2 are different structures:
          (check-false (eq? struct2 struct1) "check 2")
          (check-equal? struct2 struct1 "check 3")
          ; Check struct1 and struct2 have the same ID, revision and attributes:
          (check-equal? (struct-id struct2)        (struct-id struct1)        "check 4")
          (check-equal? (struct-revision struct2)  (struct-revision struct1)  "check 5")
          (check-equal? (person-name struct2)      (person-name struct1)      "check 6"))
        (let ([struct2 (copy-persistent-struct struct1 attr:person-name "Noel")])
          ; Check struct1 and struct2 are different structures:
          (check-false (eq? struct2 struct1) "check 8")
          (check-false (eq? struct2 struct1) "check 9")
          ; Check struct1 and struct2 have the same ID, revision and attributes:
          (check-equal? (struct-id struct2)        (struct-id struct1)        "check 10")
          (check-equal? (struct-revision struct2)  (struct-revision struct1)  "check 11")
          (check-false  (equal? (person-name struct2) (person-name struct1))  "check 12"))))
    (test-case "update-persistent-struct-from-copy!"
        (define pet1 (make-pet 1 "Garfield"))
        (define pet2 (make-pet 2 "Heathcliff"))
        (for-each set-struct-id! 
                  (list pet1 pet2)
                  (list 1 2))
        (for-each set-struct-revision!
                  (list pet1 pet2)
                  (list 1 2))
        (update-persistent-struct-from-copy! pet1 pet2)
        (check-equal? (pet-id pet1) 2 "check 1")
        (check-equal? (pet-revision pet1) 2 "check 2")
        (check-equal? (pet-owner-id pet1) 2 "check 3")
        (check-equal? (pet-name pet1) "Heathcliff" "check 4")
        (check-equal? pet1 pet2 "check 5")
        (check-false (eq? pet1 pet2) "check 6")))))

; Provide statements -----------------------------

(provide era-tests)