#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual) @title{LeftParen Documentation} Website: @link["http://leftparen.com"]{http://leftparen.com} LeftParen is a framework for quickly creating web apps. It runs on PLT Scheme v399 or greater. @section{Installing LeftParen} You'll need PLT Scheme v399 or greater installed. Note that this version is not officially released yet, so you you'll need to get it from the @link["http://pre.plt-scheme.org/installers/"]{pre-release download page}. Make sure that @scheme[mzscheme] is in your path. You should be ready to go if you can do this: @verbatim{ % mzscheme Welcome to MzScheme v3.99... > } Note that the particular version of MzScheme you have is likely unimportant, as long as it's 3.99 or higher. Installing LeftParen proper is done with a @link["http://planet.plt-scheme.org/"]{PLaneT} @scheme[require]. See @secref{tutorials} for an example of this. When you first issue one of these @scheme[require] commands, you'll automatically download the LeftParen files to your local PLaneT cache. This can sometimes take a few moments, so be prepared to wait a bit. @section[#:tag "tutorials"]{Tutorials} @subsection{Hello, World} We're going to make a project called @tt{hello-world}. Change to the directory that you'd like to make the project in. Then issue @verbatim{% mzscheme -e '(require (planet "bootstrap.scm" ("vegashacker" "leftparen.plt" 1 0)))' project hello-world} This will create a @tt{hello-world} project directory for you. In this directory you'll find the @tt{script} directory, which contains some useful scripts. We need to make these scripts executable though: @verbatim{% chmod u+x hello-world/script/*} LeftParen has automatically generated everything we need to run our web app---we just need to start the server: @verbatim{ % ./hello-world/script/server Web server started on port 8765 Listening on IP address: Type stop to stop the server and exit Type restart to restart the server } Point your browser to @link["http://localhost:8765"]{http://localhost:8765} and you should see a familiar greeting: @tt{Hello, World!} @subsection{Blogerton the Blog} Now let's try implementing the true "hello world" of web apps---a blog. First, execute the following commands from the directory in which you want to create your project directory: @verbatim{ % mzscheme -e '(require (planet "bootstrap.scm" ("vegashacker" "leftparen.plt" 1 0)))' project blogerton} % chmod u+x blogerton/script/* } @subsubsection{Changes to @tt{app.scm}} We need to register a couple of pages in our app. The @scheme[index-page] was already set up for you, but you'll need to add a page to create new posts, and one to view them. Make the @scheme[define-app] call look like this: @schemeblock[ (define-app my-app (index-page (url "/")) (create-post-page (url "/post")) (view-post-page (url "/view/" (string-arg)))) ] @subsubsection{Changes to @tt{main.scm}} Now we need to define those pages that we declared in @tt{app.scm}. @schemeblock[ (define-page (index-page req) `(h1 "Blogerton") `(p ,(web-link "Create a new post" (page-url create-post-page))) `(ul ,@(map (lambda (p) `(li ,(paint-blog-post p))) (load-where '((type . blog-post)) #:sort-by 'created_at #:compare >)))) (define-page (create-post-page req) (form '((title "Title" text) (body "Body" long-text)) #:init '((type . blog-post)) #:on-done (lambda (post) (redirect-to-page view-post-page (rec-id post))))) (define-page (view-post-page req post-id) (paint-blog-post (load-rec post-id #:ensure '((type . blog-post))))) (define (paint-blog-post post) `(div (h2 ,(rec-prop post 'title)) (p ,(rec-prop post 'body)))) ] @subsubsection{Launch Blogerton} You're ready for launch. Start the server with @verbatim{% ./blogerton/script/server} and you should have a basic blogging app, with persistent data, in 19 lines of code. @section{About/Acknowledgements} LeftParen was written by @link["http://robhunter.org"]{Rob Hunter}, but it builds heavily on (and, in fact, often directly incorporates) the work of @link["http://untyped.com/"]{Untyped} (@link["http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=instaservlet.plt&owner=untyped"]{instaservlet} and @link["http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=dispatch.plt&owner=untyped"]{dispatch}), @link["http://scheme.dk/blog/"]{Jens Axel Soegaard} (@link["http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=web.plt&owner=soegaard"]{web.plt}), and of course, @link["http://www.plt-scheme.org/"]{PLT Scheme}.